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Population Health Nursing: Assessment of the Core Population Assignment

Overview of the Coregeographical area: Athens, Georgia

Athens, Georgia, is located in the northeastern portion of the state. According to the United States Census Bureau, the population of Athens was estimated at 125,974 in 2013. The city of Athens encompasses 15.99 square miles of land, which gives it a population density of 7,868 people per square mile. The age distribution of the area shows that approximately 21% of the population is under 18 years old, and 10% are over 65 years old. About 69% are between 18 and 65 years old. Approximately 50% of the population is male, and 50% is female (Metropolitan Statistical Area, 2019).

The population has been growing by roughly 5% per year since 2010, which has made it difficult for health service providers to keep up with demand. The age distribution of Athens residents differs significantly from that of the United States. In Athens, the percentage of people under 18 years old is almost twice as high as in the U.S. (34.2% vs. 19%). In comparison, the rate of people who are 65 or older is less than half that of the U.S. on average (9.7% vs. 15%). These factors contribute to an overall younger age distribution than seen nationally—the median age in Athens is 25.2 years, while it’s 37.9 in the rest of the nation. Sex is distributed evenly between men and women in Athens, but it varies by race/ethnicity affiliation. Asian and Hispanic populations have more females than males, at 52% and 53%, respectively, while Black/African American and White people have more males than females, at 51% and 50%, respectively (Metropolitan Statistical Area, 2019).

Based on the data provided, Athens, Georgia, is a community with many families with low income. This affected the educational levels of 46.4% of the population in the Athens-Clarke County area. The median household income of the Athens-Clarke County area for 2016 was $41,883, whereas in 2012 was $41,481 (U.S. Census Bureau). Many people are living below the poverty level (26.89%, which is 10,856 people), and they may not have health insurance and will not be able to afford medications or medical care. The unemployment rate in Athens-Clarke County as of January 2018 was 4.2% (Bureau of Labor Statistics). In accordance with the U.S. census, the median household income in Athens-Clarke County was $38,955. This is lower than the national rate of $57,617 in 2016 (U.S. Census Bureau, 2017). While many factors could play into this difference in rates, some include the types of jobs available in Athens compared to nationally (U.S. Census Bureau, 2017) (Metropolitan Statistical Area, 2019).

The educational level has been reported by 32.7% who have a high school diploma or less (13,154 people), 9.8% who have some college or associate’s degree (3,976), and 21.2% who have a bachelor’s degree (8,633) or higher (U.S. Census Bureau). In addition to education level, there are also three colleges located in this area and several other specialty schools and technical training schools for nursing and others. This data shows that people are highly educated in Athens but may not be able to find jobs within their field of study that would allow them to maintain a higher income level according to national standards (Metropolitan Statistical Area, 2019).

Athens, Georgia (population 120,958) is located in Clarke County; this data can be found on the U.S. Census Bureau’s website. The median housing cost for the area is $1,037/month. This can be found on by searching for Athens and then looking under “Housing .”It has been home to the University of Georgia since the mid-19th century. The median housing cost in Athens is $236,100, with a median household income of $41,749. Monthly housing costs for the Athens-Clarke County Unified Government (balance) PUMA, GA are $1,154 per month on average ($634 for mortgage payments, $520 for rent) (Metropolitan Statistical Area, 2019).

Population Health Indicators for the Core group identified: Homeless people.

This is the demographic breakdown of the homeless population of Athens, Georgia, by age and gender. The data was collected by the Athens Homeless Coalition and released in October 2017. Because the population of Athens, Georgia, is relatively small (about 116,000), it isn’t easy to obtain detailed information about specific subgroups within that city. For example, in terms of age and gender, it was determined that the homeless population was comprised of 30% female and 70% male. Still, no other demographic information (race or ethnicity) was available (Metropolitan Statistical Area, 2019).

Regarding birth and death rates among this subpopulation, we found that only about 3% of these individuals were pregnant or raising children in the past year (Sturges et al., 2007). This low representation of parents seems to be consistent with other studies done in other cities (Smith & Ory, 2014). The number of deaths per year among this population fluctuates between 5-10%, which is not a significant difference compared to other people. However, given its small size (about 1,500 total), even one more death can considerably affect this group’s overall mortality rate. The overall quality of life in the homeless group seems to be reasonably low compared to the non-homeless population (Sturges et al., 2007). Many members struggle with substance abuse issues (including alcohol and drugs), which affects their mental.

The homeless population in Athens, Georgia, experiences disproportionately higher poor health and disease rates depending on their location (Sturges et al., 2007). The homeless population faces similar challenges regardless of where they live. These challenges include a lack of access to health care and healthy food sources, an inability to afford primary hygiene products, and a general lack of shelter and education on maintaining good personal health (Sturges et al., 2007). However, there are significant differences between the homeless populations in specific areas. These differences stem from local government policies around homelessness (Braveman & Gottlieb, 2014). For example, in Clarke County, the local government has passed laws that restrict panhandling in public places.

In contrast, Oconee County does not have these types of restrictions. Additionally, the number of shelters for the homeless is significantly different between these two counties: Clarke County has three shelters with a total capacity of 100 people. Oconee County has 0 shelters at all. This means that the homeless population in Clarke County is better served by local policies than those in Oconee County. We can expect to see some differences in health indicators between the two groups. By focusing on these data points, we can better understand how to improve the quality of life for all people living in Athens, Georgia, regardless of their socioeconomic status or housing situation (Smith & Ory, 2014).

