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Insights From Cross-Cultural Texts: Exploring the Intersection of Indian Classical Music and Globalization

This essay will concentrate on the article “The Journey of a Tabla Player: Preserving Indian Classical Music in a Globalised World” by a well-known music critic. This essay delves thoroughly into the need to preserve and promote Indian classical music and highlights the necessity of providing Asian musicians with a venue to perform. It also emphasizes the particular steel band performance style, audience involvement, and the requirement for skill and discipline in this field. Adding concepts from our course textbook and interpreting the article as a cross-cultural text will make it easier to understand the significance of hip-hop, global drums, and classical Indian drumming.

In “The Journey of a Tabla Player: Preserving Indian Classical Music in a Globalised World,” the significance of preserving Indian classical music and providing a platform for Asian artists to exhibit their work is emphasized. The piece emphasizes training and commitment and the value of discipline and expertise in steel band music. Another article discusses the specific performance style of Indian drumming and how crucial it is for audiences to understand what is being spoken ([EXCLUSIVE] FULL behind the SCENES of ZAKIR HUSSAIN WORLD TOUR, n.d.). Let’s read the article as a cross-cultural text and use the concepts from our course textbook. We can learn more about the greater significance of hip-hop, world drums, and classical Indian drumming in a globalized society.

This essay raises several essential points regarding the necessity of promoting and safeguarding Indian classical music in today’s globalized culture. First, it defends tabla playing and Indian classical music as cultural jewels that need to be shielded from the consequences of globalization ([EXCLUSIVE] FULL behind the SCENES of ZAKIR HUSSAIN WORLD TOUR, n.d.). Indian classical music is in danger from the rise of Western music in popularity brought on by globalization. The piece also emphasizes giving Asian artists, particularly tabla players, opportunities to showcase their talent and improve the global musical environment ([EXCLUSIVE] FULL behind the SCENES of ZAKIR HUSSAIN WORLD TOUR, n.d.). The author’s research indicates that the globalization of Indian classical music promotes appreciation and knowledge of other cultures.

For successful tabla playing, discipline and practice are stressed. Years of training and instruction are required to learn this complex percussion instrument. The author contends that nurturing young talent and promoting traditional music are two ways to preserve Indian classical music. The essay’s final section focuses on the interaction between the tabla player and the audience. It encourages engagement and conversation for a dynamic musical experience(Denise). This article discusses the difficulties faced by classical Indian performers in a globalized society and the significance of conserving and promoting their music. This essay discusses several ideas from our Global Music Studies course. For this piece, the concept of cultural globalization is apt. Music is one manifestation of cultural globalization. Due to globalization’s preference for Western music over local traditions, Indian classical music is at risk (Denise).

Music diversity is yet another crucial issue. In today’s multicultural society, it is essential to understand and value the diverse musical expressions that exist across civilizations (Author, Year). The essay makes the case that increased performances and appreciation of Indian classical music, particularly tabla playing, will increase the musical variety around the globe ([EXCLUSIVE] FULL behind the SCENES of ZAKIR HUSSAIN WORLD TOUR, n.d.). It emphasizes the importance of appreciating and preserving various musical traditions. This article examines the concepts of musical apprenticeship and transmission. Knowledge and skills in music are passed down from generation to generation. The value of preserving traditional tabla transmission and the long training and apprenticeship required to master it is emphasized in this article by ([EXCLUSIVE] FULL behind the SCENES of ZAKIR HUSSAIN WORLD TOUR, n.d.). It highlights how crucial oral tradition was in the growth of Indian classical music. This paper is an excellent addition to our Global Music Studies course because it examines cultural globalization, musical diversity, and musical transmission. In today’s increasingly connected world, the value of Indian classical music and intercultural understanding is underlined.

The analysis of Indian classical music and its connection to globalization in this article aids in comprehending literature from different cultural backgrounds. As we examine musical traditions from around the world, it is crucial to maintain cultural sensitivity and an open mind. This article demonstrates how Indian classical music might suffer when it faces up against Western genres ([EXCLUSIVE] FULL behind the SCENES of ZAKIR HUSSAIN WORLD TOUR, n.d.). It demonstrates the need to comprehensively understand texts from other cultures, where musical practice’s cultural significance and context are acknowledged and appreciated.

The article also emphasizes the importance of broadening one’s horizons by discovering different musical genres. We may appreciate the diversity and depth of musical manifestations worldwide more as we learn about and value literature from various cultures. It encourages us to end our ethnocentrism and acknowledge the value of intercultural understanding and musical appreciation. Power dynamics must also be considered when evaluating texts from other cultures (Denise). This article demonstrates how globalization might preserve Western music’s hegemony at the expense of other traditions. It serves as a timely reminder to examine the more significant social and economic influences that affect how works from different cultures are presented and accepted([EXCLUSIVE] FULL behind the SCENES of ZAKIR HUSSAIN WORLD TOUR, n.d.). The author ends by urging us to read across cultures while keeping an eye on power dynamics, being sensitive to different cultures, and having an open mind. If we do this, we can discover more about various musical traditions, promote intercultural dialogue, and challenge long-held beliefs about music worldwide.

In conclusion, the research emphasizes the challenges and possibilities that arise when Indian classical music interacts with globalization. By examining works from diverse cultures, we can understand the mechanisms involved and appreciate the importance of respecting cultural differences. Furthermore, this article underscores how exploring music from various backgrounds enhances our comprehension of global affairs and prompts us to question established beliefs. A comprehensive understanding of inclusive and nuanced musical knowledge is fostered by acknowledging power dynamics within cross-cultural texts and their cultural milieu. Ultimately, such awareness facilitates intercultural dialogue while promoting a deeper appreciation for diverse cultural traditions worldwide.


Denise, N. (no date) “Embodiment, Dreaming, and Experience as a Basis for Understanding the Other. [Preprint].



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