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Othello Essays

Racism in Othello

Racism is a major theme in most plays, with Blacks being treated as inferior while, on the other hand, the Whites are portrayed as superior. However, the major goal of artistic works is to represent the issues in society. Thus the major goal of bringing racism into play is due to its impact on society, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 679

Racism in Othello

Introduction Racism is a significant subject in William Shakespeare’s play Othello. Has Othello’s race and the Racism that surrounded him ever crossed your mind? Because of his dark skin, Othello has many issues during the play. Racist terms like “the Moor,” “ancient black ram,” “Barbary horse,” and “thick lips” were used to describe him (Shakespeare ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1100
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Annotated Bibliography: The Power of Jealousy in Othello

Jealousy manifests on several instances in William Shakespeare’s work, Othello. This jealousy has been shown to be more destructive than productive. It has wreaked havoc, caused death, and division. The following seven articles annotate the elements of jealousy in Othello and the aftermath. Helsinger, Rosalind. “False Flesh: Shakespeare and Adultery.”, 2021, According to this ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1768

How Cruelty Often Functions as a Crucial Motivation

The play begins in a specific city in the state of Venice; the city was well-known for its business trade and banking skills, as well as for its distinctive military capabilities, which were considered to be mighty. A scene from the play took place in the early morning hours. This was when two men, Rodrigo ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1601
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