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Organizational Development Plan for Management Team

Problem Presented

The organizational development plan is an actual framework established to build a capacity to change and achieve more effectively by developing, enhancing structure, and improving strategies and processes. The problems presented by the team need to be more consistent in implementing strategies for development and bringing new change. Most of the time, the change it brought to the team to enhance productivity must be better received. There is always a prolonged debate about implementing a given change (Shani & Noumair, 2021). The inconsistency of implementing strategies and fighting change in management results results achieving effectiveness and efficiency when working on achieving success within the organization. If there is consistency and resistance to implementing change management, it means that achieving efficiency and implementing the new tactics will make it easier to reach top performance.

Assessment Process Overview

The organization’s management team’s assessment process was systematically conducted to determine the problem. The approach was drawn from already existing knowledge and tried to build it upon where there were gaps and other key tools that brought about the overall conclusion on the problem in the management team. The conclusion was that there was a need for an initiative to have an organizational development plan for the management team.

The assessment process looked at important components of the organizations, including the mission and vision, and then appraised them and how they align with the goals. The assessment also looked at how easy it was to implement a new idea and the level of resistance that was experienced from different levels in the management team. The assessment also looked at the strategic planning of the organization’s projects and the strategic plan’s success rate. For example, one of the strategic plans for 2023 was to implement a new digital transformation for employee scheduling to enhance employee management within the first quarter of the year (Chofreh et al., 2020). The other assessment process involved evaluating the organizational culture and structure from diversity, division of roles and communication process from junior staff to the management and vice versa. Then, the last part of the assessment looked at the change management and rated the process and staff involved in the implementation and the rate of resistance.

The ratings were done on a scale of 1-4, critiquing the organizational management team’s imitations and success under these parameters. The change management assessment was intense, and in the process, it looked at whether there was an effective way of internally responding, for example, in terms of staffing, leadership and budget aspects (Covin et al., 2020). The external change aspect was the effect of funder priorities and government policies. The assessment generally contributed to the overall understanding of how the organization has been working to achieve the overall development plan based on the management team with different findings attained over the assessment process.

Executive Summary of the Findings and Insights

The findings from the assessment process were comprehensive and can be effective in achieving the management team’s organizational development plan. The aspect of the mission and vision of the organization was effective and aligned with the long-term plan that the organization is striving to achieve. The vision was rated clear and straightforward in correspondence to the organizational goals. The problem with the mission and vision is that they are written but not widely shared among the team and staff for implementation. Although it explicitly explains the expectations, the statements have yet to be well shared with the staff so that they can showcase reasonable grounds for implementation. The issue of the strategic plan produced some ineffectiveness in implementing the strategic plan in the organization, with most of the strategies getting implemented in past due time, meaning a delay in the course of implementation (Alrowwad et al., 2020). That means there is an issue with strategy clarity and coherence,ving some gaps that should be immediately fixed to achieve team performance. A strategic plan is key because it should give the team a roadmap of things they should achieve on a long-term and short-term basis. The other key finding was that change management needed help initiating the project, which took more time to implement, with most of the team showing some level of resistance to changes in the organizations. In the case of a reluctant response to the change, the organization needs to design an approach effectively, and response means making the team accept the changes and act according to the organization’s needs.

Details of Specific Findings

The overall findings for the organization are that the management team needs the development plan because overall performance could be more effective. It is understood that, typically, OD should lead to positive outcomes and timely implementation of the processes. Some issues that informed the results are the scaling up of the budget and impact potential, organizational efficiency and the experience of the shareholders and funders of the organization’s projects (Alrowwad et al., 2020). The other aspect is the readiness of the organization to show resilience during the crises and, lastly, the impact of the organization’s future readiness to capitalize on the opportunities, collaboration and absorption of future readiness.

In the organization’s case, the aspect observed selects the organization’s organizational organization strategic implementation. Although the strategic plan was written, it needed to be more referred to during the implementation and rarely guided the organization’s workflow. The need to follow the strategic plan document made the organization bypass some issues that needed to be implemented for the smooth run of the planned activities and made it easy to implement (Covin et al., 2020). The organization’s implementation of the strategic plan took more time than planned. For example, in the first quarter of 2023, one of the strategic plans that was initiated was to implement digital transformation (DT) for employee management scheduling. Still, the implementation took up to a third quarter. That generally meant the strategic plan only offered the general guide for the programmatic and operational work, but it never guided the decision-making process.

The other evident aspect of the organization is the change management aspect, especially when the organization wants to develop an innovation. The organization needs an effective way of implementing and responding to internal aspects like staffing, budgeting and leadership. The implementation of the new change needed to be better communicated to the staff and the gap between the top management and juniors was experienced as the main issue leading to the slow adoption of ideas and strategic plans (Hillmann & Guenther, 2021). The process for bringing change could have been more effective and consistent with the routines as the reviewing and responding to the reaction of staff was not much considered. The staff involvement needs to be better elaborated, and management assumed that the staff would automatically follow the latter. That is not the case because if the change is impulsive, the junior management may need more time to be ready for the change, and a proper initiation and change management model should be applied. This was to change management in the model and revise management systems and framework for checking how the staff are comfortable with the decision. If there are no good policies for the organization’s development plan, then staff will resist some change since there will be a shortage of communication.

Guidance to a Solution

An organizational development plan for the management team is essential for streamlining the efficiency and effectiveness of operations. Better approaches must be deployed to ensure the change is attained, the organization achieves the goals of working within the strategic plan, and the team is comfortable with the change.

Communications: Communication is the most important solution for the organization’s development to occur and ensure that the team is comfortable with the change. Communication means that management must communicate any change, bring staff to discussion, and ask for opinions, especially for the change that will affect them directly, like bringing new equipment that staff will use to perform their duties (Ballaro et al., 2020).

Knowledge Management: Knowledge management creates effective systems that capture and disseminate internal and external understanding and best practices within organizations. Knowledge management will review new incoming content quarterly into systems. Knowledge management will ensure that staff are aware of and well-versed in information updates. Then, there will be a good knowledge transfer to the happening programs in the organizations (Ballaro et al., 2020). All new programs must be shared among the staff and stakeholders to achieve good links of effective management.

Change Management Model: At some point, a new change m, must be welcomed, and most employees are never ready for the change. In that case, a good change management model must be structured to achieve positive organisational change to align with the change management that the organization needs to achieve. Over eight change management styles can be adopted whenever a change, like DT, is being implemented to reduce the issues of miscommunication, resistance to change and issues when implementing a change and achieving efficiency in operations.


In conclusion, an organizational development plan is important for achieving efficiency, effectiveness, collaboration in the team and budget scaling. The OD must align with an organizational culture based on positive practices and beliefs. That is, implementing a cohesive set of beliefs among staff and management and good practices that allow employees to be aware of what is happening regularly. That threshold needs to be based on internal communication, good information sharing and suitable models for welcoming change in the organization. In that sense, an environment with employee commitment and collaborative effort will be attained, thus resulting in exceptional work quality.


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