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Processes That Influence Personality and the Self

Learning Theory Concept and Personal Example: In the context of Social Learning Theory, observation learning is the fundamental component that has considerably shaped my self-assertiveness in interpersonal communication. When I was growing up, I always observed my parents articulating social interactions with a graceful assertiveness. They consistently expressed their thoughts with confidence while at the same time paying attention to the other party’s perspectives. As a result, this observational experience played a massive role in influencing my own communication style, shaping me to be someone who is defined by open expression values and simultaneously maintaining sensitivity to other people’s opinions or perspectives. Funder (2019) emphasizes the concept of observational learning, highlighting that individuals acquire new behaviors through observing and imitating models in their environment. In my case witnessing my parents’ assertiveness acts as a powerful model that helps in shaping the development of my personal communication skills. This real-life example intertwines with Bandura’s theory which proposes that observation learning has a direct impact on an individual personality development. In addition, it links positively with the idea that people learn from direct experiences through observing and copying the behaviors of others in their social environment. This example further supports Social Learning Theory’s applicability to personal experiences, showcasing how observing role models can shape and define an individual personality.

Motivational Strategy and Personality: Setting incremental milestones is one of the motivational strategies I frequently employ in order to achieve my desired goal. In addition, I always break larger objectives into smaller ones to allow them to be manageable tasks that align with my oriented and conscientious personality. This strategy displays my inner need for order and structure and it plays a massive role in allowing me to strategically and systematically progress towards a goal while at the same time maintaining a sense of control over the process. Moreover, this approach aligns with the concept of reinforcement in the view of operant conditioning. After completing each smaller task, I gain positive reinforcement that enables me or acts as a motivation to continue working towards achieving my goals. As a result, this perspective intertwines with Bandura’s Social Learning Theory, which projects the role of rewards and reinforcements in shaping and defining a behavior (Funder, 2019). Utilizing these motivation strategies projects my personality traits and emphasizes the practical use of the application of learning theory in goal setting and achievement.

Emotional Experience and Stages of Emotion: During my undergraduate studies, the challenging team project was the most emotional experience I have ever had. It all started with the appraisal stage which attracted frustration feelings and stress due to severe group conflicting ideas. This resulted in increased heart rate and heightened tension. During these moments, my facial expression displayed the struggle to maintain composure, and the desire for collaborative problem-solving and success triggered the courage to share this emotional experience. The long-lasting impact of this experience was that it enhanced my adaptability and resilience, which helped me gain skills to overcome conflicts effectively and promote improved interpersonal skills. Funder (2019) proposes that emotional experiences play an essential role in establishing adaptive functions and personality development. Bandura’s Social Learning Theory, on the other hand, recognizes the role of emotions in shaping behavior, highlighting that observational learning employs actions and the emotional responses of models. This positively aligns with my own experiences, projecting the correlation between the theories, personal growth, and emotional experiences.

Self-Concept, Self-Efficacy, and Self-Esteem: My self-efficacy in terms of public speaking was considerably shaped by my self-concept perspectives. Before gaining this skill, I viewed myself as reserved which laid a huge challenge in shifting this self-concept. Additionally, I engaged in various public speaking courses where I consistently practiced presentations, which interfered with my self-concept. As a result, it promoted a belief that I can effectively communicate with confidence when addressing a group of people. Concerning this, I began to perceive myself as competent and capable in this domain due to this transformation in my self-concept that positively influenced my public speaking self-efficacy. Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory, in this case, emphasizes that self-efficacy beliefs impact an individual choice of efforts as well as their persistence in challenges they face (Funder, 2019). Consequently, I gained an overall sense of confidence and accomplishment due to the improved self-efficacy in public speaking, which had a long-lasting impact on my self-esteem.


Funder, D. C. (2019). Personality Puzzle – With Registration Card 8TH 19. (8th ed.). W.W. Norton & Co. ISBN-13: 978-0-393-42180-4, ISBN-10: 0-393-42180-5.


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