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My Monomyth: Worms in My Tea.

Worms in my tea.


In the quiet village of Eldridge, a strange tale was unveiled. During childbirth, my mother, Maria went into an egg-like alteration where she cocooned herself from the outside world until my birth was complete. Around her, emerging layers of vibrant vines spread within the Earth from amazed and frightened villagers. Days after that, the vines withdrew once again, unveiling not only a completely healthy baby but also a strong one named Kyron Junior. I was born in the evening before sunset. Eldridge had been crossed with whispers of the elusive bond between the forest and me. The odd birth became an admired story.

As a man, growing up in the village meant a lot to the elders as I was to take part in feeding the cattle and protecting the community. At the age of 11, something unusual happened to me. Sitting in the middle of a farm looking after the sheep, I was then drawn by the siren’s call for adventure, I abandoned the rode I was holding and started following a blurred light that was coming from the west. Assisted by unusual sounds, I never cared, all I wanted was to see what was at the end of that light. Out of nowhere, this old man appeared.

The creases on the old man’s face were decorations created by time, fed and chapped along with tales of a highly lived life. His eyes, dimmed by age- believe me that was a mere pale luster compared to what must have burned out of them before years ago flashed bright with the wisdom carried in on every wave of life’s ocean. Leaning shoulders suggested weight he carried although it was imbedded with quiet power. And dressed in it is outdated costume that gave him a feeling of eternity, reminiscent of the resistance strength of human cruel process march of time. In his right hand, he had a necklace that looked expensive called my name, unfolded my hands, and left the necklace there. He then said, ‘This is your destiny’, at first I hesitated. It was at this time that I heard someone calling my name. It was a strange eagle that came to save me, a supernatural helper. Maybe it was sent by my overworking gods. The old man then disappeared into thin air.

I simply wore the magic necklace not knowing the promised destiny was going to turn into nightmares that were going to stir throughout my life. The necklace, an unwitting channel for evil forces, sewed nightmares into this balanced sleep. Remediless, I asked the mysterious sorcerer to reveal all the mysteries and opened a serious spell. A rite and a keeper of such would remove the necklace’s cursed tie. By morning, the nightmares had lifted leaving me with a warning about the strangely contingent and even colder power of this enchanted choker.


This was quite clear that I had stepped on the road of trials. I kept on asking myself, if at all, the necklace was the road to my yearning for destiny, why should it cause such nightmares? I withdrew the endless thoughts and concluded that trials come to test the faith before elevation. The next night, the same thing happened, with the ascent of the moon, haunting dreams about my necklace began to strain out. Twisted tapestries unfurled in nightmares, every thread of which was full of spooky horrors. I was severely disturbed by this and went to consult an aged magician who unveiled the malevolent source of my necklace. The mage uttered certain words and broke ethereal linkages instantly. The nightmare that accompanied the first light went away leaving me with chilling knowledge concerning that magical necklace with its darker than midnight dreams.

This is when I collected myself and decided that it was time to make some changes in my life as nobody at home knew what exactly was going on with me. I simply kept it a secret. The magical necklace was simply a worm jiggling in my tea! In this regard, I was haunted by the demon of a continuous nightmare that made me work an atonement journey. The only way to do it was by throwing the diamond glittering necklace into a fast-flowing river. I therefore said to myself “Poor me, this wasn’t supposed to be the light to my destiny”. As I was held within the dream, I glared upon shadows of regret and reflected miasmas from previous villainy. It was a maze of surrealism guided, in their procession towards self-forgiveness. As time harked back, I intercepted a critical conclusion that blanketed me, a cleansing shower that erased the line of evil. This weight was lifted, one that allowed a sense of freedom in which I found peace.

A guarding spirit appeared in form of a dove and granted me a boon, the burning amulet to bring light into shadowy dreams. Defying raw fear with the confidence now bestowed, I now donned a new amulet. As I turned to see this spectacle once more, the nightmares emerged into dancing butterflies and spirited away while avoiding sunrise.

The Return.

At this time, all my close family members had sensed that something unusual was happening to me. I was behaving weirdly as I was so aggressive and disrespectful. This simply sent signals to my mother since she was a praying woman and she was well devoted to praying for me like any other mother. My despondent mother must have dared what worked for Cain and adapted to the age-old power of prayer. For every intense supplication, my mother posited a wall of maternal love. Stotting with some invisible agency, her prayers began disentangling the sinister strands of that which from my dreams whispered nightly. But gradually the nightmares faded as mist burned away at sunrise. Fierce energy arose in that sanctum of the mother’s dedication to unshakeable power which chains to darkness shattered within my peace.

I then decided to take a different path in life, to live a holy life and never to fall again into magical and evil temptations. Suddenly in a sharp glance, I remembered the teachings of childhood, the voices that led me to follow through with words, actions, and attitudes guided by faith. Fervently, I repelled the evil that still lingered and changed my course. I therefore opted for the uphill climb of redemption, peace found in sacred writings, and isolation with prayers.

I changed in seasons and discovered the power in meekness, durability in repentance, and delightful innocence lies in every aspect of simplicity. The once-faded light from my faith grew to become a beacon of spiritual doctrine, returning me on the path of virtue. This change was living proof that no matter how bad things may have seemed one could always find the light despite the darkness and reset their future.


Atkinson, R. (1990). Life stories and personal mythmaking. The Humanistic Psychologist18(2), 199-207.


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