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Protecting Glance: Patentability and Safeguarding Gan Technology in Hairstyle Visualization Technology.


The coming of Look, a portable AR computerized reflect application, presents a weighty way for clients to take a stab at different hairdos continuously for all intents and purposes. The MVP of Look utilizes General Ill-disposed Organization (GAN) innovation, using the front camera to give clients a vivid and immediate experience of how chosen haircuts would look in their countenances.

Product Overview:

Look offers a consistent interaction for clients to see haircuts through constant fitting utilizing the front camera or by transferring a photograph for delivery. The application gives a different scope of styles and tones organized in a consistently refreshed assortment. Clients can save and share virtual makeovers via online entertainment, improving commitment and making a local area around customized style investigation. (Bix,.2022)

Customer Journey:

The imagined client venture for Look includes downloading the application, allowing admittance to the front camera, and transferring pictures or connections of wanted haircuts. Past the MVP, Look intends to execute progressed highlights like sliders and regular language input for custom changes. Expecting associations with salons, Look wants to upgrade the counsel insight, permitting clients to collaborate with beauticians for customized exhortation and adjusting assumptions before the genuine hairstyle.

Problem Statement:

In contrast to garments or cosmetics, look resolves a vital issue in the hairstyling business — the absence of an experimentation cycle for hairdos. The irreversible idea of hairstyles prompts high friendly, mental, and monetary expenses for people. Look’s base-up research shows that the component of possibility and the expensive idea of mix-ups stop individuals from investigating recent trends, restricting them to similar hairstyles for a long time.

Market Opportunity:

The hairstyling business, valued at $65.1 billion in 2022, is projected to develop at a 2.5% CAGR, reaching roughly $83.9 billion by 2032 (Worldwide Market Bits of Knowledge). Look profits by this more than adequate market a potential open door by tending to the broad social peculiarity of disappointment with haircuts, validated by essential examination and media contents showing the requirement for an answer across different societies and nations. (Barragán et al,.2023).

Patentability of GAN Technology:

Safeguarding Look’s imaginative utilization of GAN innovation is critical for getting the upper hand on the lookout. Directing a careful earlier artistry search is fundamental to distinguishing existing licenses connected with GAN innovation in virtual haircut representation. This step guarantees that Look’s execution is novel and does not encroach on existing protected innovation.

Protective Measures:

Even with licenses, Look ought to think about other defensive measures. Proprietary innovations can shield explicit calculations or cycles that add to the remarkable usefulness of Look. Copyright assurance might apply to the visual components, interface plan, and any unique substance inside the application. Coordinated efforts with possible accomplices, particularly salons, should include painstakingly created non-exposure arrangements (NDAs) to safeguard exclusive data.


All in all, Look presents a groundbreaking answer for a longstanding issue in the hairstyling business. Incorporating GAN innovation lifts the client experience and sets out vast market freedom. Defending this development requires an essential methodology, including an intensive comprehension of the patent scene, execution of defensive measures, and proactive commitment with possible partners. As Look spearheads the eventual fate of virtual haircut perception, getting its licensed innovation guarantees long-haul outcomes in a dynamic and developing business sector.


Barragán, P., & Ryynänen, M. (2023). Kitsch: From Rejection to Acceptance—On the Changing Meaning of Kitsch in Today’s Cultural Production (Introduction). In The Changing Meaning of Kitsch: From Rejection to Acceptance (pp. 1-62). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Bix, A. S. (2022). Girls are coming to teach!: A history of American engineering education for women. MIT Press.


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