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Innovation & Entrepreneurship


Innovative entrepreneurship represents developing new business concepts to produce earnings and help communities while accomplishing corporate objectives. A solitary entrepreneur and an organization of businessmen might use innovation to enhance or improve a certain product, method, or service. This enables companies to enhance the items by implementing innovative concepts and morals. Innovative entrepreneurs employ various tactics to tackle business obstacles (Yakubu et al., 2022). Entrepreneurs must have a clear plan and purpose to incorporate anything new into the firm. Generating innovative concepts might involve continually challenging oneself and discovering new avenues or approaches. This form of entrepreneurship may assist professionals in focusing on gathering concepts through various sources and gathering adequate information to develop the best approach for putting those concepts into action. Entrepreneurs may infuse innovations into their businesses by improving their products, processes, services, and business models.

A startup represents a corporation that develops an enterprise model centred around a service or product innovation that renders them scalable, reproducible, and self-sufficient. Innovation is inextricably linked to the entrepreneurial sector. Unidentified challenges provide the foundation for minds that are creative. Since it is challenging to accurately forecast the stages, time, and consequences of creative thinking, innovation approaches are distinct from numerous company tactics. An innovative strategy directs how assets are employed to accomplish a company’s goals for inventiveness, value delivery, and edge over competitors (Urbano et al., 2022). Innovation This enables the company’s growth to take effect due to the increased need for effectiveness and profitability. A business person who concentrates on developing an entirely distinct product or improving current solutions will eventually discover it easier to solve difficulties and obstacles.


Strategic Startup, business plan and innovation process

An innovative concept is vital for launching a successful firm. This enables companies to provide value to prospective consumers by answering a requirement such as this, whether it’s an upgraded version or something entirely novel. Furthermore, this has been recognized as one of the primary selection requirements for startup assistance programmes (Mansur., 2022). Consequently, the significance of innovation within the achievement of an organization can be identified once more. The capacity of a successful entrepreneur to implement the concept in the most effective possible manner is equally crucial as the concept itself and its level of creativity. In other words, the initial crucial stages for achievement have been comprehending the concept and realizing the need for innovation. Yet it must be supported by a company model, strategic preparation, objective, time frame environment, instruments, and most importantly, devotion and commitment.

Step by Step Innovation Process for business plan

An innovation process involves a series of processes that occur beyond the development of thought and subsequent realization. It refers to a simplified process handled in an approach that demonstrates a corporation’s organizational foundation and innovation objectives (Adu-Gyamfi et al., 2022). The robust innovation process aids with identifying, capturing, and curating the world’s finest ideas towards their realization. Organizations demonstrate to their employees that inventiveness and any individual concept count by following and repeating a process while providing comments throughout every level. A tailored approach that fits the organization’s structures and streamlines the process between concepts to effective innovation must be meticulously established.

Step 1(Idea generation and Collection): Everything begins with a concept, and the most outstanding ones may come from anybody in the group at any moment. As a result, everybody must understand ways to collect and preserve thoughts. Investigating and implementing specialized idea management programmes is the most straightforward as well as the most successful approach to gathering outstanding concepts across the team, according to previous experience (Ismail., 2022). This is a central repository for collecting thoughts and putting those ideas into practice in an accessible and effective way.

Step 2 (Idea review and evaluation): Ideas must be assessed and appraised on an ongoing schedule to guarantee they’ll progress rapidly and potential ideators get feedback right away. They do not want individuals thinking that their thoughts are going down the drain since an absence of response could demotivate individuals and possibly dissuade them from continuing to participate in the innovation initiative in subsequent years.

Step 3 (Proof Of Concept or Pilot): Ideas consistent with business tactical objectives have already cleared the review step and can be explored further. Whenever the notion makes a major difference, it is an excellent decision to conduct a small pilot, produce the most valuable player, or perform a proof of concept before spreading it across the entire company. Consider this phase a trial and a chance to develop a communications plan for impending adjustments. Feedback becomes essential to a productive pilot stage (Kollmann et al., 2022). Watch, which is listen, as well as interact, as well as don’t only concentrate solely on the advantages. This may be an opportunity to drastically reduce risk before entering full-scale manufacturing. Nevertheless, whether the concept is an immediate success, this makes more sense to act swiftly and easily into the executing and implementing stage to maintain forward motion. Concentrate on paying attention to any specifics at this phase since they’ll want to set clear, measured key performance indicators before a comprehensive deployment.

Step 4 (Full rollout and implementation): It’s time to spread the word throughout the organization. Fortunately, following a pilot, the company must feel assured, and every one of the company stakeholders must be online. Continue examining how this fresh concept will be incorporated into the current processes, and seek assistance in creating comprehensive training instructions.

Step 5 (Adoption and benefits realization): While the company has effectively implemented a concept, keep in mind to review it on an ongoing schedule to see if the fresh approach continues to be solving the original issue as well as had been well accepted by everybody in the company (Rajkamal et al., 2022). It is equally critical to maintain gathering input. So, keep track of the organization initiative’s progress towards its very first key performance indicators and make an entry of any insights acquired.

