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Progression of Women in the Military and the Positive Effects of Women in Combat Roles

Topic description


The debate about including women in military combat has been ongoing for decades. This is a very controversial topic because women have long been denied or restricted from joining the military because of different traditional and cultural beliefs about gender responsibilities and the perception of women’s capabilities. However, during the past few decades, there has been significant progress in including women in combat roles (Portillo et al., 2022). Today, different militaries give women various combat roles like special forces units, artillery, and infantry. This progress is attributed to the shift or change in societal attitudes toward gender roles. Currently, the military recognizes women’s skills and value in the forces (Sanin & Carranza Franco, 2017). The progress is also attributed to policy and regulation changes that expand women’s opportunities. It is important to explore this topic because it highlights the current struggle for gender equity. This topic also challenges traditional gender roles. It also highlights women’s crucial contributions to the military, which has traditionally been male-dominated.


The population that can be engaged in this topic is the women who serve in the military. This population varies depending on the nation. However, the military includes women from different socioeconomic backgrounds, ethnicities, and races. Women who join the military for different roles encounter unique challenges. These challenges include balancing their family obligations and military duties, dealing with sexual assault and harassment, and breaking through the walls of an indigenously male-dominated field.


One of the major effects of including women in the military is the capacity to improve their lives and experiences. Unlike in the past, when women were denied to show their capabilities in the military field, today’s society allows and encourages women to join the military and advance their careers in the military just like their male counterparts (Karim, 2017). This freedom has expanded opportunities for women in the military. It has also enhanced the military’s general success by utilizing all members’ talents and skills.

Interdisciplinary lens

This topic can better be analyzed using the social science lens. This is because the lens enables the exploration of different political, cultural, and social factors that have influenced the inclusion of women in combat or military duties. Through this lens, one can examine the complex cultural and social factors that have historically prohibited women from engaging in combat or military roles. It also allows individuals to understand or discuss how these factors are redefined or challenged in society.

Thesis statement

The current society allows women to engage in combat roles in the military. Various political, cultural, and social factors have shaped or influenced this progression. Including women in combat roles positively impacts their lives because it expands opportunities and improves their general effectiveness. The social science lens helps in exploring the challenges and opportunities encountered b women in combat roles and the wider societal implications of including women in the traditionally male-dominated field.

Critical analysis

How to constructively collaborate with the population to encourage their engagement in the topic

creating an inclusive and safe space for discussions would allow me to constructively collaborate with the population and encourage their participation in the topic of women’s progression in the military. The space can be created by organizing training sessions, workshops, and forums where women in the military or combat can share their insights and experiences about the topic (Sanin, 2017). I need to provide active listening and dialogue opportunities to encourage or promote participation in the topic. This would be essential in building understanding and empathy among the participants.

A positive element within the topic that supports transformation

Recognizing the skills and values that women offer to the military is a positive element supporting transformation in this topic. This is because including women in military or combat roles expands the diversity of talents, experiences, and perspectives, contributing to more efficient and effective operations (Karim & Beardsley, 2017). The topic of women’s progression in the military also challenges the traditional view of gender roles and enhances gender equality. This is another advantageous factor since allowing women to participate in combat roles aids the military in overcoming obstacles and upending long-standing gender prejudices in society. This is because it encourages greater equality and eliminates gender barriers in other fields like business, politics, and education; it positively impacts both the military and society. Girls who want to work in previously male-dominated fields now have role models to look up to, thanks to the inclusion of women in combat jobs. When young ladies see other ladies succeeding in combat roles, they are encouraged to pursue their dreams and overcome all gender-based obstacles they may encounter. This positively impacts women’s representation in different industries and professions, breaking down gender barriers and promoting greater diversity and inclusion. Finally, including women in combat roles positively impacts military operations by elevating the diversity of approaches and tactics used (Wood & Thomas). Women in combat have unique approaches and problem-solving perspectives, resulting in more effective and innovative solutions. The diversity of thought is essential because it helps strengthen military operations and makes them more flexible and adaptable to changing situations.

Specific elements within the topic that could benefit from a change

The issue of harassment and gender-based violence that women in the military face are specific elements within this topic that can benefit from a change. A lot has to be done if the issue of gender-based violence and harassment encountered by women in the military needs to be cleared. This may include implementing stronger policies, cultural changes, and training programs that foster equality and respect. This is because, despite progress in current years, women still face discrimination, assault, and sexual harassment, undermining their well-being and dignity. The lack of adequate support for women who have kids or are caregivers is another specific element that can benefit from a change. Historically, the military was designed or structured around the assumption that service members should be males who do not have family responsibilities. Because of this perception, women in the military face notable challenges in balancing their caregiving responsibilities and service duties. This makes many women choose between their service to the nation and their duties to their families, which is an unfair and untenable choice.

How could potential obstacles interfere with the population’s engagement with the topic?

