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Women in Military

Introduction and background:

In the past decades, women have been marginalized in various activities and even in professional fields. This is primarily because of male chauvinism that makes individuals associate some jobs as a preserve for men. However, this notion has been challenged in the contemporary world in which women are more informed and enlightened about societal issues (Robinson & O’Hanlon, 2020). Even though women’s marginalization has diminished due to gender equality campaigns, there are still gender imbalances experienced in the military, where women are allocated supportive responsibilities and denied the opportunities to engage in combat units.

In the United States, women’s involvement in the war can be dated to the colonial period when the British occupied America. During this period, women were tasked with providing logistical support, such as being nurses to the struggling to evacuate the British from the western part of the country. In the 21st century, we have seen an increased trend of women’s inclusion in the military ranks, especially in the NATO member states. However, this issue has led to a question regarding their sustainability as active combat war participants. The opposers argue that women should participate in higher military chores. At the same time, male counterparts should be delegated heavier duties as they are stronger, more efficient, and less susceptible to burnout. However, since the colonial era, it is arguable that the nature of military organizations and operations has been revolutionized; therefore, we need to support the engagement of women soldiers in combat units. We can achieve strategic efficiency and sociocultural unity in military service by involving them in combat wars.

Women Empowerment:

The support of women’s education can be achieved by including them in the military. Traditionally, men were often favored by the system in place, enabling them to access available opportunities, leaving women with limited channels to actualize their academic objectives. However, the inclusion of women in the military has helped them to meet their education objectives by opening doors for them through military opportunities available in the women’s department. This step has been crucial in ensuring equal distribution of available opportunities across genders. In addition, women participating in the military can access financing, enabling them to complete their secondary and tertiary education, befitting their aspirations. Furthermore, by participating in the military, women are entitled to empowerment through to salaries, incentives, and benefits enjoyed by their male counterparts. This has been critical in restructuring their economic status in societies and fostering respect between men and women.

What Men can do Women Can do Better”

Moreover, for centuries, there has been a general phrase that “what men can do, women can do better.” (Smith, 2020) However, this phrase has remained vague since women were excluded in military combat involving protecting women’s and children’s lives. However, including women in combat helps put into practice this phrase. This approach is essential since we can integrate feminine strength into the strategic approaches of men, leading to collective decision-making between the males and females, which is a crucial element needed in contemporary war. Furthermore, we can affirm that masculinity does not confer superiority.


One of the key challenges to including women in Combat wars has been persistent gender stereotypes and institutional biases. These stereotypes have centered on who they are and their capabilities to perform their duties (Trobaugh, 2018). As a result, this has threatened the Armed Force’s integrity and mission. It is crucial to undertake provocative measures to address challenges to ensure women have access to equal opportunities in society and the recognition they deserve.


In sum, the inclusion of women in military combat plays a crucial role in contributing to the strategic adequate and sociocultural equity in the sector. By including women in military combat, we can empower them to pursue their educational interests and aspirations and put into practice the phrase that men can do and women can do it better. Overall, we can promote positive gender relations to harness multi-gender military units’ full potential by including females in the military.



Trobaugh, E. M. (2018, January 9). Women, Regardless: Understanding Gender Bias in U.S. Military Integrate. National Defense University Press.

‌ Robinson, L., & O’Hanlon, M. (2020, May). Women Warriors: The ongoing story of integrating and diversifying the American armed forces. Brookings.


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