As a nurse educator, I want to raise the nursing discipline through education and empowerment. My passion for promoting student growth and development has driven me to the MSN track in Nurse Educator, which will also help me further develop this area in my career. Through this presentation, I will discuss my leadership style informed by the principles of Transformational Leadership. I will also be giving an insight into how it affects my advocacy for Change within the Nurse Educator track.
Statement of Personal Leadership Style
Transformational Leadership theories influence my leadership. Transformational leaders are the ones who motivate people to act to achieve common goals by giving them a vision, ideas, support for each team member, and inspiring motivation. I believe in enabling the people, fostering innovation, and leading the system to the desired positive Change in the health system(Choy-Brown et al., 2020). By actively involving, mentoring, and collaborating with them, I seek to create a space where the people being mentored are respected, motivated, and empowered to get the best from themselves. My leadership style is transformational. Transformational leadership rests on the leader’s competency to inspire, motivate, and empower followers to bring about substantial organizational Change.
Change Advocacy Statement
The competencies of a nurse educator require me to be wise about the barriers that nursing students have in the existing healthcare system. The growing dynamics of health care systems and the rapidly developing technology rate demonstrate a huge redesigning of education programs. I intend to change the Nurse Educator track so that our future nurses are equipped to take on the dynamic nature of the healthcare industry. In the Nurse Educator track, technological integration and innovative teaching methodologies are imperative for increasing students’ engagement and achievement.
The Rationale for the Change
A nurse education system centered on the traditional lecture-based teaching method is no longer practical for training nurses to take their place in the current healthcare arena. The nursing education should be revised to include critical thinking, inter-professional teamwork, technology, and cultural competence in the syllabus to ensure that students are adequately prepared for work. As a change agent and nurse educator, I will work with other educators, apply research-based teaching methods, and create a more contemporary and interactive learning environment for students.
Self-reflection of Learning
Through this assignment, I have understood my ship style and how it relates to what I want to do after graduating from MSN. I have also learned how advocating for changes can significantly improve nursing. I have critically looked at the methods of leadership I can use to facilitate positive changes in the nurse educator track and eventually improve the nursing profession(Bush et al., 2021). Leadership is now an issue that I understand better as it is crucial in advocating for Change within the health care system. The foundation of transformational principles strengthens my confidence in the capacity of leaders to inspire, collaborate, and empower in creating improvement.
In conclusion, through my transformational leadership style, I am confident that my advocacy for Change will be so articulate. By motivating and involving others, I will get their support for making my suggested changes to the Nurse Educator track. My attention to the relationships and listening to my team’s voice will enable me to identify the challenges imposed on my employees’ work and develop practical solutions. As a transformational leader, I am dedicated to championing these positive change processes in the nurse educator track via innovation, collaboration, and constant improvement.
Bush, S., Michalek, D., & Francis, L. (2021). Perceived Leadership Styles, Outcomes of Leadership, and Self-Efficacy Among Nurse Leaders: Nurse Leader, 19(4), 390–394.
Choy-Brown, M., Stanhope, V., Wackstein, N., & Delany Cole, H. (2020). Do social workers lead differently? Examining associations with leadership style and organizational factors. Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership & Governance, 44(4), 332-342.