Gender stereotypes and cultural biases are obstacles that can interfere with the population’s participation in the discussion or topic of women in the military. Most individuals have never lost the traditional perceptions or views about gender roles. They still believe that women are not and cannot be suited for combat or military roles. This results in increased resistance to change. It also makes it hard for women to be valued and accepted as equal military members. Other obstacles are systemic harassment and discrimination. Women are usually assigned different combat roles. While performing their duties, the women are discriminated against and harassed by their seniors or counterparts. With these challenges, feeling their value and support in the military or combat is hard. Suppose a woman has experienced firsthand harassment or discrimination in the military. In that case, it is difficult for them to have a discussion based on this topic because they already feel marginalized and excluded. Another obstacle that can interfere with the population’s engagement in this topic is the lack of education and awareness (Karim, 2017). Most individuals do not know the challenges encountered by women in combat or the military. They are also clueless about the benefits of including women in military or combat roles. Lack of sufficient awareness-raising and education makes it hard to participate in meaningful dialogue or discussion about the topic and bring about meaningful change. Lastly, political resistance may hinder the population’s engagement with the topic. Most policymakers and politicians resist change because of ideological opposition or concerns about potential disruptions to existing systems and structures. Implementing changes required to enhance diversity and inclusion within the military makes it hard.

Significant factors that could impact the topic

Different factors impact the topic of women in combat. One of these factors is political support and leadership. In most nations, policymakers and political leaders are crucial in promoting greater inclusion and diversity in the military. They set policies and allocate resources to support women’s inclusion in combat roles. On the other hand, where there is political opposition or lack of support, progress is improved, making it easier to achieve meaningful change. Cultural attitudes towards women and gender roles are also significant factors that can affect the topic. Most societal beliefs and norms about gender significantly affect how women in the military are treated and perceived. This affects their capacity to advance and succeed within this setting. Most cultural attitudes also influence the support level and resources allocated to enhance inclusion and diversity within the military (Portillo et al., 2022). Technology and changing warfare tactics is also a significant factor that can affect this topic. Technology is advancing, and so are warfare tactics. This means that the requirements and roles of military or combat personnel are also changing. This creates new opportunities for women to contribute meaningfully to military operations. It also creates new barriers and challenges that should be addressed to ascertain their effectiveness and success. Lastly, geopolitical shifts and global events can also affect this topic. As global events and politics like disasters and conflicts occur, they impact the function and role of the military. It also affects the challenges and opportunities women encounter in the military. Understanding and addressing these factors is crucial to promote greater inclusion and diversity within the military and ensure its success in the rapidly changing world.

The Outcome of the proposed engagement might influence the social conversations that add to a critical awareness of diversity.

Promoting more inclusive and diverse perspectives in discussions about national defense and military service is an outcome that can influence societal conversations and add to a critical awareness of diversity. Traditional stereotypes and biases can be challenged by engaging with this topic openly and constructively. This also encourages a more complex and nuanced understanding of military service and the contributions of different groups. This can lead to broader conversations or discussions about inclusion and diversity in other social areas, including the workforce, education, and politics. Societal attitudes can be shifted by promoting greater awareness of women’s challenges in the military (Portillo et al., 2022). They can also be shifted by highlighting the benefits of greater diversity and inclusion. This would promote greater support and acceptance for underrepresented groups. Creating more opportunities for women in combat or the military, both in combat roles and other service areas is a possible outcome of the proposed engagement. Promoting greater inclusion and breaking down barriers makes it possible to tap into a wider pool of expertise and talent. It also makes it possible to leverage women’s unique perspectives and strengths in the military. Lastly, the proposed engagement can also result from cooperation and collaboration between stakeholders and groups. Fostering greater understanding and dialogue allows individuals to build stronger partnerships and relationships. It also allows them to promote more inclusive and effective national defense and military service approaches.


Analyzing this topic of women in the military has positively impacted my personal experiences by broadening my views and deepening my understanding of gender equity and women’s rights. The analysis has made me more aware of the unique perspectives and skills that women bring to combat roles, broadening my view of what serving in the military means. I now appreciate the progress made regarding women’s rights and gender equity. I have recognized the efforts of individuals who have fought for these changes, and I can now understand the ongoing work required to achieve true equity. I feel more motivated and empowered to advocate for the rights of all individuals, despite their gender or other identities.

Examining my bias has changed how I perceive or see the world differently. I now understand that my prejudices, beliefs, assumptions, and experiences shape my worldviews or perceptions. This understanding makes me mind my biases, enabling me to become more open to different perspectives and ideas. This examination or analysis has also given me more will engage in constructive dialogues, discussions, and debates with others. This is because the analysis has helped me recognize the importance of listening and learning from diverse views or perspectives. I have gained a deeper understanding of the role of diversity in the current society through this course. I have also learned the importance of promoting inclusion and understanding across different groups. My new understanding and change are helping me to appreciate the world’s diversities and their role in shaping our world by examining my bias in different areas. I now recognize the importance of promoting greater acceptance and awareness of different cultures, beliefs, and perspectives. This makes me appreciate the importance of equity and inclusivity in society more than ever before.

