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Navigating Olympic Legacies

The enormity of planning the Olympic Games goes well beyond the splendor of athleticism. A sophisticated approach is required due to the complexity and diversity of the ramifications of the upcoming 2028 Summer Olympics, which will be held in Los Angeles. With a focus on the critical evaluation of the legacy issue of displacement, this essay seeks to address the multiple sociocultural challenges faced by the organizers as an Olympic studies scholar. With the goal of offering thorough recommendations to help LA2028 reduce negative legacies and achieve a successful and inclusive Olympic Games, this essay draws on historical insights and modern scholarly viewpoints.

Los Angeles 2028 places emphasis on finding a solution to the long-standing problem of environmental sustainability. Previous Olympic Games have left a permanent environmental footprint, highlighting the importance of paying close attention to this topic. It is crucial for LA2028 to have a holistic strategy, as previous host cities have faced long-term ecological consequences[1]. In order to successfully navigate this complex dilemma, it is crucial to draw on lessons from both past experiences and current research. Los Angeles 2028 can create a sustainable practice model and reduce environmental impact by combining these lessons. In order to make sure that the Games have a positive impact on the environment, leave a legacy of environmental stewardship, and encourage future hosts to prioritize sustainability, it is crucial to embrace innovation, practice responsible resource management, and work together on initiatives.

Although they did not have the modern concern for the environment, the ancient Olympics nevertheless have much to teach us about how to live sustainably. Amidst the embrace of nature, the original Olympian Games unfolded. Nevertheless, the environmental cost of modern Olympic competitions has been steadily rising. An important turning point occurred at the 1964 Tokyo Olympics when some doves flitted into the Olympic flame as a result of releasing them as a symbolic act. This event is significant because it shows how far-reaching actions can have unintended consequences[2]. It exemplifies how even the most noble of intentions may nevertheless damage the natural world. Our culture’s transition from living in peace with nature to inadvertently harming it is reflected in the transformation of the ancient Games from nature-infused spectacles to contemporary extravaganzas. There needs to be a balance between grandeur and nature preservation, and understanding these historical aspects is crucial for developing eco-conscious activities today.

Müller’s assessment of the environmental issues surrounding the Olympic Games highlights the critical need to incorporate sustainable methods without delay[3]. Their research supports efforts to reduce negative environmental consequences and emphasizes the need of including eco-friendly techniques into event plans. This insight is highly relevant for LA2028 and provides helpful assistance for creating strong plans to address current environmental concerns. To ensure that LA2028 incorporates eco-conscious approaches to limit environmental impact, it is possible to incorporate Müller’s results into the event’s strategic framework.

Taking environmental issues seriously is an urgent matter, and the Olympic Movement recognizes this. With the release of Olympic Agenda 2020, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) reaffirmed its commitment to environmental responsibility. The time has come to do action, not just talk, as LA2028 draws near. If LA2028 can’t adopt real solutions to environmental problems, the Olympic Agenda 2020 won’t have a chance to succeed. A more proactive role in reducing the environmental impact of the Games is demanded by the growing emphasis on sustainability, which is more than simply a theory. As a standard for future editions, LA2028 will bring together the Olympic spirit with the pressing need to encourage true environmental stewardship. The Olympic Movement can only demonstrate its dedication to a sustainable future by concrete and meaningful measures.

The necessity for a more profound understanding of problems, rather than just surface-level remedies, is highlighted by Herold’s thorough assessment of the Olympic Movement’s compliance with Agenda 2020 in addressing environmental concerns[4]. To improve sustainability efforts, it is crucial to investigate the underlying causes, as this careful investigation shows. By gaining a deeper grasp of the difficulties, LA2028 may develop better plans and methods to have a major and long-lasting environmental effect.

By implementing a number of important suggestions, LA2028 has the potential to become a groundbreaking event. Prioritizing sustainable practices and utilizing renewable energy sources should be the utmost priority. Reducing the event’s environmental impact can be achieved by the implementation of strict waste management measures and the encouragement of public transportation[5]. In addition, by utilizing state-of-the-art technology like virtual reality, the way spectators experience the games can be completely transformed, providing a worldwide audience with an immersive viewing experience. For the event as a whole, data analytics can be a game-changer when it comes to crowd control, safety, and performance optimization for athletes.

