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Lesson Planning Essays

Equivalent Fractions: Area Models Pp. 411 – 416

HLPs Danielson’s rubric domain is a teaching framework that divides teaching activity into twenty-two components that are finally clustered into four domains holding teaching responsibility. The key domains are planning and preparation, the classroom environment, instructions and professional responsibilities. As a result, expounding on the key domains in the learning environment is empirical. The classroom ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1503

Lesson Plan, Conclusion

Intentional practice was used in the development of the lessons. Teachers that are truly intentional about their work are methodical in their approach, well-organized in their planning, and able to defend their stances and methods to colleagues, superiors, and students. Creating a brief synopsis of the lesson’s main ideas is a crucial first step before ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 936
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