The evaluation has positively informed my understanding of the role of diversity in society regarding women in the military. I examined different factors shaping this concern in this essay or discussion. The discussed variables can be divided into historical, cultural, and social categories. I am becoming increasingly aware of the benefits of diversity and its part in forming our society as I develop a greater grasp of its function. This understanding is crucial because it helps me recognize the essence of promoting greater diversity and inclusion in all social areas. I constantly appreciate the unique contributions different groups can make to our collective well-being. I now understand that women in the military or combat make significant accomplishments but encounter significant challenges. I now understand that the increasing number of women in different militaries today signifies change because, historically, women were not given combat roles or allowed to join the military. This has helped to expand my view on gender equity and roles. It makes me appreciate the determination and courage of women who serve and have served in the military.

Critically analyzing diversity may positively impact my profession or study field by promoting more equitable and inclusive environments. The critical examination of diversity has enabled me to understand that individuals bring different perspectives and experiences. Embracing diversity in different settings increases appreciation for diverse viewpoints, resulting in more creative and innovative problem-solving. Understanding diversity can also help me to create a workplace culture that values inclusion and diversity in my profession. Diversity is important in workplaces because it helps address the concerns and needs of different stakeholders in different fields. As a future instructor, I must have a deep comprehension of diversity because it directly affects the quality of services I will offer to my clients. Critically analyzing diversity can also positively influence my profession because it helps identify and address systemic inequalities and biases. Identifying and addressing these systemic inequalities and biases results in more equitable practices and policies that better serve all people despite their identities or background.

My analysis would have been different if I had used the natural and applied sciences lens to analyze this topic. This is because the natural and applied sciences lens focus on understanding phenomena through systematic data analysis, experimentation, and observation. Therefore, this lens would stress the physiological and physical differences between women and men and how they affect their performance in combat roles. The lens can also stress the implementation and development of training programs and technologies that help address these differences and enhance performance outcomes. The analysis would also have been different because this lens emphasizes cultural and social factors affecting women’s military experiences. This is because the lens prioritizes understanding physical and biological factors that contribute to differences in effectiveness and performance in different combat roles. This results in a narrow focus on individual limitations and abilities instead of the wider societal factors that affect the experiences and opportunities of women in the military. Finally, this analysis would be different in the view of the natural and applied sciences lens because the lens has different priorities when evaluating women’s success in different combat roles. For instance, the lens may prioritize metrics like combat effectiveness, survival rates, and physical performance instead of the wider societal effects and advantages of women who serve in different combat roles.

Critically analyzing diversity adds value to their interactions with others in different contexts by increasing appreciation and understanding of differences. This appreciation and understanding result in collaboration and more effective communication. Critical analysis of diversity requires individuals to examine their assumptions and biases, which helps them become more aware of how their views may differ. Individuals also learn to be more open and appreciative of different viewpoints. This increases understanding and empathy, which is essential in professional settings where diverse teams or groups are becoming common. Also, critically analyzing diversity adds value to interactions because it helps people navigate cultural differences and champions equity and social justice. Generally, the critical analysis of diversity adds value to individual interactions because it promotes an equitable and inclusive society, resulting in more positive outcomes and interactions in different contexts.


In conclusion, this topic highlights the significance of diversity and its impact on society. This essay shows that collaboration with the population affected by the topic encourages engagement and positively informs personal experiences. There are positive elements in this topic that promote transformation and other elements that require change. In this discussion, the obstacles that can affect the engagement of the affected population include the threat of stereotypes, bias, and beliefs and values. The critical analysis of diversity positively affects different professions and fields of study by promoting an equitable and more inclusive society. This essay clearly shows that different interdisciplinary lenses have different perspectives on the same topic. This results in different perspectives and insights. Moreover, when individuals critically analyze diversity, they value their interactions with others in different contexts by promoting appreciation and understanding of differences, resulting in more collaboration and effective communication.


Karim, S. (2017). Reevaluating peacekeeping effectiveness: Does gender neutrality inhibit progress? International interactions, 43(5), 822–847.

Karim, S., & Beardsley, K. (2017). Equal opportunity peacekeeping: women, peace, and security in post-conflict states. Oxford University Press.

Portillo, S., Doan, A., & Mog, A. (2022). Maintaining male exclusivity: Porcelain privilege in the military. Armed Forces & Society, 48(3), 571-588.

Sanín, F. G., & Carranza Franco, F. (2017). Organizing women for combat: The experience of the FARC in the Colombian war. Journal of Agrarian Change, 17(4), 770-778.

Wood, R. M., & Thomas, J. L. (2017). Women on the frontline: Rebel group ideology and women’s participation in violent rebellion. Journal of Peace Research, 54(1), 31–46.


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