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Opportunities for Multicultural Management Research

Egerer, M., Ordóñez, C., Lin, B. B., & Kendal, D. (2019). Multicultural gardeners and park users benefit from and attach diverse values to urban nature spaces. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening46, 126445.

(a) Egerer et al. (2019) conducted research in Melbourne, Australia, to learn more about the positive effects of urban green spaces on the mental health of gardeners and parkgoers from a variety of ethnic backgrounds because in today’s globalized society, ethnic and cultural diversity are widely reflected in urban centres around the globe. People’s perceptions of metropolitan nature are influenced not only by the space’s shape and purpose but also by their cultural background and social group. (b) To gather this information, they used intercept surveys with free-form questions about gardeners’ and parkgoers’ motivations for gardening, quantifiable ways to gauge happiness, and the benefits of green spaces. (c) The results show that people other than Australians and Europeans who tend to gardens and visit parks often have a unique ethnocultural identity based on their place of birth, their primary language, and their geographical region of beginnings. Even more so for gardeners who may speak English as a second language, community gardens offer not only a source of food but also a feeling of belonging and safety. Urban parks, like community gardens, have not only visual but also social and psychological significance for these people due to their proximity to the people and places they identify with from a variety of cultural backgrounds. Trees in metropolitan areas are seen more for their aesthetic, naturalness, and biodiversity value than for their sociocultural value by these various groups. (d) This research is necessary because it emphasizes the importance of considering various values and benefits when planning and designing urban nature areas for multiethnic cities.

Hays, D. G. (2020). Multicultural and social justice counseling competency research: Opportunities for innovation. Journal of Counseling & Development98(3), 331–344.

In his article “The Current State of Research on Multicultural and Social Justice Counseling Competency” (Hays, 2020) (a), the author examines the field and finds areas for future growth. (b) The author discusses the present situation of research in counselling that addresses multicultural expertise while offering a review of its historical and conceptual foundations. In addition, he talks about the importance of studying the new discipline of social justice therapy proficiency. Information technology and combining quantitative and qualitative research methods are two avenues for progress Hays sees in multicultural and social justice counseling competency research. He stresses the value of research partnerships with underrepresented groups and the significance of educating future counsellors on social justice issues. (c) To advance fair and culturally relevant mental health amenities, the study ends by stressing the importance of further research into multicultural and social justice counseling competence. (d) To make sure that psychological experts are well-equipped to satisfy the demands of various populations and to foster equality in the counselling field, this study is crucial because it highlights the need for continuous innovation in this area.

Inegbedion, H., Sunday, E., Asaleye, A., Lawal, A., & Adebanji, A. (2020). Managing diversity for organizational efficiency. Sage Open10(1), 2158244019900173.

(a) The article by Inegbedion et al. (2020) looked at how diverse workplaces can be managed effectively. This research set out to answer the question, “How does diversity management affect efficiency in the workplace?” by investigating its effects on teamwork and employee morale. (b) They used a poll format to get their data. A total of 178 people who work for nine different MNCs in the south of Nigeria were surveyed. The study data was evaluated using structural equation modelling, with handling diversity and corporate achievement serving as the latent variables. (c) How cultural differences are addressed, conflicts are settled, and workers are treated significantly affects diversity management. Management of variety and collaboration among employees also majorly impacts business productivity. (d) The study’s relevance lies in demonstrating the imperative for managers of varied workforces to prioritize diversity management.

Stahl, G. K., & Maznevski, M. L. (2021). Unraveling the effects of cultural diversity in teams: A retrospective of research on multicultural work groups and an agenda for future research. Journal of International Business Studies52, 4-22.

(a) Stahl & Maznevski’s (2021) Meta-analysis of Research on Multicultural Work Groups sought to synthesize the state of knowledge on cultural diversity in teams, reconcile divergent viewpoints and previous findings, and illuminate the processes and boundary circumstances whereby variation affects how teams perform. (b) They used a theoretical framework they created that describes how cultural variation adds to positive and negative process results in teams and the circumstances under which diversity is most effective in fostering positive team outcomes. They tested their theories by conducting a meta-analysis of research on cultural variation in teams, including 108 individual studies and 10,632 workplace teams. (c) The findings indicated that cultural variation did not have an immediate effect on team efficiency but instead had an indirect effect that was influenced by environmental factors like crew tenure, job difficulty, and whether or not team members resided together or far apart geographically, and was triggered by operational factors like innovation, cooperation, and differences. (d) The unexpected results have prompted severe inquiries into the dynamics of various teams, highlighting the need for additional research into the topic.

Verkuyten, M., & Yogeeswaran, K. (2020). Cultural diversity and its implications for intergroup relations. Current opinion in psychology32, 1-5.

(a) According to Verkuyten & Yogeeswaran (2020), discussions of variety & tolerance are increasingly common in schools, workplaces, and administrations of all stripes. (b) This article summarizes current psychological research investigating the effects of demographic shifts, government policies regarding multiculturalism and ethnic minorities, and theoretical and practical discussions of multiculturalism and diversity on interpersonal relationships between different social groups. After discussing how diversity and multiculturalism impact intergroup interactions, they move to interculturalism, a comparatively unexplored new diversity strategy. (c) The authors conclude by emphasizing the need to look at diversity from different perspectives and consider how it affects different communities. (d) This article is well-timed because it calls for more research into the nuances of cultural variation and intergroup relations to gain a deeper understanding of these phenomena and develop interventions that promote positive outcomes.


Egerer, M., Ordóñez, C., Lin, B. B., & Kendal, D. (2019). Multicultural gardeners and park users benefit from and attach diverse values to urban nature spaces. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening46, 126445.

Hays, D. G. (2020). Multicultural and social justice counseling competency research: Opportunities for innovation. Journal of Counseling & Development98(3), 331–344.

Inegbedion, H., Sunday, E., Asaleye, A., Lawal, A., & Adebanji, A. (2020). Managing diversity for organizational efficiency. Sage Open10(1), 2158244019900173.

Stahl, G. K., & Maznevski, M. L. (2021). Unraveling the effects of cultural diversity in teams: A retrospective of research on multicultural work groups and an agenda for future research. Journal of International Business Studies52, 4-22.

Verkuyten, M., & Yogeeswaran, K. (2020). Cultural diversity and its implications for intergroup relations. Current opinion in psychology32, 1-5.


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