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Justifying the Use of Customer Data in Carrefour Links


A forward-looking corporation that Carrefour is, and using such a data-driven support system in making decisions at a very critical moment. The core principles of this approach are reflected through strong data protection measures, fair treatment of users, the consequences of artificial intelligence, and marketing goals for the application of intelligent data (GDPR, 2018). Carrefour respects data protection, privacy, and everything to do with ethics, and ensures that its entire activity conforms with the specifications of GDPR. Nowadays, the company is using measures of user data protection, which include encryption and user-friendly functions. The methodology of Carrefour is based on strict adherence to the norms of ethics, concentrating strictly on consent, and strictly pursuing certain forms of conduct (GDPR, 2018). This is not an overstatement, really: transparency must be maintained in the auditing procedures as part of efforts to address the emerging ethical issues about the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) in marketing.

This paper is a study on how the smart use of information in Carrefour can bring benefits to all parties, whether it is through providing personalized options in promotion or purchase. Carrefour’s comprehensive integrated security, privacy, and business ethics approach signal the company is prepared to headlong into the sector of e-commerce. This commitment is further noticed by the fact that GDPR was implemented in 2018.


Given the recent incident of data leak, it is imperative to note that data in Carrefour Links is well kept in terms of security and confidentiality and this becomes of great importance to Carrefour. Carrefour is committed to ensuring compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, 2018) in a bid to minimize these fears. It guarantees transparency in that through the process, data is collected clearly and its processing outlaid the intentions, of the user and the processor. The basic purpose is to comply with data minimization as required by GDPR and adhere to appropriate data protocols (Solove, 2007). The confidentiality of data will be improved through encryption, pseudonymization, and control of access to the data. Carrefour ensures all appropriate measures are in place to maintain the protection, safety, and accuracy of data under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for the intended use of the database. Data Governance: The data should be given explicit consent before processing, which is to be explicitly explained for what precise purposes it will be processed, providing convenient means for users to give or withdraw such consent. Secure measures like encryption, access restrictions, and security assessments – if all these are done often, then definitely the data remains private. One has to follow the guidelines strictly for strong security checks against any unwarranted access and data leaks. Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs) help to identify and manage risks associated with data processing. Notification of a Data Breach: It must report any data breach to the competent authority and all persons whose data has been affected without undue delay and at least not later than 72 hours after having first become aware of the same, where feasible unless the personal data breach is unlikely to result in a risk to the rights

The Carrefour is to introduce a system that corresponds to the GDPR’s requirements and ensures the safety of individual data, maintaining its confidentiality. Continuous control and adjustment of the compliance measures are important because the standards are continually changing (Carrefour Vision – Carrefour Links, 2023-6).


Ethical considerations revolve around the principles of user autonomy and consent. Carrefour is dedicated to offering users clear options regarding data usage on the Carrefour Links platform, ensuring adherence to ethical principles and regulatory obligations (Johnson, 2017). Carrefour is committed to ensuring ethical data practices by implementing a comprehensive code of ethics, in addition to obtaining consent. This code places a strong emphasis on the principles of fairness, lawful processing, and the prevention of discrimination or harm. Carrefour should take into account the ethical factors mentioned below to establish trust with customers, mitigate potential risks, and uphold responsible and ethical data practices throughout the data lifecycle.

  • Clear and open communication: Effective communication regarding data collection, usage, and storage is crucial for upholding ethical data practices. Transparency plays a vital role in establishing trust and resolving any doubts regarding the management of customer data.
  • Ensuring the security of data is of utmost importance. Ensuring the safeguarding of stored data is of utmost importance from an ethical perspective. Inadequate security measures can put sensitive data at risk of unauthorized access, potentially leading to breaches and harm to individuals.
  • Purpose Limitation: Ethical data usage necessitates a steadfast commitment to utilizing data exclusively for its designated purpose. Deviating from the intended objective without proper authorization may compromise trust and ethical standards.

Regular evaluations of ethical practices and ongoing efforts to enhance data governance are essential for maintaining ethical standards in academia.


The integration of AI into Carrefour’s marketing strategy introduces new insights into data security, privacy, and ethical considerations (Floridi & Sanders, 2004). The potential of AI to revolutionize data processing, pattern identification, and personalized marketing strategies is immense. However, Carrefour acknowledges the significance of ethical AI practices. Thorough audits, utmost transparency, and strict accountability measures will be put in place to tackle any possible risks and biases that may arise from algorithmic decision-making (Taddeo & Floridi, 2018).

In the proposed analytics project, the significance of AI advancements on data security, privacy, and ethics cannot be emphasized enough. The immense potential of AI in enhancing security lies in its advanced threat detection capabilities. In addition, techniques such as homomorphic encryption can be utilized to enhance privacy protection. In addition, AI has the potential to prioritize ethics through the implementation of transparent, user-centric, and compliant practices. The collaboration between AI and robust governance mechanisms is crucial for ensuring responsible data management, fostering trust, and encouraging ethical awareness throughout the entire project cycle.


