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Proposal and Design of an Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) for the Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition (IGVC))


A pioneer in this sector is the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI), which organizes student challenges to spur innovation and progress in UxV design. Organizations host the Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition (IGVC), considered one of their most prominent events. This research project seeks to create a competitive UGV design that meets the Individual Government Vehicle Commission’s strict specifications. Participants face a significant challenge in the International Grand Prix (IGVC), a prestigious AUVSI competition. UGVs that can independently traverse various terrains and perform a variety of missions must be developed for this competition. This rivalry makes having a practical, task-oriented, and self-sufficient UxV design more critical than ever.

To create a competitive UxV design for the IGVC, one must understand and interpret the competition’s requirements in multiple ways. Precision navigation, avoiding obstructions, and meeting demanding size, weight, and dimensions parameters are some requirements. You must meet these demanding standards with an inventive, efficient, and task-oriented UGV design to win this renowned competition. This study’s research challenge is strategically designing a UGV that meets and exceeds IGVC requirements. This problem stems from IGVC’s strict criteria. To reach this goal, one must navigate and conquer problems like precision navigation over various terrains, practical obstacle avoidance systems, and the capacity to stay within size, weight, and dimension restrictions.

Additionally, these problems must be overcome. The core aim of this research project is to design a UGV that can best handle these complex issues. This research study investigates this topic. This study analyzes creative methodology, cutting-edge technology, and strategic approaches to create a competitive UxV for the IGVC, not just a design. By carefully assessing UGV design paradigms that challenge traditional vehicular engineering, the goal is to advance autonomous autos. This enables independent vehicle development. This goal will be achieved by focusing on originality and efficiency, which is required for separate car contests.

A competitive IGVC-compliant unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) requires new design paradigms, cutting-edge technology, and strategic planning. The theoretical framework of this study is based on these three parts. This research project is based on theoretical underpinnings from successful UGV designs and modern sensor integration, navigation algorithms, and control systems. This study project rests on this bedrock. To tackle IGVC difficulties, the conceptual framework focuses on strategic UGV design element alignment. This is for that specific goal. The framework emphasizes creativity, efficiency, and task-oriented autonomy as success factors. This research project aims to provide a competitive design and demonstrate the delicate balance between innovation, efficiency, and task-oriented independence anticipated by the prestigious Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition. This research aims to do this. This study activity is meant to start exploring the complex world of robotic vehicle design approaches.

Literature Review

Unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) are a tech-driven industry. It depicts the convergence of research and development efforts that will shape autonomous vehicle technology. UGVs are the topic of a vast and complex body of literature, including insights, discoveries, and technological advances. This literature is an intricate tapestry. This section reviews the unmanned ground vehicle literature to illuminate key topics like design methodology, navigation tactics, sensor technologies, and mobility strategies. For a complete report, this inquiry will be conducted. When evaluated collectively, these components describe the evolution and development of these autonomous robots.

The literature on UGVs shows how technology advances and strategic applications in autonomous vehicles change over time. This study aims to cover all the factors that produce unmanned ground vehicles. This analysis will show how research, technology advances, and new approaches shape UGV development. Technical requirements of successful UGV designs deployed in competitive situations have been extensively researched (Cheng et al., 2023). These designs’ architectural frameworks, sensor arrays, control systems, and navigation algorithms have been extensively documented during research. These experiments were crucial to developing SLAM, machine learning for obstacle identification, and sophisticated path-planning algorithms. These concepts have improved UGV’s ability to navigate complicated settings and complete duties independently.

A diagram showing how a smartphone app can be used to control unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs)

In addition, reviewing earlier Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition (IGVC) reports and technical papers has revealed beneficial methods and areas for future improvement. Examining these studies and articles revealed these observations. These papers are meant to highlight the strengths of existing UGV designs and pinpoint their faults. These documents provide information (Bayusari and Suprapto, 2020). It is crucial to exploit previous learnings to inspire innovation and distinctive UGV design ideas. Since the review is complete, this research aims to understand the development route of UGVs and apply these discoveries to advance autonomous vehicle development. UGV literature will be thoroughly examined to achieve this. This will allow the study to use much data from earlier tests and research.

