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Legalization of Organ Sales

Society faces various healthcare problems that are becoming more complex and overburdening healthcare systems. One of the most critical health issues is the shortage of organs available for transplantation to individuals with health problems that make their body organs, such as kidneys, no longer viable. The organ demand has exceeded the supply, leading to many deaths yearly. It has prompted a call to legalize organ sales, which involves trading human organs for transplantation. However, it has become a controversial and debatable topic over the years as a section of the population supports it by stating that it enables people with dysfunctional organs to get new ones and have prolonged life, while its opponents argue that organ sales are morally wrong as the act ignores the dignified and worthiness of human life. The research paper provides justifiable arguments supporting the legalization of organ sales to alleviate health problems.

Firstly, organ sales can enable the organs for transplant to be readily available. It reduces the waiting list, which has people waiting for years, allowing individuals to have lifesaving transplants (Yew-Kwang, 2019). Legalizing the process means regulating it by laws and policies created by the government. It can function alongside the current donation system on which thousands of citizens depend. When organs are available, it decongests the waiting list, allowing the rich and poor to access them. If there is a legal market for organ sales, many wealthy people will opt to buy at a stipulated price, thereby enabling those who cannot afford to be on the donation waiting list. People have different values and beliefs, and those who want financial gains to help them in different spheres of their lives can opt to register as organ donors and increase the supply of organs in the market (Yew-Kwang, 2019).

Secondly, legalizing organ sales will contribute to the elimination of organ trafficking. There is a vast black market for organs as traffickers use the limited availability and supply of organs to their advantage (Gonzalez et al., 2020). Many are lured with promises of financial gains, making them vulnerable to organ brokers who excessively exploit them. Legalizing will help regulate the market as many will use the legal route. Governments can set up a private agency that deals with organ sales enabling consenting parties to engage in open transactions. It is a decent option over the black market; all sorts of social ills exist in the black market. An example of a country that has witnessed the positive impact of legalizing organ sales is Iran. By 1999, there was an increase in the supply of organs, and there were no persons on kidney transplant waiting lists (Bastani, 2019). Brokers who exploited individuals lost their illegal markets. Therefore, other governments and health institutions can apply the same concept as it reduces sales in the black market and legally protects persons interested in selling their organs.

Furthermore, legalizing organ sales will help reduce the strain on the healthcare system. The current health system relies on organ donation, making potential recipients heavily depend on luck to match the donor’s particular traits (Yew-Kwang, 2019). It increases healthcare costs as one waits to get a donor. Health institutions also have to use resources to manage patients, such as those on kidney dialysis, which increases general healthcare costs. When organ sales are legalized, people can access organs faster, which limits their trips to hospitals, reducing healthcare costs. It will also help health insurance companies save millions of dollars that are usually directed to patient care while on the waiting lists.

Additionally, regulated organ sales do not destroy individuals’ lives. One of the misconceptions about organ sales is that it puts the donor’s health at risk as they only function with one organ. However, it is scientifically proven that humans can survive with one body organ such as the kidneys or lungs. Therefore, people willing to give out their organs for monetary benefits should not be judged as it becomes a situation of a willing buyer and willing seller (Ejiofor, 2019). It is important to note that legalizing organ sales ensures that correct procedures and processes are followed despite the agreement between donors and recipients. Also, it can help in providing finances to individuals living in extreme poverty. Due to various economic conditions, impoverished individuals need a proper means to attain their livelihoods (Ejiofor, 2019). Organ sales can give them an avenue to acquire finances to help them put food on the table. However, to avoid their exploitation, as they are already vulnerable, strict measures and processes must be implemented to ensure they are protected.

Lastly, legalizing organ sales is beneficial to the government. It is in the government’s best interest to regulate organ sales that thrive in the black market. Any sector in the economy that the government regulates benefits through taxation. When the process is legalized, the government can tax the transactions, which is then directed towards boosting the economy. Also, the taxes can be redirected to the health sector, Thereby ensuring safe, quality and accessible healthcare services.

One of the most compelling counterarguments against the legalization of organ sales is that it is a morally wrong practice that erodes the altruistic aspect of human life (Ejiofor, 2019). Human life is viewed as something of value that should not be commoditized. Although altruism is essential to society as it brings value to human life, the argument cannot be used to contend against legal sales. It is because those engaging in organ sales can do it both for altruistic reasons and monetary benefits. Since altruism looks at the selfless nature of human beings to care for and value other people, organ sales also fit in that category. Selling an organ to a sick individual contributes to their well-being (Ejiofor, 2019). Therefore, a person can help save the life of a dying patient by giving one of their kidneys and, at the same time, gain monetary benefits that can be used to sustain their livelihoods.

In conclusion, the research paper provides justifiable arguments supporting organ sales legalization. Through legalization, organs can become available, eliminate organ trafficking through the black market, reduce the strain on healthcare systems, lift individuals from poverty, and bring benefits to the government through taxation. Although its opponents argue that it erodes the altruistic nature of humans, engaging in the legal sale can also provide altruistic reasons while gaining monetarily. Solutions are already present, and government can take measures to ensure that processes are effectively carried out, helping save thousands of lives.


Bastani, B. (2019). The Iranian model is a potential solution for the current kidney shortage crisis. International Braz J Urol45(1), 194–196.

Ejiofor, F. (2019). The Ethics of Organ Sale.

Gonzalez, J., Garijo, I., & Sanchez, A. (2020). Organ Trafficking and Migration: A Bibliometric Analysis of an Untold Story. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health17(9), 3204.

Ng, & Yew-Kwang. (2019). Markets and morals: justifying kidney sales and legalizing prostitution. Cambridge University Press.

Think About Questions

From writing this research paper, I have learned how to conduct proper research by gathering evidence supporting my viewpoints. I have also learned how to use counterarguments to strengthen my perspective, and I can apply this in my professional life. From this experience, the tools I will take revolve around utilizing research and evidence-based arguments.

As a writer, I have learned that I can provide strong and persuasive arguments with clear guidance and instructions. What surprised me is related to research, where I realized that governments had not taken many actions to eliminate organ trafficking despite its huge market. What I struggled with in the past was mainly clarity and coherence. However, I can now make my work easy to read through revision and editing. Also, I struggled with organization and structure, but I am now more confident in my abilities. The course has provided me with insights into how to use writing as a communication tool.


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