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Internal Processes Essays

Change Initiative: Implementation, Evaluation, and Sustainability

Introduction A new generation of leadership in healthcare has proven the need for constant evolution. Realizing the importance of efficient communication as a critical driver of patient care, this essay suggests a change initiative within our organization. Based on the HEALTH Model, the initiative intends to improve healthcare community members’ communication and coordination practices. Focusing ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1765

Can Only an Outsider See the Problems an Organization Faces?

It is not necessary that only an outsider can see the problems an organization faces. Insiders have a better grasp of internal processes, dynamics, and historical background, considering that they have spent considerable time working in the organization. Insiders are knowledgeable about cultural practices, workflows, and trouble spots. Therefore, they are better placed to identify ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 822
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