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Leading Organizational Change


Organizational change is a fundamental component of the contemporary global economy, influenced by many internal and external factors. The present analysis centers on the organizational transformation that transpired subsequent to Elon Musk’s assumption of leadership at Twitter subsequent to the departure of CEO Jack Dorsey. Through an analysis of both external and internal factors that contribute to the necessity for change, an exploration of barriers and challenges within the organization, the suggestion of appropriate leadership styles and strategies, and the proposal of alterations to the organizational structure, vision, and mission, valuable insights can be obtained regarding the dynamics of this substantial leadership transition.

Competitive Pressures

Twitter competes with other digital platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. The digital era has seen social media platforms rapidly and profoundly change, resulting in a constant battle for user attention and active involvement. Given its large number of engaged users and a constant stream of shared material, Twitter must adapt to the changing competitive environment to maintain its market position and relevance.

Facebook and Instagram have a large user base due to their numerous features and capabilities. Twitter must improve its offers to compete with these platforms. Twitter faces competition from developing sites like TikTok, especially among younger users. Twitter must adapt to user preferences to be competitive. Competitive pressures extend beyond user engagement to advertising income. Companies want social media platforms with good ad targeting and engagement since they depend on advertising. To compete with other platforms, Twitter must meet marketers’ needs and deliver tailored ad placements and demonstrable outcomes (Ahmad & Biyani, 2023). Twitter needs new leadership due to competitive constraints. Elon Musk’s unique viewpoint, inventive ideas, and track record of successful companies may help Twitter negotiate the competitive market (Ahmad & Biyani, 2023). Musk’s knowledge and vision may help Twitter find new growth prospects, improve user experience, and strengthen its market position against severe competition.

Investor Pressure

Investor pressure may have pushed Twitter to shift. Shareholders want to maximize shareholder value; therefore, they may demand adjustments if a company’s performance or strategic direction falls short. Twitter must address shareholder concerns to sustain investor trust. If shareholders think the company’s performance is falling behind rivals or its strategic direction does not match market trends, they may advocate for leadership change (Jia & Xu, 2022). The aim to increase shareholder value by improving operational conditions, financial performance, and market competitiveness creates this pressure.

Investor pressure might be public remarks, involvement with corporate management, shareholder meetings, or the prospect of divesting shares. The company’s leadership must react to shareholders’ demands for better performance and strategy. Twitter may need to show investors its commitment to shareholder value via strategic collaborations, efficient operations, revenue growth, or new business prospects (Jia & Xu, 2022). Elon Musk’s selection shows shareholders that the corporation listens and acts on their concerns.

Corporate Governance

Good corporate governance is crucial to any organization’s long-term success because it establishes norms for leadership, accountability, and ethical behavior. Twitter’s leadership shift, which saw Jack Dorsey step down and Elon Musk take the helm, may have been influenced by concerns about corporate governance. Corporate governance includes making important decisions. Distrust among shareholders and board members may result from questions about the efficiency and openness of the company’s decision-making procedures. To fix these governance problems and enhance decision-making, a change in leadership could seem inevitable.

Disagreements amongst senior executives may also indicate governance issues. At the executive level, disagreements or power conflicts may stifle decision-making, slow development, and create a negative atmosphere. In such cases, a leadership change can be the best option for returning everyone together. Additionally, issues related to governance can impact the organization’s overall culture and ethical climate. If there are lapses in ethical standards, compliance, or corporate responsibility, it can erode trust and reputation. In response, stakeholders may demand a change in leadership to restore ethical practices and rebuild trust with key stakeholders (Kasinathan, 2023).

By Elon Musk taking over as the new leader, Twitter may aim to address these governance concerns and instill a sense of stability and improved governance practices. Musk’s track record as a successful entrepreneur and leader is a way to bring fresh perspectives, a strong vision, and a commitment to effective governance practices.

Organizational Barriers and Issues

Corporate Culture

Twitter’s corporate culture, known for its emphasis on free expression, user engagement, and rapid information dissemination, presents challenges during a leadership transition. Preserving the existing culture while driving change and fostering innovation necessitates a delicate balance (Jia & Xu, 2022). It is crucial for the new leadership, such as Elon Musk, to navigate this transition carefully. Maintaining the core values of open communication and user engagement while introducing new strategies and approaches is vital. By embracing the existing culture and leveraging it as a foundation for growth, Twitter can successfully navigate the transition, ensuring continuity while driving necessary changes to adapt to evolving market dynamics and remain competitive.

