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Logical Fallacies Essays

Fallacy: False Analogy

A false analogy occurs when someone reasons that because two things are alike in some respects, they must be alike in other respects as well. Such analogies can break down quickly due to significant dissimilarities between entities being compared, which may render superficial similarities irrelevant or trivialize their importance (Huemer, 2004). An example would be ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 642

Edgar Allan Poe’s Black Cat and Two Logical Fallacies He Uses

The black cat is one of Edgar Allan Poe’s most interesting characters. Early on, the protagonist had a soft spot in his heart for domesticated animals, particularly cats. Most people can relate with someone who has a pet in their house, regardless of whether or not they have a personal connection to that person. It ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1424
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Logical Fallacies in Politics

Logical fallacies are information an individual uses to sweet talk or convince another person and seem true, but when logic is applied, the data is only a trick( Van Vleet 2021). They are often used to trick people into believing in something they otherwise would not have been accepted. Politicians mostly use logical fallacies to ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1460
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