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Nursing Advocacy Essays

Final Decision on Health Policy Analysis

A close study of California’s policy responses to the mental health crisis reveals that funding mental health services in the community is the most valuable and helpful solution. The goal of this policy is to make it easier for people in the community to get mental health services and to make mental health care more ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 713

Boosting APRN Roles in Rural Care: Policy and ACA Impact”

The nurses, indeed in advanced practices more than in any other roles, comprise one of the most essential factors of the healthcare provision, offering a range of services that could be primary or specialized. Policy changes such as the implementation of the Affordable Care Act have impacted advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) immensely, not only ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 682
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Enhancing Resources for Homeless Individuals With Behavioral Health Disorders in Delaware: Policy Implications and Nursing Advocacy

For many areas of the USA, including Delaware state, this locality gets poorer in terms of adequate support and care for those with the diagnosis of behavioral mental health or psychiatric problems as the homeless population goes. The exploitation of resources and use of them for the needy residents is mortared by the policies set ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 684
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