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Operations Management, Change, And New Ideas


This reflective paper aims to look at what researchers know about operations management, change, and new ideas. This paper will discuss Gibbs’ Reflection Cycle Model, a tool that helps people think about their lives and gain new ideas and understanding by thinking about what they have done. This model will be used to find places to improve and key things to learn that can be used to help make decisions in the future. This paper will also look at the idea of change and innovation in operations management and how using this model can help an organization put change and innovation plans into action that work.

Gibbs’ Reflection Cycle Model is a tool that helps people think about their lives and gain new ideas and understanding by looking back on what they have done. It is a seven-step plan that helps people think deeply about what they do and determine where to improve (Drobyazko et al., 2020). The model has seven steps: (1) describing the experience; (2) evaluating the experience; (3) analyzing the experience; (4) concluding; (5) thinking about options; (6) making action plans; and (7) thinking about the experience (Marion, and Fixson, 2021). Through these steps, people can learn more about their situations and find ways to improve them. Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle is a common way to think about reflection. It has six parts: a description, feelings, a review, an analysis, a conclusion, and a plan for what to do next. This reflection will discuss my journey as I wrote my Operations Management, Change, and Innovation dissertation.

I started working on my dissertation by examining different themes related to Operations Management, Change, and Innovation (Hayes et al., 2019). After doing some study, I came up with a research question: to look at how important operations management is in driving change and innovation in organizations. To do this study, I had to learn a lot about operations management, change, and innovation and how they are used together to give a business a competitive edge.

The next step was to do a review of the past work. This meant doing a study on the different theories, concepts, and ideas related to the research question and making a summary of them. This was very hard because there needed to be more writing on the subject (Niebel et al., 2019). However, I could figure out the most important theories, ideas, and concepts related to my study question. In addition, I found the gaps in the research and the areas that needed more study.

After finding the relevant literature, I did a primary study to learn how operations management, change, and innovation are used in the real world (Ahmed, 2020). I talked to several experts in the field and surveyed companies that have used methods for operations management, change, and innovation. This showed me how companies use these strategies and what effects they have seen.

Once I had all the information, I looked at it to see any themes or trends (Ghosh, Cox, 2021). This meant looking closely at the data and finding links between operations management, change, and creativity. After looking at the data, I came to some conclusions about how important operations management is for driving organizational change and growth.

My dissertation was the last thing I had to do. This meant that I had to write up my results and opinions in an academic way (Raghuram et al., 2019). I also had to write down my suggestions for businesses that want to adopt strategies for operations management, change, and innovation.

Overall, the process of writing my dissertation was very hard, but it was also very fulfilling. I learned a lot about operations management, change, innovation, and how they are used in the real world (Belso-Martínez et al.,2020). I also concluded how important operations management is for driving change and creativity in an organization.

When it comes to what I will do best in my studies in the future, I will focus on getting better at studying. This will require me to improve my skills in reviewing books and analyzing data (Delgosha et al., 2022). I will also get better at writing so that I can write up my study in an academic way.

As for what I plan to do next, I want to keep studying operations management, change, and creativity (Sambell et al., 2020). I will also improve my research to study more in this area. Lastly, I will keep writing my dissertation to make a good piece of work.

In summary, my journey while writing my Operations Management, Change, and Innovation dissertation was both difficult and fulfilling. I learned a lot about the subject and came to my own conclusions about how important operations management is for driving change and growth in organizations (Beausoleil, 2022.). Going forward, I will work on getting better at studying and writing to do more research and academically write my dissertation.


This study has discussed what researchers know about operations management, change, and innovation. In particular, Gibbs’ Reflection Cycle Model was discussed to help people think about their events and learn new things from them. Also discussed were the ideas of change and innovation in operations management, as well as how this model can help a company put change and innovation initiatives into place that work. Through this process, people can learn more about what they have been through and see where they can make changes. A business can use this thinking to create successful change and innovation projects.


Reflective Practice and Design. In Business Design Thinking and Doing: Frameworks, Strategies, and Techniques for Sustainable Innovation (pp. 117-133). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Delgosha, M. S., Hajiheydari, N., & Talafidaryani, M. (2022). Discovering IoT implications in business and management: a computational thematic analysis. Technovationp. 118, 102236.

Raghuram, S., Hill, N.S., Gibbs, J.L. & Maruping, L.M. (2019). Virtual work: Bridging research clusters. Academy of Management Annals13(1), 308–341.

Ghosh, M. & Cox, D. (2021). Innovation and invention: virtual occupational therapy’s role in managing motor neuron disease. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing17(6), 241–246.

Hayes, S., Desha, C. & Gibbs, M. (2019). Findings of case-study analysis: System-Level biomimicry in built-environment design. Biomimetics4(4), 73.

Drobyazko, S., Hilorme, T., Solokha, D. and Bieliakova, O., 2020. Strategic policy of companies in the area of social responsibility: Covid-19 challenges. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 211, p. 04011). EDP Sciences.

Marion, T.J. and Fixson, S.K., (2021). The transformation of the innovation process: How digital tools change work, collaboration, and organizations in new product development. Journal of Product Innovation Management38(1), 192–215.

Sambell, R., Devine, A., Lo, J., & Lawlis, T. (2020). Work-Integrated Learning Builds Student Identification of Employability Skills: Utilizing a Food Literacy Education Strategy. International Journal of Work-Integrated Learning21(1), 63–87.

Belso-Martínez, J.A., Mas-Verdu, F. and Chinchilla-Mira, L., 2020. How do inter-organizational networks and firm group structures matter for innovation in clusters: Different networks, different results. Journal of Small Business Management58(1), pp.73-105.

Niebel, B., Leupold, S. and Heinemann, M., 2019. An upper limit on Gibbs energy dissipation governs cellular metabolism. Nature Metabolism1(1), pp.125-132.

Ahmed, A.M. (2020). From reluctance to addiction: The impact of reflective journals on Qatari undergraduate students’ learning. Reflective Practice21(2), 251–270.


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