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Our giant database of free essay examples will be useful to all those who write essays and are looking for examples for inspiration.

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Is Death Penalty a Justifiable Approach to Justice?

Society is organized so that the amount of good and evil almost balances. To maintain this, the legal system has to ensure that the appropriate rules and regulations come in place to determine the functionality. Crime is one side of society that cannot be ignored due to its impact on different individuals, especially the victims. ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2616

Is Confucianism a Religion?

Confucianism is not a religion; rather, it is a philosophy. Many people have explored the argument on whether Confucianism is a religion or not. Some claim that Confucius, the man who came up with Confucianism, was a religious man and even a Deity himself, which makes the concept a religion (Blitstein, 2021). On the other ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 688

Intertextuality and Comparative Analysis of Character and Themes

Intertextuality refers to the association between texts, and comparative analysis distinguishes items from one another and determines their resemblances and differences. Literary texts have four elements for comparison and analysis. They include the plot, theme, character, and tone. The plot refers to the succession of events, the theme refers to the main idea, and a ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1703

International Law and International Economic Governance

Introduction Internal Economic Government and International Law have witnessed massive growth over the past two centuries with changes that have impacted the scholarly, political, legal, and economic fields. The three ages of ILIEG have been immensely distinct but lead to a common goal; reconciling national and international financial and legal governance.[1] However, overcoming the illusion of ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1656

Intellectual Disability by James Harris

“Intellectual Disability” is a book by James Harris that gives the reader a deep understanding of the development, causes, classification, evaluation, and treatment of intellectual disability. Oxford University Press first published the book in 2006, printed in the United States. Dr. Harris emphasizes that intellectual disability is a developmental problem that changes over time. I ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1028

Integrating the Field of Developmental Psychology

Human development is how people change and grow across their life spans. Growth and development encompass people’s cognitive, biological, psychological, and social functioning, and language changes as the child begins to comprehend and interact with their environment. Developmental milestones include abilities like the first phase of the first smile—human development. Human development can be viewed ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2362

Installing or Improving Additional Networks

Introduction Nearly all homes and small businesses today have a local network and an Internet connection. The small area network in the home or office enables several devices, such as PCs, tablets, and other devices, to connect to the Internet and one another. A local area network, often known as a LAN, is a collection ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1199

Insights on the Journey of Israelites in Exodus and Deuteronomy

One of the most mysterious books of all time is the Bible and the Koran. Accounts narrated in these books are surprisingly similar except for slight variations, which does not change the purpose of these narrations. Having studied the books of the Old Testament, particularly Exodus and Deuteronomy, the accounts therein seem to have multiple ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 621

Innovations in Entrepreneurship

Introduction Innovations are essential in the entrepreneurship sector. They redefine business processes maximizing value for consumers and business people. However, despite this importance, some businesses continue to struggle with revolutionizing their operations to reflect modern practices. Resource limitations and expertise to facilitate new knowledge are the most common bottlenecks hindering new ways of doing things ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1367

Innovation in Marketing

Introduction Innovation is considered the foundation for a company’s market performance and development in a constantly changing environment. It results in the improvement of products and processes that enable the organization’s continuous advancement to withstand the competitive environment through an increased product lifecycle, facilitate its rapid growth and increase profitability levels. These factors elevate a ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1291

Infrastructural Development in Montreal

Good infrastructures are critical to the development of towns and cities, for they facilitate development movement, interactions, and trade in a given place. Montreal is not a reserve to these benefits accrued from good infrastructural projects, especially those developed in the early 19th century; they opened up the city to more opportunities from people who are ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 639

Influenza A Viral Infection

Introduction Influenza A is a highly contagious respiratory disease caused by the type A influenza virus, a helically-shaped single-stranded RNA virus. (Jung & Lee, 2020). According to the Australian National Notification Data ( NNDS), there was a total of 225,332 reported cases of influenza virus infection between the beginning of the year to 9th October 2022. ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1721

Influence of the Internet on Media

The rise of technology has resulted in strong changes in the media landscape. There are now many new and innovative ways to share information and resources. With the advent of social media, people can now access information more easily than ever (Mann et al., 2016). However, some older media models are becoming less relevant, and ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3165

Increasing the Age To Consume Alcohol

The legal drinking age should be increased because alcohol consumption can lead to health problems, car accidents, and other negative consequences. Some people argue that the drinking age should be lowered, but research has shown that increasing the drinking age has saved lives. Traffic fatalities decreased when the drinking age increased, and states that raised ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1077

Incivility in the Workplace

Introduction Workplace incivility may result from unprofessional behavior conducted to harm the target. For instance, when someone exhibits disrespectful behavior, is impolite, dishonorable, and goes against the rules of mutual respect at work. Various factors are associated with workplace incivility, especially in the healthcare industry. Keeping up with all the activities that aim to deliver ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1325
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