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PSY150 Project 4 Stress and Health Discussion Forum


Stress, an inherent aspect of the human condition, functions as an innate response to the difficulties encountered in life. However, when stress becomes chronic or overwhelming, it may have detrimental effects on individuals’ physical and mental health. The present discussion explores the complexities of stress, examining its theoretical foundations, implications for health, strategies for managing it, and the many ways cultural influences shape stress reactions. Drawing upon the insightful perspectives derived from the scholarly resource “Stress and Health Chapter 12” and an additional seminal reference, the present discourse aims to comprehensively comprehend stress and its permanent ramifications (O’Connor et al., 2021). By integrating information derived from credible and authoritative sources, the objective is to provide people with a comprehensive understanding, enabling them to effectively navigate the consequences of stress and develop resilience in the face of the unavoidable trials of life.

What is stress? What kind of health problems can stress cause? What research findings about the effects of stress surprised you the most?

Stress is a complex response that encompasses both physiological and psychological aspects. It occurs when an individual’s coping mechanisms are overwhelmed by the demands or difficulties they encounter, triggering the activation of the innate “fight or flight” response. The complex procedure includes the secretion of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline, coordinating physiological changes to prepare the body for responding to the perceived danger (O’Connor et al., 2021). Nevertheless, the presence of chronic stress, which is defined by long-lasting heightened reactivity, has emerged as a significant worry due to its extensive consequences for health. The wide range of health problems associated with persistent stress, such as cardiovascular illnesses, reduced immunological function, digestive troubles, and mental health disorders, including anxiety and depression, highlights the extensive influence of stress on general well-being. Acknowledging and managing the complex relationship between stress and health are of utmost importance in fostering resilience and promoting proactive measures to protect against the possible series of negative consequences on both mental and physical well-being.

Numerous studies constantly shed light on the intricate relationship between stress and health, revealing a significant finding highlighting long-term stress’s impact on telomeres, which are protective structures at the ends of chromosomes. Research findings suggest that chronic stress might accelerate the process of cellular aging by reducing the length of telomeres, which may increase vulnerability to age-related diseases (Cassidy, 2022). This discovery highlights stress’s significant and pervasive influence, extending its effects to the molecular scale. Understanding molecular changes induced by stress enhances our understanding of the complex mechanisms by which stress may impact the development or advancement of age-related diseases, underscoring the significance of stress management as a comprehensive strategy for promoting overall health and well-being.

In the Blackboard video, Evelyn releases stress through aggression and appears to experience catharsis or emotional release. Although the video is fictional and intended to be humorous, it has often been suggested that releasing aggression alleviates aggression (called the catharsis hypothesis). However, today, not all researchers agree with this idea. Which side do you agree with and why?

The film explores the catharsis hypothesis, a well-established but debated concept in psychology, which suggests that the expression of aggressiveness might potentially alleviate violent inclinations. In this context, Evelyn seems to experience a sense of release by engaging in aggressive conduct (Cassidy, 2022). Nevertheless, current academic research critiques catharsis as a viable long-term approach to managing stress. Recent research indicates that the act of expressing anger or violence may not effectively reduce chronic stress in the long run. Instead, it has the potential to reinforce these behaviors, making people more prone to exhibiting violent reactions in subsequent situations. This complex viewpoint underscores the changing comprehension of stress management, moving away from the basic concept of catharsis and highlighting the need for more sophisticated and productive approaches to dealing with and alleviating violent tendencies.

From my standpoint, I align with the viewpoint that emphasizes the significance of alternate coping techniques that are more constructive. Participating in physical activity, practicing mindfulness, or seeking social support provides individuals with more beneficial means of coping with stress. These methods provide prompt alleviation and contribute to enduring emotional welfare, avoiding the possible adverse outcomes linked to forceful catharsis. This viewpoint emphasizes the importance of fostering positive and adaptive methods for stress management. It argues for a holistic strategy to enhance resilience and encourage long-lasting emotional well-being. This approach recognizes the intricate and diverse nature of successful tactics for dealing with stress.