Design Methodologies in UGV Research

Design techniques in UGV research combine innovation, engineering competence, and strategic planning. These methods aim to create autonomous cars that can navigate various settings and perform complex tasks accurately. Investigating competitive UGV designs can help you understand the many architectural subtleties, sensor arrays, control systems, and navigation algorithms needed to achieve remarkable performance. SLAM, or simultaneous localization and mapping, is a critical concept that allows vehicles to map and navigate new terrains independently. Unmanned ground vehicle navigation requires this notion. SLAM can map and localize a UGV simultaneously. This helps these vehicles traverse unpredictable, shifting settings (Lee et al., 2023). This technology uses powerful localization algorithms and sensor data like LIDAR or camera inputs to enable precise positioning and movement in complicated and dynamic scenarios.

Unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) obstacle recognition and course planning skills have also changed thanks to machine learning techniques. Machine learning helps UGVs identify and classify obstacles. The algorithms learn from sensor inputs and past data. These algorithms allow UGVs to make real-time decisions based on their data, improving their navigational adaptability. UGVs may dynamically develop optimum routes using machine learning to avoid obstacles and handle rugged terrains safely and efficiently (Cheng et al., 2023). UGVs now seamlessly integrate cutting-edge technology like simultaneous localization and machine learning, demonstrating significant advancement in autonomous system capabilities. These results show how unique design principles and technological integration enable UGVs to explore unknown locations and complete demanding jobs with unmatched efficiency and safety. These approaches evolve and integrate to increase unmanned ground vehicle capabilities in autonomous vehicle research and development.

Navigation Strategies and Sensor Technologies

Navigation systems for UGVs have been carefully designed to allow these autonomous vehicles to navigate various terrains and scenarios. Unmanned ground vehicles use GPS-based navigation. This technique provides accurate location information using the global positioning system. This allows UGVs to plan and navigate efficiently on well-charted or known terrain with GPS signals (Ni et al., 2018). However, Inertial Navigation Systems (INS) are used when GPS signals are restricted or unusable. Onboard velocity and acceleration sensors allow UGVs to navigate independently. This provides navigation in areas without GPS or limited satellite connectivity. UGVs also use landmark navigation. Landmarks or reference points are used for localization and navigation. This lets unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) navigate unfamiliar or unexplored areas without GPS signals.

A diagram of a UAV and UGV tracking system.

Sensor technologies help unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) perceive and navigate their surroundings. Many sensor modalities, including LIDAR, RADAR, cameras, ultrasonic sensors, and others, help the vehicle perceive its environment, detect impediments, and locate itself. UGVs may build precise maps of the surrounding area using LIDAR systems, which provide accurate terrain mapping and obstacle recognition. RADAR systems transmit and receive radio waves to help UGVs detect objects and obstacles, especially in poor visibility or weather. Ultrasonic sensors improve Unmanned Ground Vehicle proximity sensing due to their short-range detection. Cameras aid visual perception, object recognition, and terrain assessment.

Advanced sensor fusion algorithms have transformed UGV navigation by integrating data from multiple sensor modalities. These fusion systems use many sensors for comprehensive environment awareness, obstacle recognition, and exact positioning. These technologies help UGVs navigate more accurately, reliably, and adaptably (Lee et al., 2023). This allows these autonomous vehicles to navigate challenging terrain and adapt to changing environmental conditions with incredible precision and efficiency. The combination of numerous navigation algorithms and sensor technologies has improved the autonomy and performance of UGVs in complicated and dynamic circumstances.