Stakeholders, including end customers, can greatly benefit from utilizing their customer data for marketing purposes (Davenport & Harris, 2017). Descriptive analytics offers valuable insights into customer behavior, predictive analytics predicts upcoming trends and prescriptive analytics optimizes marketing efforts (Provost & Fawcett, 2013). This approach ensures a personalized shopping experience, customized promotions, and improved product recommendations. Descriptive analytics, with a strong emphasis on historical data, allows businesses to acquire valuable insights into previous trends and customer behavior. Stakeholders benefit greatly as businesses gain valuable insights for marketing, optimizing operations, and providing personalized customer experiences. Tools like Tableau and Google Analytics allow for the visualization and interpretation of historical data, providing a solid foundation for making informed decisions.

Nevertheless, predictive analytics enables stakeholders to explore the realm of foresight, enabling businesses to anticipate future trends and customer behavior. One can enjoy the benefits of targeted marketing campaigns, streamlined inventory management, and enhanced risk management. Through the utilization of IBM SPSS, R, and Python, businesses can proactively anticipate and adjust to market dynamics, offering customers customized recommendations and personalized experiences. Ultimately, the skillful utilization of customer information for marketing purposes, enabled by advanced analytics techniques, offers multiple benefits to everyone involved. Both enterprises and end customers can gain substantial benefits by gathering information about historical trends, predicting future behaviors, and informing future decisions. The integration of advanced data analytics software improves the capabilities of the involved to make sure that the processes of decision-making are data-based and optimized further toward personalized and effective marketing strategies. In this increasingly dynamic corporate world, acquiring modern analytics adeptly is key for both individuals and firms eying to thrive in a highly competitive market.


This analysis provides important insights into how Carrefour uses consumer data via the Carrefour Links platform, and strategic analysis for increasing efficiency in their initiatives centered around data. Carrefour has to make sure they are fully in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), while all the activities of data processing ought to be carried out with full adherence to the legal requirements. For this, it is important to be strict and follow the rules laid by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). These dimensions include data minimization, limited use of data, and right management. Carrefour puts a lot of value on transparency in the use of customer data. This is because trust has to be built with customers and so any issues that come up over the use of the data and what exactly is done with it are dealt with immediately and if need be, proactively.

Carrefour’s data strategy must consistently integrate ethical issues as a basic element. The first purpose makes the consumer his own master, and the company has to oblige itself to a wide spectrum of social standards that regulate the collection of data. The basic tenets that this code should have in place include justice, due process, and guarding against bias or harm. One important manner in which the data management of Carrefour will ensure that the ever-increasing ethical requirements are met is to have the ethical laws binding their operations reviewed regularly, with the update of the review done regularly as well.

The impacts of using artificial intelligence (AI) in marketing initiatives at Carrefour are visible in aspects relating to data security, privacy, and ethics. Carrefour values the importance of keeping an eye on and constantly evaluating AI systems. It is very important to feed such audits into AI-led operations to enhance transparency and accountability. It will help to identify the hazards and prejudices that are introduced by automated decision-making before they are let happen.

For Carrefour, the data security shall be focused first on the enhancement of the processes of security to be better than before. Also, to solve this issue, encryption, pseudonymization, and access controls should be implemented. Acting proactively to establish necessary strategies for prevention and to quickly identify and mitigate potential hazards. Regular upgrading of the protocols is important in ensuring the safety of the data infrastructure. It helps to ensure that unwanted access and potential risks associated with security are averted.

In addition to this, Carrefour could think of using more advanced analytics techniques to add value to the data for both parties: above and beyond the minimum requirements. This entails conveying the essential findings derived from descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive analytics to stakeholders, including end consumers. Carrefour aims to promote consumer loyalty by meticulously analyzing historical data and devising innovative strategies to elevate the customized shopping experience. Implementing a proactive strategy that involves informative events for stakeholders helps enhance their comprehension of efficient data utilization and the advantages it provides. Involving stakeholders and soliciting their opinions in the data utilization process helps foster a sense of accountability and bolsters collaboration among individuals. To stay compliant with the ever-evolving legislation and requirements for data security in the business sector, Carrefour must demonstrate adaptability and incorporate the requisite modifications into its data processes. To maintain the company’s ethical standards, it is crucial to regularly review and validate the data management plan’s readiness to adapt to industry developments. Carrefour demonstrates a robust dedication to data security, privacy, and ethical issues by adhering carefully to these regulations, thereby establishing a solid basis. Furthermore, it enhances the company’s reputation as a renowned firm in utilizing client data with integrity and ethicality.


The strategy approach of Carrefour, as demonstrated by the Carrefour Links platform, showcases a strong commitment to data protection, emphasizing ethical considerations, and proficiently utilizing artificial intelligence. The company’s unwavering dedication to data security is demonstrated by its full compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Stringent measures are implemented to ensure the protection of confidential data, including encryption and access restrictions. Ensuring users have explicit and open choices for managing their data and establishing a comprehensive ethical code that emphasizes justice and prevents bias, are key ethical considerations. The integration of artificial intelligence has resulted in significant advancements in the automation and personalization of procedures. Carrefour is dedicated to conducting audits and establishing transparency to tackle ethical issues. The article emphasizes the practical use of data in marketing, offering stakeholders, including end customers, customized experiences using analytics. Carrefour’s strategy exemplifies a meticulous focus on maximizing marketing methods while safeguarding the security, privacy, and ethical concerns of users. Carrefour’s comprehensive approach underscores its commitment to ethical data practices and cultivating a mutually beneficial relationship with its esteemed consumers in the dynamic digital commerce scene.


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