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Medication Errors Essays

Causes of Medication Errors in the Hospital Setting

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to explore medication errors in the healthcare setting. Medication errors are a serious problem in the healthcare industry and can have disastrous consequences. Various reasons can cause medication errors, and medical professionals must be aware of all of these aspects to reduce the occurrence of medication errors successfully. ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2012

Barcoding and Medication Administration

Barcoding and medication administration is an inventory control system meant to prevent human errors in distributing prescription medications to patients (McLeod & Dolezel, 2018). Medication errors are a serious patient safety concern that occurs in health facilities. Medication errors refer to the prescription of the wrong medication to the patients (McLeod & Dolezel, 2018). Medication ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1519
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Medication Errors in Healthcare

Introduction Medication errors are one of the common sources of poor health outcomes in healthcare systems. A recent study by John Hopkins hospital indicates that medication error is the third leading cause of patient death in the United States (US) and has surpassed diabetes and stroke (Carrie, 2022). Similarly, at least one in every seven ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1828

Critical Medication Incident Reflection

Introduction Reflection is an essential and necessary skill for all health care professionals and is also in line with (NMBA, 2017). Reflective practice ensures continual learning and enables health practitioners to improve their practice as it encourages self-evaluation (Murdoch, 2019). Reflection also aids in discovering beliefs, values, and information ingrained in experiences (Sorrell, 2017). Gibbs’s ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2004

Safety Risk Assessment: Medication Errors

Introduction Medical errors are among the most common causes of iatrogenic negative outcomes in the healthcare sector (Ahmed et al., 2019). Medical errors occur when a medical officer incorrectly diagnoses or treats a disease, syndrome, behavior, injury, infection, or some ailments. Ahmed et al. (2019) further add that medical errors occur due to failure to ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1225

Annotated Bibliography: Medication Errors Interventions

Medication errors are mistakes that happen as a result of prescription, description, dispensing, and administration of medication. These errors have caused serious effects on a patient’s health. There are some ways that medication errors can be prevented. For example, verification of orders, being aware of look-alikes and sound-alikes, involving the patient, educating the medical staff, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1076
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