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Interprofessional Teams in Healthcare Settings

Health Care Setting and Employees

I selected an inpatient facility for the purpose of determining patients who might have head injuries, amputations, spinal cord issues, or any other patient who might need high attention for treatment. Therapists, nurses, and doctors, among others, are members of the rehab hospital who take care of any patient in need of their services. The activities that are carried out by the interprofessional team, as well as the care given to the patients, are overseen to make sure that they are carried out accordingly. The treatment plan process is designed with the assistance of other professionals to make sure they meet the rehabilitation objectives. Several activities involve the nursing care of the patients; this includes checking the temperatures of the patients to make sure they are within the required range and continuous medication for the patients to make sure that they get what is needed for their health issues and recovery (Gupta et al., 2021). The patients reach a point where they can attend to themselves without requiring any form of assistance; that is, they are able to groom themselves and eat after the occupational therapy is over. Diseases, as well as injuries, have an impact on individuals in terms of the change in lifestyle.

Issues Within Setting and Effect on Stakeholders

Ineffective interprofessional teams have an impact not only on the patients but also on inpatient rehabilitation as a whole. There might be challenges like delays in the updating of the patient’s crucial information, which might cause challenges to the whole operation process of the facility (Xergia et al., 2023). Ineffective treatment planning comes in most of the time when this happens to the facility. The process through which the medication should be administered becomes a challenge since there might be issues like confusion between the patients and the family instructions. Duplication of services also emerges when there are interprofessional teams in the rehab facility. The collaboration power in the organization might be significantly impacted when there are communication errors in the organization as well as disputes, which are common in most organizations. There are incidents where the physicians need to consider the involvement of the team in the process of making treatment recommendations. Burnouts are experienced due to the high number of patients in the facilities. The need also contributes to more staffing as well as high turnover.

Attributes of Healthy Culture to Encourage Team Performance

A healthy culture benefits the institution; it makes the employees perform better by being focused on the vision and values of the organization. They make sure that every activity is carried out as per the requirements, and thus, they make sure that the goals are attained through the collaboration of the team members. Unhealthy acts are discouraged when a healthy culture is practiced in the facilities. Job misunderstanding is reduced when every member recognizes their profession-specific duties (Gupta et al., 2021). It is also essential to combine reasoning through cross-perspective problem-solving. Communication should be structured to make sure that each and every member is sure of what is expected to be performed and what not to perform. The patient’s timely updates are completed, which clarifies the treatment priorities as well as the modification of the treatment to match the patient’s requirements. Every team member’s skills should be recognized as well as considered. Through this, all the physicians are in a position to fully participate in making decisions collectively. Team members have to share the responsibilities of the organization in order to succeed. Lastly, when the best-performing team members are rewarded, it acts as motivation and thus encourages others to work hard as well.

Qualities and Styles for Effective Communication

Trust and collaboration among the teams are built through the existence of a clear and consistent communication flow among the team members. Full attention to the details, which can be demonstrated through maintaining eye contact as well as asking questions, portrays active listening in the team members. Avoidance of interruptions while communicating with others enhances open dialogue among the members, which is a sign of effective communication.

Boundary-Spanning Activity

As the nurse leader in the rehab organization, I would make sure that there is a weekly meeting that involves the patients as well as their family members, which will enable the connection of the outside therapies with the interprofessional treatment. Through holding these meetings, the patients, as well as the patient’s family members, will have a chance to discuss one-on-one issues that they might need adjusting to, as well as any questions that might be regarding the recovery process (Gupta et al., 2021). The team members can also have a chance to provide their short updates, which can concern duties and clinical views, to improve the overall operation process. The challenges that the families point out can be noted by the teams, thus finding a way of addressing them as soon as possible.

Effect of Employee Satisfaction on Patient Care

Evidence has shown that when healthcare professionals are satisfied, patients are also happy as a result. They get high-quality care and treatment compared to when they are engaged by unsatisfied professionals (Nicolini et al., 2022). Issues like burnout among clinicians have a significant impact on patients since these care providers need to pay more attention to the already existing conditions. Stressed care providers tend to pay less attention to the patient’s needs as well as their emotional intelligence compared to those who are satisfied. Medical errors or mistakes are reduced when the teams are happy, which encourages even the collaboration of the staff.

Personal Role as Health Care Leader

As the interprofessional nurse leader, I make sure that the communication in the facility is timely and straightforward to be understood by every involved party. I make sure that the vision of the teams is shared, there is an exemplary process for resolving any conflict that is not discriminatory to anyone who might be involved, and I ensure mutual understanding among the members (Smith, 2019). I will act to demonstrate that growth is possible through the collaboration of the team members. Since misunderstandings might have huge impacts on the whole organization, I will make sure there are regular updates to ensure clarity among the team members.


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Gupta, P., Thomas, M., Patel, A., George, R., Mathews, L., Alex, S., … & El Hassan, M. (2021). The bundle approach is used to achieve zero central line-associated bloodstream infections in an adult coronary intensive care unit. BMJ Open Quality, 10(1).

Nicolini, D., Pyrko, I., Omidvar, O., & Spanellis, A. (2022). Understanding communities of practice: Taking stock and moving forward. Academy of Management Annals, 16(2), 680-718.

Smith, J. A. (2019). A multifaceted approach to combating compassion fatigue in new emergency department nurses (Doctoral dissertation, Rutgers University-School of Nursing-RBHS).

Xergia, S. A., Tsarbou, C., Liveris, N. I., Tsekoura, M., Billis, E., Tsepis, E., … & Papageorgiou, G. (2023). Interprofessional education and practice in the effective management of healthcare organizations. Archives of Hellenic Medicine/Arheia Ellenikes Iatrikes, 40(2).


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