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Paper on Sin

Christian communities have diverse perceptions or beliefs regarding the issue of sin, which suggests that human beings are inherently flawed. Christianity believes that sin is any thought, action, or word that goes against God’s will and violates the divine law. In addition, Christians acknowledge that sin destroys our relationship with God and attracts moral and spiritual consequences. Generally, human beings are considered since they take advantage of other people’s views and do not want to identify themselves as evil; Christian Christians should not be ashamed of the doctrine of sin or soften their Christian values and conditions to be accepted in a broader perspective.

First, Christians are intolerant and judgmental, taking advantage of other Christian communities by identifying themselves as righteous in today’s world. Ultimately, the first human beings, Adam and Eve, were intolerant and rebelling against God. Genesis 3:6 declares that humans disobeyed God by eating the forbidden fruit; thus, sin entered the world. We all inherited sin from our first parents, Adam and Eve. Christians should acknowledge that we are all sinful before God by nature. Therefore, while approaching the doctrine of sin, Christians must be keen and sensitive not to hurt fellow Christians. In essence, we should embrace respecting other Christian traditions and beliefs by spreading Love and the gospel of forgiveness rather than considering ourselves as accurate.

Second, Paul’s letter to Galatians formerly identified how human’s nature to disrespect God (Galatians 4:8). Further, Paul reveals the bondage of sin and its effects on contributing to religious divisions as people used God’s truths to criticize religion. Luke 9:49 described Pharisees who rebuked and prevented Christ from casting demons on from God’s name by concluding that He did not follow with them. The Bible is clear on God’s wrath to these rebellions of His world in the final judgment. Therefore, as Christians, we must show empathy while spreading the truth and present love to these people without judging their intolerance and beliefs.

Additionally, Christians should be ashamed of the doctrine of sin. Despite the criticism of Christians being extremely judgmental, we must overpower this situation by showing Love, preaching forgiveness, and standing by the truth. The true doctrines of Christ should be seen in our actions to enable us to defend the truth in Christ’s principles. The book of John 4:8 emphasizes Love and unlimited grace as the most significant attributes of God. Consequently, when we turn from our sins and repent, our Father is gracious and caring to deliver us from evil. To defend against corruption, Christians should acknowledge that they are sinners. This situation is significant while discussing the doctrine of sin since different Christian communities possess diverse beliefs.

Finally, in postmodernism, we need not soften or get tempted to fall weak to sin to be accepted by others. Essentially, this act of faith is what God commands us to do, live, and defend. While expressing our views on the doctrine of sin in a broader context, we must focus on not falsifying God’s doctrines to please our fellows and the world. In missionaries’ contextualization, it is our call to convert non-believers to understand and experience the Love of God. Missionaries face people who rebel against the word of God and Christianity, thus, encounter challenges while spreading the scripture. In this case, ministers need to learn the social, cultural, religious, and ethnic characteristics of communities to avoid misinterpretations of their beliefs.

In conclusion, humans are sinful, and evil has destroyed our relationship with God attracting punishment from God. Christians must acknowledge that they are inherently flawed to control sin. Christians must not be ashamed or soften their Christian condition on the doctrine of sin to be accepted but instead, acknowledge that they are sinners to prevent evil. Instead, we must be empowered to practice tolerance that takes other Christian beliefs. As ambassadors of truth, we must respond to the call to preach forgiveness and present Love and faith to unbelievers without judging their perceptions. Besides, missionaries must spread Christ’s doctrines without influencing people to follow their cultural and theological perceptions.


Crouse, P. (2023). A Purpose outlined in Christ: God’s Mission of Reconciliation in Ephesians 1–2. Journal of the Evangelical Missiological Society3(1), 51-69.

Erickson M. J, 2015, Introducing Christian Doctrine, (3rd Ed.). Hustard, L.A. (Ed.). Baker Academic, a division of Baker Publishing Group, © 1992, 2001, 2015


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