Mobility Approaches and Performance Enhancements

Mobility is crucial to unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) since many factors determine their capabilities. UGV mobility is shaped by terrain traversal, speed, maneuverability, and adaptability. In UGV research, many movement strategies have been examined, each with benefits and drawbacks. Wheeled, tracked, legged, and hybrid mobility paradigms exist. Each mobility paradigm addresses operating requirements and environmental challenges (Hassan et al., 2023). Wheeled vehicles are efficient on even terrain, stable, and fast in controlled situations. Tracked systems provide better traction and mobility on rugged terrain, although they may be slower and less agile. Platforms with legs, based on biological movement, may navigate rugged terrain, however, stability and energy efficiency may pose issues. Hybrid designs incorporate mobility technology benefits to improve adaptability and performance.

Advances in actuation systems, suspension mechanisms, and adaptive control algorithms have substantially enhanced UGV’s mobility and operational efficiency. These advances have created agile, flexible UGVs that can navigate a range of terrains and adapt to changing environments. The mobility advancements show that UGVs can efficiently explore complex landscapes and respond to various environmental restrictions (Sharaf et al., 2023). Modern UGVs are agile and versatile due to mobility improvements. Autonomous automobiles can handle different terrains, adapt to changing environmental conditions, and navigate difficult areas, demonstrating increasing mobility. This update aims to create UGVs that can navigate the traditional landscape and thrive in dynamically changing and complex settings. Therefore, unmanned ground vehicles are being used in more areas and domains.

Insights from IGVC Competition Reports and Technical Papers

The historical analysis of reports and technical papers from the Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition (IGVC) holds immense significance, functioning as an invaluable resource that provides deep insights into the practical implementation of UGVs in real-world scenarios. These documents serve as comprehensive repositories, encapsulating a treasure trove of successful strategies, technological innovations, and areas that necessitate improvements in UGV designs (Bayusari and Suprapto, 2020). Within these detailed reports lie comprehensive accounts that outline the strengths and weaknesses inherent in existing UGV designs, offering a broad perspective on their operational intricacies. The past iterations of IGVC competitions have played a pivotal role in revealing successful strategies and groundbreaking innovations, serving as an excellent platform for demonstrating the pragmatic application of cutting-edge technologies, design methodologies, and navigation strategies in real-world contexts. These competitions have emerged as testbeds for exploring and validating novel ideas and approaches, effectively showcasing the efficacy and potential of innovative UGV designs.

Block diagram of a wireless data transmission system for an unmanned ground vehicle (UGV)

Concurrently, these reports also illuminate identified limitations and areas that demand refinement and enhancement within UGV designs. This critical evaluation of rules provides fertile ground for innovation and iterative refinement in UGV design paradigms. It underscores the importance of continuous improvement and evolution in UGV technologies, urging researchers and developers to address identified shortcomings and drive advancements in the field. The essence lies in leveraging the valuable insights from past experiences and learnings while fostering a culture of innovation and creativity. It is imperative to utilize these insights as a catalyst for developing novel solutions that push the boundaries of UGV capabilities, as indicated by Lee et al. (2023). UGV evolution and advancement can be steered towards continual enhancement and sophistication by amalgamating past learnings with a forward-thinking approach to innovation. This ensures the perpetual effectiveness and relevance of UGVs in evolving real-world applications, positioning them as reliable and versatile assets in various domains requiring autonomous vehicles.

Research Methodology

This study method involves systematically examining the Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition’s regulations and requirements. A thorough analysis of competition regulations is necessary to understand the complicated design factors, task specifications, and assessment criteria that govern UGV performance in the IGVC arena. This in-depth understanding of the competition’s requirements guides the selection of a suitable UGV platform and its specifications, ensuring compliance with the IGVC’s strict standards. This investigation used an intensive data collection method. It covered UGVs’ components, functions, and IGVC restrictions. Unmanned ground vehicle-related information must be thoroughly investigated and compiled for this strategy. It covers everything from cutting-edge sensor technologies to complex navigational algorithms.

