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Italian Renaissance Essays

Italy’s Role in Late Gothic

The late Gothic is the period 1280 – 1500. This period is also known as the flamboyant. Late Gothic was more decorative than the previous period. The focus was on the images of the art and not on the structural substance. The area of focus of this paper is two cities, Florence and Siena, Italy. ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 943

Humanism: Exploring the Evolution of a Doctrine Centered on Moral and Intellectual Autonomy From the Italian Renaissance to Modern Human Rights

Humanism is a doctrine that is centered on moral and intellectual autonomy. Humanism emphasizes individuality and has shifted and evolved. The Italian Renaissance ushered in a period that saw a cultural reformation and deviation from the Middle Ages’ way of life. Art thrived in this period and evolved from classical art that sought to express ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 597
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