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Functionalism vs. Anomalous Monism

Introduction The human mind occupies a special place in the world. Right here is where our morality and sense of reason are kept. In this paper, I’ll look at functionalism and anomalous monism, two opposing theories that try to explain the mind-body problem. According to functionalists, a person’s mental condition is not based on their inherent ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1159

Fuel Selection and Metabolic Function

The body primarily relies on carbohydrate and fat oxidation as the main sources of ATP for skeletal muscle contraction. The utilization of either carbohydrate or fat resources will depend on the intensity and duration of the exercise (Loon et al., 2001). However, Lei et al. (2015) contend that the ability of the body to switch ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1476

From Louis XIV to Napoleon: the Fate of a Great Power, Book Review

Black, Jeremy. From Louis XIV to Napoleon: the fate of great power. Routledge, (2013); 10-288. Thesis From 1661 to 1815, France had the most incredible power in Western Europe when Louis XIV and Napoleon dominated the country. However, Louis XIV later died, and Napoleon was defeated in his attempt to resume power, allowing Britain to control ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1311

Fredrick Douglass: Freedom of Movement

Human rights are rights fundamental to all human beings, regardless of ethnicity, gender, race, worship, language, nationality, or any other status. Since the time of Mahatma Gandhi, the father of human rights and activists, many individuals have emerged over the years to continue the fight for civil rights and freedom. Our deeds should be in ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 742

Forensic Psychology and Suicide

Most forensic psychologists have adopted clinical assessment to determine the dangerousness of a patient to commit suicide. However, several academicians have encouraged the practitioners to adopt an actuarial method in determining the patient’s dangerousness level. However, Litwak (2001) insists that there is no statistical difference between the actuarial and the clinical assessment. The Violence Risk ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 673

COVID-19 and Food Insecurity in Trinidad and Tobago

1.0 Introduction The global economy might take many years to return to pre-COVID-19 levels if the COVID-19 epidemic causes one of the world’s greatest recessions in decades. The WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic in mid-March 2020, although the economic impact on South America may have begun even before the first cases were reported. Consequently, the ... Read More
Pages: 31       Words: 8455

Essay on Food Waste

Food waste is termed as food discarded by retailers because of its appearance and plate waste by consumers. Wastage of food takes place throughout the entire production spectrum, from the farm to distribution, retailers, and subsequently to the consumers. Some examples of food waste include: sour milk poured down the drain, food scraps after meal ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 688

Food Insecurity in Nigeria

Introduction In Nigeria, the population as of 2012 stood at 166.2 million according to the Nigeria National Bureau of Statistics (Adebayo, 2012). This number has increased, and the estimated population as of 2019 is slightly over 200 million people. These figures indicate that Nigeria is amongst the fastest growing, developing country in terms of population. ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1787

Fiscal and Monetary Policy

Introduction The Chinese economy has experienced impressive growth in the past few years, making the nation the world’s second-largest economy. After beginning economic reforms in 1978, the country was ranked number nine based on the nominal gross domestic product with over $213 billion and is currently ranked the second with a nominal gross product of ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 639

Financing Options Available for Startup Companies to Raise Equity

Introduction Equity finance is a way of raising funds by selling company stock to financial organizations, the general public, or institutional investors. The purchasers of shares are considered shareholders since they have obtained an equity stake in the business (Metrick, & Yasuda, 2021). Equity financing is a way of meeting an organization’s financial needs by ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1961

Bombardier Inc. Financial Report

Executive Summary Bombardier Inc. is among the world’s leading manufacturers of trains and planes. It operates under four segments, including commercial aircraft, business aircraft, transportation, aerostructures, and engineering services (MacDonald, 2003). Employing over 69,500 skilled employees, the company provides efficient, enjoyable, and sustainable solutions in the transport sector. It boasts of over 75 engineering and ... Read More
Pages: 20       Words: 5457

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome; Children With Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Their Academic Performance

Abstract Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is a resultant condition in children born to drinking women during their gestation period. The state inevitably leads to brain damage and deters proper child growth. The problems resulting from FAS vary from one child to another, and these defects are sadly irreversible. Children with FAS experience learning, vision, hearing, ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1651

Essay on Federalism

Federalism is a political structure that enables distinct states or other polities to coexist peacefully within a larger political structure. Federal systems accomplish this by mandating that fundamental policies be decided upon and carried out after some dialogue, allowing for the participation of all members in the decision-making process. Even though many different federal political ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 778

Federal Reserve Role in Global Central Banking

Introduction The United States Central bank system is known as the Federal Reserve (Fed). President Woodrow Wilson established The Federal Reserve in 1913 by signing the Act into law to improve the country’s financial and monetary conditions (West, 2019). The primary duties of the Fed are to maintain financial stability, conduct national economic policy, provide ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1730
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