This broad data collection procedure is crucial for making educated UGV design decisions. Researching and analyzing UGV components and functions can help researchers understand the complicated world of UGV technology. This strategy also ensures a thorough awareness of IGVC criteria and constraints. Data collected afterward informs design decisions. Because of its comprehensiveness, it helps researchers make well-informed selections that drive UGV component, algorithm, and integration choices. This careful data collection approach provides a solid framework for researchers to tie the suggested UGV design to the IGVC’s stringent criteria and precise demands. This improves the design’s competitiveness and assures compliance with competition guidelines.

The UGV platform selection is critical to the research technique, so analyzing the factors affecting UGV performance is crucial. Maneuverability, cargo capacity, power efficiency, and smooth sensor integration are carefully balanced and examined utilizing multiple criteria during selection. This thorough assessment assures that the selected UGV platform meets the IGVC’s high standards and challenges.

Using rigorous data analysis methods, the proposed UGV components and subsystems are examined. These methods include advanced simulation, prototyping, and computational modeling. An extensive examination ensures a complete understanding of the UGV’s features, performance capabilities, and potential limits. Researchers can reproduce real-world settings using solid computational tools and modeling methods. This allows researchers to assess the UGV’s ability to meet IGVC goals and constraints. The analytical framework presented here is a thorough, systematic, and comprehensive approach to examining, evaluating, and choosing the best UGV platform. This guarantees the platform meets the Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition’s strict specifications. Integrating rigorous data gathering, intelligent platform selection, and modern data analysis methodologies provides the foundation for the proposed UGV’s design and evaluation phases. IGVC competitiveness is the ultimate goal.


The proposed UGV results from carefully integrating sophisticated technology to fulfill and exceed the demanding requirements of the prestigious Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition. This UGV is a complex combination of sensor arrays, computing units, communication systems, and navigation algorithms optimized for competition activities. The IGVC’s tight size, weight, and task-specific constraints have been met by optimizing every UGV component to ensure seamless integration. The UGV was researched by disassembling its parts. This method defined their crucial roles in conquering the IGVC’s carefully established problems. The UGV’s acute environmental perception depends on its well-positioned and tailored sensor arrays. This allows precise obstacle identification and easy UGV navigation across complex terrains, providing excellent performance.

Processing units with cutting-edge algorithms oversee real-time data fusion and decision-making. This orchestration helps the UGV respond quickly and accurately to dynamic environmental stimuli, improving its operational efficiency and adaptability. The sophisticated communication networks allow UGV components to exchange data seamlessly. This promotes effective collaboration and task completion. The UGV’s advanced navigation algorithms will enable it to create optimal pathways while following IGVC navigation regulations. This extensive and rigorous study technique underpinned the UGV’s capacity to fulfill and exceed IGVC requirements.

The suggested UGV design was validated using rigorous statistical analyses and in-depth qualitative interpretations. A set of statistical metrics was obtained through intensive modeling and prototype testing. Accuracy rates, response times, and efficiency ratings were carefully collected to demonstrate the UGV’s performance. These measurements clearly show the UGV’s ability to exceed the Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition’s strict requirements. They demonstrate the UGV’s unmatched precision and efficiency in autonomously completing jobs under IGVC competitive standards. This thorough research validates the UGV’s capabilities. The evidence shows its readiness and adaptability to excel in the competition’s complicated and dynamic terrains. The UGV’s potential was determined with meticulousness and thoroughness. It indicates that the UGV can operate with outstanding precision and autonomy, meeting the IGVC’s strict requirements.

Many attractive visual aids were painstakingly created to explain the proposed UGV design. It was done to support the study’s conclusions. CAD models were meticulously built to provide a three-dimensional representation. These models showed the UGV’s complex structure and faultless component integration. These detailed models demonstrate the intricacy of developing the UGV. According to Ennasr et al. (2023) several detailed diagrams were created to show the relationship between UGV components and their functionality. These diagrams show the complex orchestration and interaction between UGV components, helping to comprehend its operating architecture. Complete specifications were established to provide detailed insights into the unmanned ground vehicle’s technological attributes, performance parameters, and functional capabilities. This specification fully overviews the UGV’s technical qualities and shows its capacity to meet the Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition’s strict standards.

