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Innovation Strategies Essays

How Business Functions and the Christian Worldview

Achieving customer intimacy Customer intimacy involves being aware of the values and needs of the business’ customers. Therefore, it requires that organizations aim to establish good relationships that are based on being customer-centric. Rather than just aiming to be transactional, marketing strategies should involve establishing and maintaining long-term relations (Mahaputra & Saputra, 2021). After all, ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1304

Lazada vs Shopee

1.0 Introduction The paper compares Lazada and Shopee, which are top e-commerce platforms. It focuses on key performance measures, including market share, revenue growth, customer happiness, and brand awareness. It identifies which platform has experienced tremendous success through this evaluation and various underlying reasons. Most importantly, it pinpoints the components of elements that have fueled ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 4015
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