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Reproductive Rights vs. Unborn’s Right to Life.

Universally, the debate on reproductive rights and the unborn’s right to life has been controversial since people present different perspectives. In American society and across the globe, the discussion over reproductive rights and the unborn’s right to live has dominated for years. The debates surround the conflicting values and beliefs following the rights of an expectant woman and the moral status of unborn children. Proponents of reproductive rights claim that the female gender ought to have the sovereignty to make choices regarding their bodies. Some individuals support the right of unborn children, whereby they are supposed to have equal rights as any other person. This group perceives abortion to be morally wrong, and it is a violation of the right to life for the unborn. All these perspectives are divided by several factors, such as constitutional rights, religion, and cultural differences. Reproductive rights ought to be upheld because they are vital for preserving the sovereignty of women, protecting their well-being, and reinforcing an equal and successful society.

Reproductive rights are the basis for ensuring women’s sovereignty and bodily integrity are attained. Reproductive rights are composed of the freedom that enables an individual to articulate decisions about reproductive health. Women’s autonomy and bodily integrity are essential and must be respected. As such, there is freedom to make decisions about bodies and issues associated with reproduction. There are international human rights frameworks like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (Quintavalla and Heine et al .677). This framework acknowledges and shiels reproductive rights as crucial components of women’s freedom and highlights the essence of women’s equality and autonomy. Although it is paramount to consider reproductive rights, being women’s autonomy and bodily integrity, it is important to understand that these rights should be done responsibly and in a way that respects the well-being of others. Opponents of reproductive rights may claim that these rights contradict religion and that it is important to respect the rights of people in holding various beliefs (Frohwirth et al. 384). Protecting rights does not need a person to engage in activities that do not align with their beliefs. American Medical Association acknowledges that reproductive rights are vital for women’s health. Accessing safe health services is important for protecting their health and allowing them to control their reproductive decisions.

Although the right to life of the unborn is authentic, it should be balanced with the overall rights of women. The idea of the right to life is universal and claims the value of protecting every person’s life. The unborn children are perceived to have the chance of living and there in need of protection (Reuter et al.3). Balancing this idea with the rights of the women depicts the complexity of the matter and the desire to settle both interests. Significantly, society has the mandate to value every life of the unborn, and it should be equalized with the well-being of the women who are autonomous with their agency. Perspectives such as ethical framework, cultural norms, and religious beliefs reinforce the validity of the need for the right to life (Roszkowska and Melé et al. 22). Not only is it crucial to acknowledge the rights of the unborn, but also it is vital to oversee the context revolving each case. Balancing the rights of the unborn and the women’s well-being uncovers the issue’s intricacy. Therefore, both rights deserve consideration and ensure that there is equity that respects women’s autonomy while acknowledging the unborn’s critical life.

Reproductive rights are always significant for an individual’s socioeconomic equality and freedom. Unexpected pregnancies have economic and social impacts, specifically for women in challenging conditions (Keenan et al.2). Inability to access reproductive healthcare and contraceptives propagates the rise of unplanned pregnancies contributing to restricted career prospects and financial strain among women. Most of the circumstances immensely lead to socioeconomic inequalities and prevent individual freedom. Advocating for reproductive rights, society at large can have the opportunity to address the channel of socioeconomic disparities and support personal freedom. Abortion services aid women in making informed choices concerning their reproductive health and engaging in social and economic spheres (Scheinerman and Callahan et al. 38). Sometimes, in society, some low-income women encounter unplanned pregnancies. If they cannot access reproductive healthcare and legal abortion services, they may end up living with a pregnancy unprepared for contributing to the financial crisis. Reproductive rights make people control their lives and be free from societal challenges.

Reproductive rights vividly agitate for the happiness and overall well-being of women, families, and society. When women are given a chance to plan for their own families, they can come up with instant informed choices on the issue of bearing children and the size of the family they need (Sudhinaraset et al.67). Planning aids women so that they can ensure that they and socially, emotionally and physically stable and prepared to raise their children. The happiness and well-being of the women, including their families, are linked with the potential to make decisions and have directives in their lives. Delivering reproductive rights makes the whole society empower women to exercise agency in considering their reproductive futures. Empowering women agitates for increased happiness, individual satisfaction, and overall achievement, positively affecting family dynamics.

On the other hand, it is essential to understand that reproductive rights as one cannot guarantee happiness and well-being. Still, they help in developing the conditions required for people and the community to thrive high. Opponents of reproductive rights can posit that reproductive rights contradict moral beliefs (Simkulet et al.14). It is crucial to be aware that reproductive rights advocate for the freedom to make decisions based on assumptions. Regarding the claim, research continuously illustrates that reproductive rights and contact with family planning propagate positive impacts specifically for women and families (Sudhinaraset et al. 54). According to studies, women who access family planning and other contraceptives depict low rate of unplanned pregnancies improved educational achievement and reduces the level of poverty. Therefore, these factors contribute primarily to increased happiness and well-being of the individuals.

In summary, the controversy over reproduction rights and the unborn’s right to life presents various points of view. However, reproductive rights are significant because they ensure women’s autonomy and overall well-being are attained. Through the process of allowing women to articulate decisions concerning reproductive health, fundamental freedom to autonomy is upheld. Restricting women from enjoying reproductive rights is a way of positioning their lives at a risk level. In this case, no request is superior to others because the unborn must have the right to life like any other human being. As such, it is crucial to balance the rights of women and the rights of the unborn, considering the possible effects of limiting reproductive rights. Advocating for reproductive rights is important because it enhances socioeconomic equity and individual freedom. The freedom allows women to participate in societal activities without complexities and to plan their families effectively. Protecting reproductive rights is a way of advocating for an equitable and successful society where women can raise their voices over their general well-being. To sum up, it is imperative to acknowledge and support reproductive rights as it is significant to the autonomy and well-being of women.

Works Cited

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