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Relationship-Building Essays

Title: Reflection on Social Work Practice: The Value of Relationship Building and Sitting With Difficult Emotions

In the article “But What Should I Say Next? 5 Tips for Social Workers,” Danna Bodenheimer stressed the need for competent communication in social work. Two topics from the related articles, “The Profound Act of Sitting With Difficult Emotions and the Value of Process in Social Work Practice” by Pamela Szczygiel and “Active Listening in ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 806

Relationship-Building and Its Impact on Secondary Student Behaviors and Attendance

Introduction In the context of secondary education, the skill of developing meaningful relationships takes on a significant role that goes beyond traditional teaching strategies and has a direct impact on student conduct and attendance. More than just a teaching tactic, the dynamic interaction between teachers and students is the foundation of a comprehensive and stimulating ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3829
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