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Personality Psychology – Margaery Tyrell

Description of the Movie, Film, Book

Game of Thrones, an HBO series set in Westeros, signifies the War of the Five Rulers or Kings and different families’ attempts to gain the Iron Throne, an overall throne depicting the ruling of the five kingdoms (Benioff and Weiss). Some of the main characters seek justice and honor in a chaotic world. Margaery Tyrell, the youngest daughter of House Tyrell, is a powerful and ambitious woman. This study will evaluate Margaery Tyrell’s personality using the Five-Factor Model and another perspective from biological, psychoanalytic, existential, learning, thinking, and feeling.

Margaery was always determined to elevate her family’s standing, no matter the cost. She demonstrated amazing wit and cunning in political maneuvering, most notably in her successful seduction of Renly and Tommen Baratheon. She also showed allegiance to House Tyrell by becoming the House’s leader after her father and brother became incapacitated. These attributes suggest a woman whose mind is strongly founded in the will to succeed and make her aspirations a reality, resulting in positive and negative effects depending on the situation.

Analyzing Margaery Tyrell from the Five-Factor Model

Openness to Experience

Margaery Tyrell is open-minded. Margaery is smart and intelligent from the outset, using her wit and guile to navigate political problems. She is inventive and innovative, manipulating and charming others to get what she wants. Her great knowledge of Westeros culture and customs makes her well-read and able to mix in even the most refined courts. Even in difficult situations, she is confident in her strategy-making and can take chances. Margaery is quite open to new experiences.


Margaery Tyrell is conscientious. She is a hard worker who works hard to achieve her goals. She is meticulous and thorough because she anticipates her opponents’ political movements and preparations for numerous scenarios. Her ultimate goal is to improve House Tyrell, and she is determined to do it. She is a great mentor, teaching Tommen the skills he needs to reign. These attributes show Margaery’s outstanding conscientiousness.


Margaery Tyrell’s extraversion is moderate. She enjoys socializing and attending courtly events. She also enjoys spending time alone. She’s good at judging and communicating since she can read people. She can also anticipate and meet others’ needs, showing sensitivity and understanding. These attributes show Margaery’s mild extraversion.


Margaery Tyrell is moderately agreeable. She’s friendly to her friends and trustworthy people. She’s ruthless when her family’s interests are threatened. However, she forgives and is prepared to give people who have deceived her a second chance. She competes in negotiation and diplomacy, suggesting she can resolve disputes peacefully. These attributes show Margaery’s modest agreeableness.


Neuroticism is low in Margaery Tyrell. She rarely shows emotion, even under pressure. Her satisfaction indicates a well-balanced mind. She’s also calm and rational, allowing her to step back and assess the situation. These features show Margaery’s mild neuroticism.

Analyzing Margaery from Another Perspective

Self-actualization theory can be applied to Margaery’s personality. This argument states that Margaery’s actions are motivated by her desire to improve herself. She overcomes Westeros’ cultural and social restrictions to pursue her goals. Despite hurdles, she will achieve her ambitions. She understands her potential for personal improvement and strives to achieve it. Self-actualization also motivates Margaery. Everything she does is to fulfill her goals and realize her full potential. She does challenge activities even in peril because she is intrinsically motivated. She takes chances when necessary and stays focused despite the odds. These attributes show Margaery’s self-actualization.

Margaery also developed her unique skills to achieve self-actualization. Since self-actualization is about optimizing potential, Margaery continually attempts to improve her skills, knowledge, and understanding of the world (McLeod). She can rapidly detect and appraise her opponents and grasp their motivations. Her knowledge and political savvy have made her an important asset to House Tyrell, as she can develop sensible ideas and plans despite the ever-changing War of the Five Kings. Margaery seeks self-actualization through these attributes.

Psychoanalysis claims that childhood unconscious components shape personality. This interpretation suggests that Margaery’s childhood and their parents’ relationship affected her personality (Mcleod). Margaery, the youngest daughter of House Tyrell, was raised in a world of power, privilege, and ambition. Thus, her parents instilled in her a strong desire to succeed. Her family’s difficulties have made her fiercely independent and determined to succeed without House Tyrell’s legacy. These indicators show that psychoanalysis substantially influenced Margaery’s personality.

Reasons for Margaery’s Personality

Margaery’s childhood shaped her personality. Margaery, the youngest daughter of House Tyrell, was likely exposed to affluence and ambition from an early age. This may have inspired her to never give up. She may have turned independent of sparing her family from shame. Her mother’s death made her realize life’s fragility and how rapidly things can change, prompting her to take advantage of her opportunities. These influences undoubtedly made Margaery ambitious and determined.

If You Believe Your Character’s Personality Changed Through the Course of The Movie, Series, Etc., Mention Why You Think This Happened Based on Course Concepts

As the story continued, Margaery changed from ambitious and power-hungry to caring and understanding. Characters like Sansa Stark and the High Sparrow influenced this transformation. Margaery saw the effects of her deeds and questioned her goals for power and ambition under Sansa and the High Sparrow. As she saw the world’s inequities, she gained a better awareness of herself and empathy for others. Margaery battled for justice and equality in Westeros. Margaery’s new perspective was molded by others’ experiences and teachings, suggesting the learning, thinking, and feeling perspective influenced her.


The Five-Factor Model and self-actualization describe Margaery Tyrell’s ambition and determination. She is open, conscientious, moderately extroverted, moderately amiable, low-neuroticism, and driven to succeed. Her parents’ strong expectations and encouragement to excel impacted her personality. Westeros has also made her rethink her ambitions and fight for justice and a better society. Thus, Margaery’s personality is constantly changing.

Works Cited

Benioff, David, and D.B Weiss. “Game of Thrones.” IMDb, 17 Apr. 2011,

McLeod, Saul. “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.” Simply Psychology, 21 Mar. 2023,

Mcleod, Saul. “Psychoanalysis.”, 2019,


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