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Navigating Ethical Dilemmas in a Temporary Emergency Shelter: A Step-Wise Approach

In the complicated world of emergency medical services, professionals frequently have to make difficult moral decisions that call for striking a careful balance between the individual’s rights and the community’s welfare. This essay examines a moving scenario in which a pregnant drug user in need of clean needles is seen by a paramedic at a temporary emergency shelter. The paramedic faces a problematic moral conundrum when balancing the need to protect the fetus with the need to preserve individual autonomy. This essay uses a systematic approach to break down the layers of this ethical dilemma within the framework of well-established ethical principles, such as beneficence, non-maleficence, and respect for autonomy. The essay tries to shed light on the careful decision-making process required in providing medical care while upholding ethical standards in the problematic context of emergency healthcare services by carefully examining every aspect of the scenario and weighing several options (Parsons & Dickinson, 2016).

Identify the problem and the ethical concern:

The issue at hand concerns a pregnant drug user who asks for clean needles even though she is aware of the risks involved. The moral challenge is striking a careful balance between the paramedic’s obligation to deliver life-saving care and the risk that the mother’s continued drug use poses to the unborn child. This complex moral conundrum emphasizes the necessity of a deliberate and thorough decision-making process that respects human autonomy while acknowledging the critical duty to protect the unborn child’s welfare. In emergency medical care, the difficulty is in negotiating these morally complex issues to ensure that the decision represents a dedication to both individual autonomy and the more general ideals of beneficence and non-maleficence (Linkeviciute et al., 2022).

Apply a relevant Code of Ethics:

The paramedic in the scenario is directed by a relevant code of ethics that emphasizes the need to provide medical care while putting the health of all parties involved first. Following the beneficence concept, the paramedic advances the general well-being of the expectant mother and her unborn child. The duty to avoid malice emphasizes how important it is to stop harm from happening, walking a tightrope between people’s right to privacy and their responsibility to protect others from damage. The ethical basis that directs the paramedic’s activities in this intricate and challenging scenario is further strengthened by the principle of respect for autonomy, which recognizes the pregnant woman’s ability to make decisions about her health (Yuill et al., 2020).

Determine the nature and dimensions of the ethical dilemma:

The conflict between the pregnant woman’s autonomy and the need to protect the unborn child and the greater community is embodied in this ethical problem. Finding a middle ground becomes extremely difficult when the paramedic has to protect the unborn child’s health and take into account possible negative impacts on the community, all while honoring the woman’s right to make decisions about her body. The intricacy of this predicament highlights the complex relationship between private property rights and public health and safety, emphasizing the paramedic’s moral obligation to strike a balance that will protect the pregnant woman’s autonomy while advancing the community’s overall health and safety.

Generate possible courses of action:

Give out sterile needles: Of the possible actions, the first one respects the woman’s autonomy by giving her access to clean hands via the shelter’s well-established safe injection program. This strategy must, however, carefully take into account the possibility of drug usage continuing and harm to the fetus. Refusing to use clean needles is the second alternative, which puts the responsibility to protect the unborn child’s welfare and avoid injury above all else, even if it could put stress on the practitioner-client relationship. To explore different solutions and negotiate the complexity of the ethical dilemma, the third option—consulting with colleagues—demonstrates a dedication to collaborative decision-making by enlisting the opinions of diverse healthcare team members. Every choice emphasizes the careful balancing that must be done when addressing ethical issues with emergency medical treatment.

Consider the potential consequences of those courses of action:

Providing clean needles: While respecting the right to personal liberty, providing sterile needles runs the risk of endangering the unborn child and promoting drug usage. However, turning down clean hands in favor of protecting the fetus could strain the relationship between the provider and the patient and even discourage the lady from getting the necessary medical care. Choosing the third option, which is to confer with colleagues, enables a more all-encompassing viewpoint. It emphasizes the complex nature of striking a balance between individual autonomy, preventative measures, and community well-being in the demanding emergency medical services setting; therefore, it may not provide a straightforward answer to the ethical conundrum (Parsons & Dickinson, 2016).

Select a course of action and evaluate it:

In light of the moral precepts of beneficence, which means advancing people’s well-being, and non-maleficence, which means preventing harm, consulting with colleagues is the most moral course of action in this situation. Given the issue’s complexity, speaking with colleagues is essential to obtaining a range of viewpoints and views. The paramedic guarantees a collaborative decision-making process that considers various ethical factors by including nurses and other paramedics.

Engaging in consultations with peers enhances the quality of decision-making and promotes a shared sense of accountability among healthcare professionals. It acknowledges that group experience and expertise are frequently beneficial in resolving ethical quandaries. By using this strategy, the paramedic can access the knowledge of other professionals who could provide insightful opinions on striking a balance between personal autonomy and the need to prevent harm, especially when considering the situation where a pregnant drug user is looking for clean needles. Essentially, the choice to consult signifies a dedication to moral behavior that surpasses personal assessment, stressing a group’s thorough analysis of the moral implications. This cooperative endeavor guarantees a more robust moral basis for the following action.

Implement the course of action:

In order to carry out the plan of action, the paramedic should proactively start a careful and considerate discussion with coworkers. The paramedic can discuss the intricate facts of the pregnant woman’s condition in this conversation, addressing her drug usage, her autonomy, and possible hazards to the unborn child. In order to navigate such complex ethical quandaries, the healthcare team must engage in collaborative decision-making (Parsons & Dickinson, 2016). This process fosters an environment where diverse perspectives and professional insights are shared openly and respectfully.

Colleagues can contribute their distinct knowledge and perspectives, giving the paramedic a more thorough grasp of the circumstances. This group investigation aids in balancing the moral considerations involved, guaranteeing a comprehensive analysis of the available options. By working together, the medical staff can reach a morally sound decision that respects the pregnant woman’s autonomy while also giving the unborn child’s welfare top priority and taking into account the temporary emergency shelter’s broader effects on the community. This inclusive approach fosters a shared commitment to preserving ethical norms in healthcare practice and strengthening decision-making.

In conclusion, navigating ethical dilemmas in healthcare requires a delicate balance between individual autonomy, beneficence, and the duty to prevent harm. The situation where a pregnant drug user visits an emergency shelter in need of clean needles is a perfect example of the complexity that comes with providing emergency medical care. The paramedic in this scenario can make a morally sound choice using the Step-Wise method. Consulting with colleagues is the preferred course of action, demonstrating a dedication to collaborative decision-making that ensures a variety of viewpoints are considered. Implementation entails starting a meaningful conversation among the medical staff and encouraging candid dialogue. In the end, this strategy aims to support the ideals of beneficence and non-maleficence while honoring the pregnant woman’s autonomy, ultimately enhancing the general well-being of the person receiving temporary emergency shelter services as well as the larger community. The collaborative and introspective approach adheres to the ethical norms anticipated in healthcare decision-making.


Parsons, R. D., & Dickinson, K. L. (2016). Ethical practice in the human services: From knowing to being. SAGE Publications.

Yuill, C., McCourt, C., Cheyne, H., & Leister, N. (2020). Women’s experiences of decision-making and informed choice about pregnancy and birth care: a systematic review and meta-synthesis of qualitative research. BMC pregnancy and childbirth20(1), 1-21.

Linkeviciute, A., Canario, R., Peccatori, F. A., & Dierickx, K. (2022). Guidelines for cancer treatment during pregnancy: ethics-related content evolution and implications for clinicians. Cancers14(17), 4325.


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