What is the difference between problem-focused and emotion-focused coping? Give an example of how Evelyn could use these coping strategies in a more adaptive way to reduce stress.

The difference between problem-focused and emotion-focused coping approaches lies in their respective tactics for dealing with stress. Problem-focused coping usually involves immediately provoking the stressor, actively chasing the available resolutions, and implementing all tangible measures to effect change. On the other hand, emotion-focused coping is the procedure of efficiently regulating one’s emotional reaction as a way to stress, often by seeking assistance from other people or participating in activities that offer emotional solace (O’Connor et al., 2021). These two methods, problem-focused and emotion-focused coping, address different parts of the stress experience. Problem-focused coping aims at treating all the underlying causes of stress, while emotion-focused coping focuses on managing the emotional consequences of stress. Together, these methods offer people a necessary and flexible set of strategies to effectively navigate varied sources of stress.

In the film, it can be noted that Evelyn can achieve advantages mainly by utilizing a combination of coping mechanisms. Problem-focused coping strategies include the identification of all the underlying stressors, which in this case might be accredited to a challenging occupation (Movieclips, 2011). To mitigate this stress, the individual may participate in activities such as efficiently conveying all their workload issues to their supervisor or looking for resourceful support in managing their time. Emotion-focused coping strategies include various activities to achieve emotional release while avoiding aggressive behaviors. These may include indulging in hobbies, seeking social support via conversations with friends, or using relaxation methods such as deep breathing exercises.

Describe tools for reducing stress as described in the textbook. What is your favorite stress management strategy?

The textbook provides an overview of several stress management strategies, including cognitive-behavioral interventions, relaxation practices, and modifications to one’s lifestyle. Cognitive restructuring is a very successful method that entails confronting and modifying unfavorable thinking habits (O’Connor et al., 2021). Moreover, stress management often involves using relaxation techniques, such as progressive muscle relaxation and meditation, as often suggested.

As a person who has found consolation in the practice of mindfulness meditation as a means of dealing with stress, I can attest to the strategy’s efficacy in reducing anxiety and improving mood by training the mind to pay attention only to what is happening in the here and now. Integrating mindfulness into one’s daily routine has been shown to significantly positively affect one’s health and ability to bounce back from adversity. Its transforming impacts are short-lived and help establish a way of thinking beneficial to long-term mental health. By making mindfulness a regular part of my life, I have found that it has helped me deal with stress more effectively and develop an overall feeling of peace and serenity.

Discuss cultural differences in how people respond to and manage stress.

Cultural inequalities significantly influence people’s attitudes toward stress and the strategies they use to cope with it. Specific cultural contexts place a high value on community support, whereby people draw strength from their family or social networks, cultivating a collaborative approach to managing stress. On the other hand, it is worth noting that many cultures may prioritize individual coping mechanisms or choose professional intervention to manage sources of stress (Cassidy, 2022) effectively. The aforementioned cultural variances underscore the wide range of resources and values that impact individuals’ strategies for managing and adapting to stress. Understanding these cultural subtleties comprehensively is crucial in formulating efficacious and culturally attuned therapies that uphold and harmonize with people’s different methodologies to pursue well-being and resilience.

Furthermore, the manifestation of stress may be influenced by cultural norms. While some cultural contexts may promote openly expressing emotions, others may prioritize the values of stoicism or restraint. Comprehending and demonstrating respect for these cultural diversities is essential to provide efficacious assistance and interventions.


Cassidy, T. (2022). Stress, Cognition, and Health: Real World Examples and Practical Applications. Taylor & Francis.

Movieclips. (2011). Fried Green Tomatoes (7/10) Movie CLIP – Parking Lot Rage (1991) HD [Video]. YouTube.

O’Connor, D. B., Thayer, J. F., & Vedhara, K. (2021). Stress and health: A review of psychobiological processes. Annual review of psychologypp. 72, 663–688.


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