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IOM and NAM Report on Healthcare Policy

Comparison of IOM and NAM Reports:

IOM and NAM reports provide views on nursing’s future. The IOM’s report in 2010 called for an 80% requirement of baccalaureate nurses by the year, showing emphasis on education (IOM Report). The NAM report develops this narrative further, highlighting social aspects of healthcare and nurse wellness. For instance, although both reports focus on education, the NAM report particularly emphasizes health disparities. As for the evolution from IOM to NAM reports, it represents a move towards comprehensive health resolution that seems progressive and indispensable.

NAM Recommendation and Policy Initiatives:

It is, therefore, very critical for the future of nursing to improve nurse wellbeing as proposed by NAM. This includes an environment that is conducive for the workers, both in physical and mental health issues (NAM: Future of Nursing). If healthcare systems focus on promoting the welfare of nurses, they will see increased nurse retention rates, less burnout and better quality patient care. This holistic approach to taking care of nurses is crucial in creating a workforce that meets public health’s changing needs and can sustain an effective, efficient healthcare system. A suitable policy initiative that can be put in place to support this would include embracing mandatory mental health breaks and counselling services for nurses due to the recognized correlation between nurse wellness levels and patient care outcomes (Campaign for Action/RWJF /AARP).

Ted Talk Takeaway:

Özlem Cekic’s Ted Talk, entitled “Why I Have Coffee With People Who Send Me Hate Mail,” emphasizes the need for engagement with people who have opposing views. It is the sheer power of conversations in person that Özlem Cekic emphasizes in her Ted Talk, which helps reduce prejudices (Why I Have Coffee With People Who Send Me Hate Mail?). This emphasizes the importance of interpersonal interaction in approaching prejudiced preconceptions, thereby breaking them down and creating mutual understanding through symbiosis.

Podcast Learning

In the digital broadcast “Nature, Support and Your Legislative Issues,” the connection between nature (hereditary inclinations) and the climate is examined as far as how their communication shapes our political perspectives. This idea expresses that while we are hereditarily customized to have explicit mentalities, our environmental factors and encounters form our tendencies into recognizable political philosophies. This shows that our convictions are still up in the air as well as totally established by the climate. For example, the webcast examines how a person’s hereditary inclination can make them defenceless to specific political mentalities incited by their environmental factors (Nature, Sustain and Governmental issues Web recording).


These assets stress the capacity to adjust, sympathy and multi-layered approach in medical services settings and social orders. The change in nursing affected by reports, for example, from the IOM and NAM, is crucial to the advancement of medical care. This change involves a push away from standard practices toward a widely inclusive, ‘modern’ approach that is directed by friendly determinants of wellbeing and medical caretaker health. Acknowledging alternate points of view, as focused in Özlem Cekic’s Ted Talk, is only something very similar. It constructs a culture of sympathy and understanding that is basic for patient-focused care. This change in discernment works on the nature of care as well as makes it fair and receptive to changing cultural requirements. These various perspectives ought to be coordinated into nursing practice since this is where testing the intricacies of a globalized world can begin.


Link One (Why I Have Coffee With People Who Send Me Hate Mail?):

Link Two: (NAM: Future of Nursing):

The Future of Nursing 2020-2030 – National Academy of Medicine (

Link Three: (Nature, Nurture, and Politics):

Link Four (Campaign for Action/RWJF /AARP):


Link Five: (IOM Report/2010):


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