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Person-Centered Care Essays

Understanding and Supporting Individuals and Communities Affected by Floods

Introduction In 2021, the serene town of Lismore in New South Wales, Australia, was shaken to its core by a terrifying sequence of events. Lismore was hit by devastating floods of unmatched scale in February and March of that year. These catastrophic floods destroyed physical infrastructure and left severe emotional wounds on the individuals and ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1858

Case Study Carmelita

Assessment Type A comprehensive assessment is more appropriate for Carmelita due to her complex social and medical history and current symptoms and presentation. A comprehensive assessment will enable the nurses to evaluate Carmelita’s complete health status, including her physical, mental, lifestyle, and socioeconomic condition. A comprehensive assessment is necessary for Carmelita to determine the underlying ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1367
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Person and Family-Centered Care and Nurses’ Role

Persons and family-centered care are routines where the careers and patients are active participants in the patient healthcare team. They are involved in decision-making and advising health organizations. Person and family-centered care are applied in the consent process through; respect and dignity, sharing of information promptly, and collaboration in any event concerning patient care. The ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 652
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