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Lu Xun Essays

Reader’s Response on “New Year’s Sacrifice” by Lu Xun

“New Year’s Sacrifice” by Lu Xun, which reveals the layers of oppression and pain that define the existence of Xianglin’s Wife, powerfully depicts the terrible reality of early 20th-century Chinese society. The story begins on New Year’s Eve in Luchen, Lu Xun’s hometown, and sets the tragic scene for a story about a lady whose ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1322

Adaptation From Modern Chinese Literature

Films and stories adaptation play significant functions in modern Chinese literature. It is crucial to analyze films whose directors adapt fictional novels and writers who make screenplays or integrate film techniques in their artworks to comprehend the adaptations. Adapted films possess some components of short stories, such as symbolism, contrast, tone, and mood of the ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1580
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In Diary of a Madman and XiaoXiao on Rural and Modern China

In Diary of a Madman by Lu remains a famous work marking the transition from traditional to modern Chinese literature. The position provides a clear message regarding the high levels of corruption and immorality that existed within the Chinese government. Through the novel, Lu Xun criticizes traditional values and, at the same time, encourages both ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1560
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