Vision and Mission Alignment

Misalignment between an organization’s vision, mission, and strategic goals can create barriers to change initiatives. In the case of Twitter, ensuring that the new leadership’s vision aligns seamlessly with the platform’s mission of connecting people, fostering healthy conversations, and providing a platform for global discourse is crucial. This alignment ensures that change efforts are directed toward achieving the organization’s overarching purpose and values. By ensuring a clear and cohesive alignment between the vision, mission, and strategic goals, the new leadership can rally stakeholders around a shared purpose and inspire them to participate in the change process actively. This alignment provides a strong foundation for effective change management and increases the likelihood of successful organizational transformation (Ahmad & Biyani, 2023).

Resistance to Change

Change initiatives frequently face resistance from employees comfortable with the status quo. Overcoming this resistance necessitates employing strategies such as effective communication, transparency, and involving key stakeholders to foster a sense of ownership and engagement in the change process. Clear and transparent communication helps employees understand the reasons for change, its benefits, and the expected outcomes. Involving key stakeholders, such as employees and team leaders, allows them to contribute their insights and perspectives, fostering a sense of ownership and commitment. By actively involving employees in the change process, organizations can address resistance, build trust, and create a supportive environment that facilitates the successful implementation of the desired changes (Kasinathan, 2023).

Recommended Leadership Style and Strategies

Based on leadership theories and the specific challenges of organizational change at Twitter, a transformational leadership style is recommended for Elon Musk (Jia & Xu, 2022). This leadership style inspires and motivates employees, encourages innovation and creativity, and fosters a shared vision. Musk’s visionary approach, combined with his track record of innovation and success, aligns well with the principles of transformational leadership. By inspiring and motivating employees, Musk can encourage them to embrace change, think creatively, and actively contribute to the organization’s transformation. This leadership style can empower employees, promote a culture of innovation, and drive the desired changes needed for Twitter’s growth and success.

Strategies for Leading the Change

  1. Effective Communication: Elon Musk should prioritize transparent and frequent communication to ensure that employees understand the rationale behind the change, the vision for the future, and their role in achieving organizational goals. This can be achieved through town hall meetings, internal newsletters, and interactive platforms (Ahmad & Biyani, 2023).
  2. Empowering Employees: Involving employees in the change process and empowering them to contribute their ideas and solutions fosters a sense of ownership and commitment. Musk should establish channels for feedback and collaboration, encouraging employees to share their perspectives and contribute to the evolution of Twitter (Jia & Xu, 2022).
  3. Training and Development: Implementing training and development programs can equip employees with the necessary skills and knowledge to adapt to the changing environment. Musk should invest in training initiatives that address emerging trends, technological advancements, and digital literacy, enabling employees to thrive in the evolving social media landscape (Kasinathan, 2023).

Proposed Changes to Organizational Structure, Vision, and Mission

  1. Organizational Structure: Musk may consider restructuring Twitter’s organizational hierarchy to ensure agility and effective decision-making. This could involve reducing bureaucracy, enhancing cross-functional collaboration, and establishing smaller, autonomous teams focused on specific objectives (Jia & Xu, 2022).
  2. Vision and Mission Refinement: The vision and mission of Twitter can be refined to reflect Musk’s vision while aligning with the platform’s core principles. This may include emphasizing innovation, user-centric design, and leveraging emerging technologies to enhance user experiences and drive growth (Ahmad & Biyani, 2023).
  3. Communicating the Change: To effectively communicate the changes in organizational structure, vision, and mission, Musk should employ multiple communication channels. This could involve town hall meetings, internal memos, videos, and interactive sessions to engage stakeholders at all levels. Clear and consistent messaging should emphasize the changes’ rationale, benefits, and expected outcomes (Kasinathan, 2023).


The organizational change that occurred when Elon Musk assumed leadership at Twitter after various external and internal factors influenced Jack Dorsey’s resignation. By addressing organizational barriers, such as corporate culture and vision alignment, and recommending a transformational leadership style, Musk can effectively lead the change process. Proposing changes to the organizational structure, vision, and mission, and implementing comprehensive communication strategies, will ensure key stakeholders’ successful transition and engagement.


Ahmad, S., & Biyani, S. (2023). Impact of Merger and Acquisition on the Companies Involved: A Case Study of Musk-Twitter Acquisition. IJFMR-International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research, 5(1).

Jia, Q., & Xu, S. (2022). An Overall Analysis of Twitter and Elon Musk M&A Deal. Highlights in Business, Economics and Management, 2, 436-441.

Kasinathan, G. (2023). Musk’s Twitter Acquisition. Economic & Political Weekly, 58(2), 21.


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