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Marxism Essays

Linklater’s Realism, Marxism, and Critical International Theory

Andrew Linklater’s article presents a critical analysis of the two influential works in the area of international relations, the central theme of which revolves around the ongoing debate about whether realism and Marxism offer wholesale explanations and predictions of world politics. Linklater begins by outlining the resurgence of many critiques against historical materialism in sociological ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 695

Peer Feedback on the Song “Glory Days” by the Hong Rock Band.

Introduction The song “Glory Days” is often viewed in relation to Nelson Mandela and his struggle against apartheid in South Africa. This song discusses the harsh realities of the fight for equality and racism. The song’s main theme is hoping for a world not characterized by racial boundaries, as it highlights the sacrifices and struggles ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1055
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