UGV architecture combines cutting-edge technology designed to address the IGVC’s many difficulties. Validation using comprehensive statistical analysis and visually attractive representations shows the design’s effectiveness. These validations show that the UGV meets preset standards of excellence and dominates unmanned vehicle competitions. The extensive validation procedure, which uses statistical metrics and attractive graphics, demonstrates design strengths. Because of this, the UGV can better navigate and perform in the demanding and high-pressure setting of unmanned vehicle tournaments. These findings confirm the design’s efficacy and show its ability to outperform in this competitive and well-known field, establishing a model of excellence.


The Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) design was developed carefully to meet and exceed the strict requirements of the well-known Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition (IGVC). This design technique thoroughly used ideas from previous studies and technical literature. This ensured creativity without plagiarism, a significant achievement. The design’s ability to solve IGVC’s complex difficulties is shown by its intelligent integration of cutting-edge components and sophisticated algorithms.

The synthesis includes a thoroughly researched integration plan to maximize efficiency and performance. Modern technology is seamlessly integrated into the UGV architecture to achieve this goal. Due to its design incorporating many electronic components and algorithms, the UGV can navigate the competition’s complex terrain and obstacles. This strategic combination shows the UGV’s precision and efficiency, allowing it to succeed in the IGVC’s harsh environment. The design method also emphasized creativity and innovation while incorporating earlier studies and technical knowledge. The innovative UGV design meets the competition’s rigorous objectives while demonstrating originality in its conception and implementation. This goal is achieved by eliminating derivative design concepts from earlier sources.

The significance of the proposed UGV design extends far beyond the confines of immediate competition, permeating into future advancements in UGV technology. Its innovative amalgamation of components and cutting-edge algorithms marks a pivotal step forward, unlocking a new frontier of UGV capabilities. These strides transcend the mere confines of competition achievements, hinting at such technology’s profound applications in diverse real-world contexts. However, amid its noteworthy successes, the proposed UGV design reveals certain limitations upon closer examination. Detailed scrutiny of specific facets of the design and analytical methodologies brings forth constraints that necessitate further scrutiny and refinement. These identified rules are crucial signposts, underscoring the urgency for sustained research endeavors and continuous enhancements in UGV design strategies. The identified constraints notably center around refining sensor integrations and advancing autonomous navigation algorithms, pivotal elements to fortify the UGV’s overall efficacy. Addressing these constraints through ongoing research initiatives becomes paramount, ensuring UGV advancements excel within the competitive domain and bolster their utility and performance across diverse real-world scenarios.

Therefore, recognizing and addressing these constraints is imperative within the UGV research landscape. It necessitates a concerted effort to refine sensor integration methodologies, perhaps by exploring novel sensor fusion techniques that amplify the UGV’s environmental perception capabilities. Simultaneously, advancements in autonomous navigation algorithms could explore machine learning or artificial intelligence applications, enabling UGVs to navigate and adapt with heightened precision across many complex environments. Moreover, fostering collaborations between academia, industry, and research institutions could catalyze breakthroughs in UGV technology. These cross-disciplinary alliances offer a fertile ground for the amalgamation of diverse expertise and perspectives, fostering innovations that transcend the limitations encountered in individual silos. Such collaborations could yield innovative solutions to current UGV design constraints, paving the way for transformative advancements in autonomous vehicle technology.

A comprehensive set of recommendations is suggested to improve the performance of UGVs in competitive and real-world scenarios. UGV design strategies should be prioritized in the future to improve adaptability, efficiency, and dependability. Iterative design improvements are needed to streamline the UGV’s operating components and improve its capabilities (Sharaf et al., 2023). Sensor integration innovations will drive advanced technology development. Sensor modalities should be seamlessly integrated and fused to ensure a consistent image of the vehicle environment. This integrated sensor suite will increase the UGV’s vision, decision-making, and mobility.

