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Portugal Essays

Sustainable Eco-Trip in Portugal

Travelling to Portugal within a week in June is a fantastic experience full of enchantment, sustainability, and budget. Wishing to avoid overly crowded tourist spots and give back something positive to local communities and nature, my friend and I have devised a conscious travel plan that perfectly combines eco-friendly activities and responsible travelling. The first ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 773

Iberians Empires and Globalization in the European Union

Looking back, most of the empires went through renaissance or ‘revival’ as used in the European society to represent the utilization of acquired knowledge and ideas. Revival was triggered by the turnaround which was experienced in the economic growth in the European Union (Borges 2014, 2). Therefore, renaissance evidenced that there was an undeniable bond ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3314
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