The accessibility of all venues and events for all participants, including those with disabilities, must be guaranteed as an essential component of the games, emphasizing inclusivity. Attendees and participants alike can benefit from an event that celebrates and highlights the cultural diversity of Los Angeles. The local economy and inhabitants’ sense of pride and ownership can both be enhanced by tight collaboration with local communities, involvement of businesses, and support for grassroots projects. Lastly, it is crucial to prioritize the well-being of athletes by offering first-rate facilities, strong support systems, and promoting awareness of mental health. To make sure that LA2028 has a positive impact that lasts, there needs to be a thorough legacy plan that uses infrastructure for the community’s benefit after the Olympics.

There is a patchwork of problems in the years leading up to the 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, with displacement and environmental sustainability being two of the most prominent. To emphasize the many factors beyond physical ability, this essay draws on historical analysis and contemporary research. The goal of LA2028’s environmental stewardship efforts is to leave a lasting good impact on the environment by connecting the dots between traditional values of harmony with nature and contemporary environmental issues. The need for urgent sustainable behaviors becomes apparent when previous knowledge is combined with current research. In keeping with the ideals outlined in Olympic Agenda 2020, concrete steps are being taken in the lead-up to the event. The success of LA2028 goes beyond environmental issues, though; it also highlights diversity, cultural celebration, community collaboration, and the well-being of athletes. The importance of leaving a memorable legacy for the host town after the Olympics cannot be overstated. Los Angeles 2028 has the potential to reshape the Olympic legacy in a way that goes beyond athletic accomplishments by placing an emphasis on diversity, sustainability, and community engagement.


Bauman, Adrian E., Masamitsu Kamada, Rodrigo S. Reis, Richard P. Troiano, Ding Ding, Karen Milton, Niamh Murphy, and Pedro C. Hallal. “An evidence-based assessment of the impact of the Olympic Games on population levels of physical activity.” The Lancet 398, no. 10298 (2021): 456-464.

Firgo, Matthias. “The causal economic effects of Olympic Games on host regions.” Regional science and urban economics 88 (2021): 103673.

Herold, David M., Greg Joachim, Stephen Frawley, and Nico Schulenkorf. Managing Global Sport Events: Logistics and Coordination. Emerald Publishing Limited, 2022.

Ribeiro, Tiago, and Abel Correia. “The relationship between organisational issues and social impacts of Rio Olympic Games: a volunteer’s perspective.” Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events 13, no. 1 (2021): 124-145.

Taks, Marijke, Daichi Oshimi, and Nola Agha. “Other-versus self-referenced social impacts of events: validating a new scale.” Sustainability 12, no. 24 (2020): 10281.

Zhang, Jingxian, Kevin K. Byon, Kaijuan Xu, and Haiyan Huang. “Event impacts associated with residents’ satisfaction and behavioral intentions: a pre-post study of the Nanjing Youth Olympic Games.” International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship 21, no. 3 (2020): 487-511.

[1] Ribeiro, Tiago, and Abel Correia. “The relationship between organisational issues and social impacts of Rio Olympic Games: a volunteer’s perspective.” Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events 13, no. 1 (2021): 124-145.

[2] Firgo, Matthias. “The causal economic effects of Olympic Games on host regions.” Regional science and urban economics 88 (2021): 103673.

[4] Herold, David M., Greg Joachim, Stephen Frawley, and Nico Schulenkorf. Managing Global Sport Events: Logistics and Coordination. Emerald Publishing Limited, 2022.

[5] Zhang, Jingxian, Kevin K. Byon, Kaijuan Xu, and Haiyan Huang. “Event impacts associated with residents’ satisfaction and behavioral intentions: a pre-post study of the Nanjing Youth Olympic Games.” International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship 21, no. 3 (2020): 487-511.


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