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People Should Eat Less Junk Food

General Speech Purpose: To persuade people to eat less junk food.

Specific Speech Purpose: To inform people about the dangers of eating junk food and teach them the importance of adopting a healthy lifestyle.

Thesis: To improve their health and well-being, people should consume less junk food as it has become a serious public health danger.

Organizational pattern: Problem-solution


Junk food gives a mouth-watering feeling even before it is taken. They are sweet, but the sad reality is that it has many adverse health effects because of the high consumption of saturated fats. Saturated fats have cholesterol which leads to heart diseases such as hypertension. Other junk foods, such as soft drinks, can lead to tooth decay because they contain sugar and acids that wear out the protective tooth enamel. Junk foods are known to have low fiber, which makes it hard to poop. Junk foods are convenient, cheap, and tasty, but we should learn to limit or reduce their consumption in our diets. Lifestyle habits make people opt for junk because they see that cooking a large nutritious meal at home would take a longer time compared to buying and eating junk food.


First, we will look at the effects of consuming junk foods. Junk food has high calories that affect our health. It is cheap because the ingredients can be produced in large quantities, and the products are non-perishable. It is easy to consume unhealthy junk foods because they contain calories with low nutrient levels. Accessibility to junk food outlets influences diet choices because, on many occasions, they put up adverts about junk foods. People’s choices are influenced by their incomes and food prices. Some known outlets encourage the consumption of junk foods because of their big name in the industry, such as McDonald’s and Burger King. There are other alternatives to junk foods; for example, drinking water instead of soda and eating baked vegetable fries instead of French fries.

Many poor people consume cheap food containing high calories. The disposable incomes of many poor people do not allow them to consume healthy foods (Bennett et al. 31). Poor people are affected by lifestyle diseases such as obesity because of the over-consumption of junk foods that contain cholesterol, such as fries and soda. Adopting nutritious foods and avoiding the luxury of junk food; for example, eating fruits instead of snacks and consuming vegetables, will help the body remain well-balanced.

We now understand the effects of consuming junk foods; let us now discuss how we can reduce the consumption of junk foods. An important point to note is ensuring you eat regular meals to avoid feeling too hungry. When you feel hungry, the stomach sends signals to the brain that you need to eat. It becomes easy to eat any food you see. Therefore, keeping a regular meal schedule to avoid junk foods and include healthy foods such as vegetables and fruits is essential. A regular meal schedule will leave you feeling full, reducing the desire to consume junk food. Drinking water is important and healthy because it does not have calories, and it has significant effects such as hydrating the body, lubricating joints, and maintaining a normal body temperature. Sugary drinks like soda may lead to an increase in body weight.

Understanding individual stressors will help you avoid craving junk food. We should be keen to notice our emotional triggers, which can make us crave junk food. Planning on how to deal with your stressors will help you to choose healthy food instead of high-calorie alternatives (Susmann et al. 10). When feeling stressed, drink water and eat nutritious food. Fruits can be an alternative to junk snacks. Getting enough sleep of up to 8 to 12 hours is important. Research shows that adequate sleep reduces overeating which leads to an increase in weight gain.


In conclusion, we have all learned about the effects of consuming junk food. They are readily available because there are many fast-food outlets. Their consumption can be reduced by considering healthy alternatives to avoid health issues affecting us. Consuming a nutritious diet will help in managing body weight and reducing the intake of calories. Regular meal schedules will make an individual avoid junk food because the stomach is full. To improve our health and well-being, people should consume less junk food as it has become a serious public health danger. Junk food gives a mouth-watering feeling even before it is taken. They are sweet, but the sad reality is that it has many negative health effects because of the high consumption of saturated fats. It is our obligation to make healthy food choices to avoid lifestyle diseases that are expensive to treat and manage.


Bennett, Rebecca, et al. “Prevalence of healthy and unhealthy food and beverage price promotions and their potential influence on shopper purchasing behavior: a systematic review of the literature.” Obesity Reviews 21.1 2020: e12948.

Susmann, Herbert P., et al. “Dietary habits related to food packaging and population exposure to PFASs.” Environmental health perspectives 127.10 2019: 107003.


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