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Program and Policy Evaluation Report

This paper will demonstrate applying the evaluation techniques for a chosen community policing program. This evaluation aims to ascertain the program’s effectiveness and efficiency and provide recommendations for enhancement. Using this report, my supervisor will justify the assessment to critical decision-makers and stakeholders.

Program Analysis

My choice of criminal justice program is the Community Policing Program under the link: This program aims to build close ties between the police and community for crime prevention to address public safety (Hickman et al., 2009). The program facilitates its operations at the local level, and a particular police department implements it.

The Community Policing Program aims to ensure a safer and more peaceful community through partnerships with neighborhood members using proactive crime prevention measures (Arizona State University, 2019). The program’s intended outcomes are crime reduction, enhanced police-community relations, and public trust in law enforcers while ensuring a wholesome community living.

Community watch groups are one of the essential strategies of the Community Policing Program. Such groups promote the participation of community members in the crime prevention process by denouncing suspicious activities and cooperating with police (Spencer et al., 2016). This strategy aligns with the objectives of this program by fostering ownership within the community and enabling cohesive communication between police officers and members in a given area.

Policy Analysis

The criminal justice policy that fits with the Community Policing Program is Safe Neighborhoods Act. According to Hickman Barlow & Barlow (2009), the policy applies at the state-government level to promote public safety through crime reduction strategies to increase community well-being. Under the Safe Neighborhoods Act, community policing programs must be implemented across the entire state with appropriate legal provisions.

According to Spencer et al. (2016), under the Safe Neighborhoods Act, local police departments are required to create and implement community policing strategies as an approach to addressing criminal activities while maintaining public order. It specifies law enforcement agencies and community members’ roles and duties in promoting collaborative relations to prevent proactive crime. By complying with this policy, the Community Policing Program complies with the mandates of the Safe Neighborhoods Act.

Evaluation Questions

  1. How successful is the Community Policing Program in lowering crime rates within this community?

Justification: This question targets the program’s effectiveness in attaining its principal objective to decrease crime. It will also enable them to determine whether the program’s strategies, including neighborhood watch groups, effectively reduce crime and improve public safety.

  1. How successful is the Local Area Policing System in making positive relations between the police and residents?

Justification: This question concerns the program’s capacity to encourage better local area relations and raise public trust in regulation masters. It will evaluate the progress of approaches carried out by the program, remembering local area commitment meetings and correspondence exercises for making agreeable connections between cops and residents.

  1. How do the productivity and cost-adequacy of the Local Area Policing System contrast with other, more standard ways to deal with keeping up with the well-being of residents?

Justification: This question centers around the program’s adequacy and money-saving advantage in light of asset allotment, financial plan use, and general viability in forestalling wrongdoing. It will reveal insight into the productivity of asset use and whether it is a more financially savvy option in contrast to conventional police rehearses.

  1. What impact does the Local Area Policing Project have on, generally speaking, degrees of fulfillment and seen security among local area individuals?

Justification: The reason for this question is to gauge the impacts that the Local Area Policing Project has on fulfillment levels and see security among local area individuals. Its utilization will permit evaluating whether the program fulfills the need to cultivate a feeling that everything is safe, secure, and prosperous among local individuals. The response to this question will guarantee the viability of a program for working on personal satisfaction, which thus prompts an uplifting outlook on well-being. It will likewise support distinguishing potential regions for development or existing openings in the program technique to resolve their issues with society.

In conclusion, the Local Area Policing Project assessment will be founded on the Implanted Assessment Model. This model empowers consistent checking and evaluation of the program’s exhibition, with ensuing alteration for upgraded adequacy. The chosen evaluation questions will allow the program to be assessed on its ability to reduce crime, achieve positive relations between police and community members, improve operation efficiency, and enable a cost-benefit analysis. The results of this assessment will play a critical role in informing decision-makers and stakeholders regarding the success rate, areas for improvement, and changes to enhance the program’s effectiveness towards aspects related to public safety.


Arizona State University. (2019). The SARA Model | ASU Center for Problem-Oriented Policing.; Arizona State University.

Hickman Barlow, M., & Barlow, D. (2009). Community Policing in the United States.

Community Policing, 167–188.

Spencer, K. B., Charbonneau, A. K., & Glaser, J. (2016). Implicit Bias and Policing. Social and

Personality Psychology Compass10(1), 50–63.


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