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Jim Crow Essays

What Were the Jim Crow Laws, and How Did They Impact African Americans in the United States?

During the years following the American Civil War (1861–1865), a period known as Reconstruction, the country’s racial climate saw dramatic shifts. As a result of the renovation, three significant alterations occurred: The ratification of Amendments Thirteen, Fourteen, and Fifteen to the United States Constitution. These amendments made it illegal for states to discriminate against voters ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1216

History of the United States From Reconstruction to the Present Time

Introduction Race relations have been the most defining issue in the last 160 years of United States history. The country has a long history of discrimination and violence against minority groups, particularly African Americans. Reconstruction was when the country attempted to rebuild itself after the Civil War and extend civil rights to all citizens, regardless ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 3003
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