Athens, Georgia, is a city that has experienced a recent increase in the number of homeless individuals. These homeless individuals are often clustered together and use shared needles when injecting intravenous drugs, which means they are more likely to transmit infectious diseases like HIV, Hepatitis B and C, and tuberculosis (Braveman & Gottlieb, 2014). These diseases can lead to chronic heart disease, kidney disease, and liver disease. In addition to the increased likelihood of infectious diseases and chronic conditions due to homelessness, other factors that may impact the health of these individuals include poor hygiene practices and poor nutrition (Sturges et al., 2007).

The prevalence of HIV in Athens, Georgia, is at 3.2 per 100,000. This is higher than the Georgia state average of 2.8 per 100,000 and the U.S. national average of 4.3 per 100,000 (Etches et al., 2006). On average, there are 70.79 cases of gonorrhea per 100,000 people in Athens, 70.99 cases on a state level, and 106.6% on a national level in the city. Athens has a syphilis prevalence rate of 12.7 per 100,000, lower than the state rate of 17.3 per 100,000 but higher than the national rate of 7 per 100,000. The prevalence of heart disease in Athens is at 203.9 per 100,000, lower than the state and federal averages above 300 per 100,000 people (Smith & Ory, 2014). Cancer rates in Athens sit at 180.7, while state and national rates sit at over 200 cases per 100,000 people. Diabetes rates in Athens are higher than both state and federal averages by nearly 30 patients, with each recording an average of 283 points for every 100,000 people in the city (Metropolitan Statistical Area, 2019).

The core group of the homeless is mainly made up of males over the age of 18 who are unemployed or underemployed. These individuals are highly susceptible to health-related behaviors such as smoking, lack of exercise, and alcohol and drug abuse. One specific indicator for this group is their smoking habit, with the majority of these men smoking cigarettes daily at least one pack per day (Etches et al., 2006). Another indicator for this group is their lack of exercise. A recent study found that only 20 percent of those surveyed regularly participated in physical activity outside work hours or work-related activities. The final indicator for the population is their alcohol consumption and drug use. Most core group members consume alcohol regularly, and at least one member of the group abuses drugs daily (Etches et al., 2006). It has been found that these three indicators are highly correlated with each other and can lead to an increased risk for various diseases such as cancer, diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2), and cardiovascular disease (CVD).

Target Population: Homeless people in Athens Georgia

Identify the health-related strengths present within the target population.

The population of homeless people in Athens, Georgia, is 20-30 men and women who live on the streets. They receive food donations from local restaurants. The health-related strengths present within this population are access to food and clean water sources. There is also a community center where they can get help finding homes and jobs. The health risks or problems experienced by this population are that they do not have a home to go to at night or a regular source of income (Etches et al., 2006). Some of them also suffer from mental illnesses like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, which makes it hard for them to live independently without access to medication or therapy sessions

Describe the health risks or problems experienced by the target population

Alcohol dependence is not as prevalent in this population as in other areas. Substance abuse is not common, although some drug use does occur. There are few infectious diseases present among homeless people. However, the homeless population also faces several health risks and problems (Etches et al., 2006). The most common risk factor for health problems among homeless people is smoking, and smoking is prevalent in Athens. Homeless people are usually underweight or at least at a healthy weight range, but many do not get enough to eat daily. Homeless people in Athens are at risk of exposure to the elements and other environmental hazards such as parasites and bacteria on the ground because they do not have shelter or access to clean clothes and blankets.

Examine the following factors’ impact on the health of the target population:

In Athens, Georgia, homelessness is a significant problem. The city’s homeless people face various issues that affect their health and well-being.

Social determinants

Social determinants of health are implicated in the problem of homelessness. The city does not have enough affordable housing for its residents, nor does it have complete social services for people who fall on hard times. As a result, when people lose their jobs or can no longer afford rent, they struggle to find housing options and social support services that will help them get back on their feet (Braveman & Gottlieb, 2014). This means that many people quickly become homeless due to these circumstances, and they often have trouble getting off the streets again.

Lifestyle practices

Lifestyle practices are also implicated in the homelessness problem. For example, substance abuse disorders are common among people experiencing homelessness in Athens. Since drug and alcohol use is associated with adverse health outcomes like addiction, chronic disease, and physical injury, it directly impacts the health of many homeless individuals in the city (Braveman & Gottlieb, 2014).

Cultural values and beliefs

Cultural values and beliefs can also contribute to homelessness problems in Athens by shaping attitudes towards those experiencing homelessness in the community (Braveman & Gottlieb, 2014). For example, if some members of the community believe that homeless people should be rejected or shamed for their situation rather than supported, this could make


2 Etches, V., Frank, J., Ruggiero, E. D., & Manuel, D. (2006). MEASURING POPULATION HEALTH: A Review of Indicators. Annual Review of Public Health27(1), 29–55.

Metropolitan Statistical Area. (2019, January 31). Athens-Clarke County, GA. Data USA.

Smith, M. L., & Ory, M. G. (2014). Measuring Success: Evaluation Article Types for the Public Health Education and Promotion Section of Frontiers in Public Health. Frontiers in Public Health2.

Sturges, D., Gunn, L., Shankar, P., & Shroff, S. (2007). Infant Mortality Trends Among Georgia Residents, 1995–2003: Targeting Healthy People’s 2010 Goals. Journal of the Georgia Public Health Association2(2).

3Braveman, P., & Gottlieb, L. (2014). The Social Determinants of Health: It’s Time to Consider the Causes of the Causes. Public Health Reports129(1_suppl2), 19–31.

Athens- Clarke County Human services. (2016, March 31). Athens – Clarke County GA (Georgia) | Human Services – Social Services. Https://Www.Libs.Uga.Edu.


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