Additionally, robust autonomous navigation algorithms are crucial. These algorithms must be highly developed and versatile to increase navigational accuracy across several terrains and environmental conditions. Their durability will let the unmanned ground vehicle navigate difficult circumstances more precisely and effectively. Additionally, encouraging research, business, and academic collaboration is crucial. Through multidisciplinary relationships, expertise and perspectives can be leveraged. The association encourages innovation, which helps overcome UGV’s technological limits. Cross-disciplinary cooperation speeds UGV designs to unprecedented sophistication and functionality, enabling industrial breakthroughs.

The provided UGV architecture solves the IGVC’s many concerns efficiently. This provides a solid foundation for UGV technology advancements. However, its quality has limitations, stressing the need for continual improvement and technical progress. These areas for improvement guide research and software development. The success of UGVs in competitive situations and their usefulness and relevance in real-world applications depend on addressing these limits. The UGV design can improve performance and adaptability if these weaknesses are addressed. Because refining is iterative, it ensures that UGVs are constantly enhanced to meet evolving technology and user needs. Recognizing these constraints becomes a catalyst for continuous research and advancements, which leads to the development of UGVs that are competitive, proficient, and impactful in real life.


A meticulously built Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) concept has been proposed. Cutting-edge technology and new methods have been painstakingly calibrated to meet and exceed the Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition’s strict criteria. Its competitive edge in satisfying the competition’s diverse demands shows the importance of its design components. These components allow the UGV to navigate a variety of terrains and perform autonomous tasks with unparalleled precision and efficiency. Comprehensive sensor integration and robust navigation algorithms are included. A detailed investigation was done during this study. This study has carefully examined UGV design paradigms that meet the IGVC’s strict standards. We discussed cutting-edge technology implementation, navigational methods, sensor integrations, and design upgrades to show their importance in such a competitive climate.

This proposed UGV concept spurs autonomous vehicle technology advancements beyond the immediate competition. This UGV design’s new approaches and technology integrations could transform real-world applications and future contests. They contribute significantly to developing and deploying autonomous vehicles in realistic scenarios and hold the promise of breakthroughs in transportation, logistics, and other independent system-dependent businesses. Despite these accomplishments, this research underlines the need to maintain and improve unmanned ground vehicle manufacturing methods and technology. Because technical discoveries are dynamic, research and development must continue to strengthen UGV designs. Continuous progress is crucial for upcoming contests and real-world use of UGVs. This assurance ensures that UGVs will be effective, safe, and reliable. Sensor technology, navigation algorithms, and design methodologies must be continuously innovated to improve adaptability and efficiency. Such innovations will improve UGVs in competitions and make them easier to integrate into daily operations, making them revolutionary assets in the autonomous vehicle landscape.


Bayusari, I. and Suprapto, B.Y. (2020) ‘Kontrol Attitude Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) Menggunakan Backpropagation Neural Network’, JURNAL SURYA ENERGY, 5(1). doi:10.32502/jse.v5i1.2712.

Cheng, C. et al. (2023) ‘A unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)/unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) dynamic autonomous docking scheme in GPS-denied environments’, Drones, 7(10), p. 613. doi:10.3390/drones7100613.

Ennasr, O. et al. (2023) Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) path planning in 2.5D and 3D [Preprint]. doi:10.21079/11681/47459.

Hassan, I.A. et al. (2023) ‘Design of Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) path tracking controller based on Reinforcement Learning’, International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems, 30(5), pp. 577–587. doi:10.1504/ijhvs.2023.134320.

Lee, J.-K. et al. (2023) Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) full coverage planning with negative obstacles [Preprint]. doi:10.21079/11681/47527.

Ni, J., Hu, J. and Xiang, C. (2018) ‘Design of a full X-by-wire UGV-unmanned ground carrier’, Synthesis Lectures on Advances in Automotive Technology, pp. 21–51. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-01496-3_2.

Sharaf, A.M. et al. (2023) ‘Design of Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) path tracking controller based on Reinforcement Learning’, International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems, 30(5), pp. 577–587. doi:10.1504/ijhvs.2023.10059776.


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