Entrepreneurship or Innovation theory

Entrepreneurial Locus Of Control

People with an internal locus of control consider that they influence their surroundings. In other words, it refers to whatever or whoever determines a person’s fate. Persons alongside an internal locus of autonomy have been thus more inclined to have faith that their behaviours affect the advantages or outcomes they get in return (Zafar et al., 2022). Internal locus of control enables the owners and managers to efficiently seek to identify and uncover excellent enterprise chances because their confidence in their abilities renders them less reactive and responsive to opportunities for entrepreneurship. According to entrepreneurial theory, an internal locus of control is usually employed to rationalize entrepreneurship operations. In this aspect, the choice someone makes to pursue an entrepreneurial profession is influenced by their internal locus of control. Individuals with an internal locus of control suspect they will be successful in business.

Entrepreneurs must have an overwhelming sense of control. This serves as a catapult to self-confidence. Whenever an entrepreneur feels they have become the controller of their course of action, they are considered to have an internal locus of control (Singh et al., 2022). People with external locus control are often swayed by fate and believe outside influences such as financial circumstances, politics, technological advancements, and societal problems dictate their lives. An individual possessing an internal locus of control feels that they can affect results by utilizing their skills, exertion, and talents rather than by external causes.

“Rotter’s Social Learning Theory framework has four basic components: Behaviour Potential (BP), Expectancy (E), Reinforcement Value (RV)/outcome of Behaviours, as well as the whole combination”. According to his Predictive Formula, persons with an internal centre of control contend that they are primarily responsible for the degree to which they are rewarded. This group takes imaginative and autonomous judgements, demonstrates competence in resolving following difficulties, and accepts entirely accountability for whether they succeed (Kuratko et al., 2023). Effective managers have a strong sense of internal oversight. People with an internal LOC have optimism regarding their capacity for accomplishing what they desire while transforming the surroundings, which could clarify the relationship between internal LOC and governance. They hold themselves accountable for their accomplishment while recognizing their weaknesses whenever they fail.

Entrepreneurs are accountable for their decisions. Therefore, there is a favourable relationship between control-oriented with innovation. People with an internal LOC are different from those with an external LOC. In an effective scenario, the former group assumes ownership and accountability and is prepared to look for and utilize knowledge quickly. At the same time, the latter shows symptoms that they are connected with the world around them. Rotter contends that individuals face tasks front on and act on their obligations (Kiani et al., 2022). Entrepreneur that is internally motivated might experience greater achievement. Starting an entrepreneurial enterprise is a demanding process that requires determination and objective concentration. Alignment influences a person’s capacity to begin, take moderate risks, and persist.

Creation Social Network

Social networking brings people and companies together by permitting companies to exchange ideas, knowledge, and communications. Organizations utilize social media to build and improve brand awareness, market goods and services, and react to consumer questions and issues. The entrepreneurial process primarily relies on social networks, with business people motivated by chance-seeking behaviour rather than a simple desire to invest money (Wei et al., 2023). Businesses must continuously search for methods to maximize profits, which they can only accomplish so by seizing and capitalizing on possibilities that come along their way. One method of recognizing and capitalizing on possibilities is by attempting to tap into a person’s social network, wherein a social network is believed to encompass a genuine collection of relationships of various types amongst a group of persons.

Enterprises’ economic action/behaviour includes social ties. Various experts recommend an alternate viewpoint on entrepreneurship, in which they perceive it as connected to connections of ongoing social relations. Their companies said that entrepreneurship is potentially promoted or restricted by links among businessmen, assets, and chances via this complex system of relationships. It contends that one of the most significant advantages of social networking for people is the ability to gain access to data and guidance that is required for connections in social networks, as well as suggests that the sole element that can link multiple social networks with strong ties has become a weak relationship (Vatavu et al., 2022). Within entrepreneurship, social value refers to the intellectual resources and assets obtained or contributed by relationships with whom the entrepreneur is engaged within their particular social systems. Entrepreneurs require knowledge, expertise, labour, finances, and other materials. While certain of these assets already reside in the possession of a businessperson, most of them can be acquired from their social network. Relationships or individuals capable of achieving the performer’s aim or assisting them in reaching their objective constitute social capital benefiting the businessperson and the company.

Dynamic Capabilities in Innovation

Organizational talents capable of embracing modifications to surroundings, particularly those that emerge from within the organization, are called dynamic capabilities. Organizational executives move their focus from their primary company objectives to initiatives that serve as stepping stones toward potential future opportunities which require various capabilities. Other theories, which include the resource-based view, have been criticized using dynamic capability theory (Kim., 2022). Whenever organisations utilise resource views in changing situations, encompassing ideas such as core competency need to be corrected. The suggested strategy of both methods is to invest in and utilize competencies inside a clear fundamental company sector while contracting out anything else that is non-essential or extraneous.

Dynamic Capabilities represent the company’s capacity to incorporate, construct, and rearrange internal and external funds/competencies to meet and effectively influence constantly evolving economic conditions. Dynamic Capabilities represent the company’s capacity to incorporate, construct, and rearrange internal and external funds/competencies to meet and effectively influence constantly evolving economic conditions (Ughulu., 2022). “According to Teece, dynamic capabilities are generally described as a firm’s ability to combine, construct, as well as restructure internal and external competencies to meet shifting circumstances”. An instance of a progressive ability within the automobile production sector includes Toyota’s manufacturing process, which each business has perfected after 25 years. Contrary to conventional capacity, Dynamical capabilities are generally characteristic: these are distinctive to every company and generally discovered in the company background.

Critical Evaluation and Discussion

Process and Financial Plan

Assessing the value of assets, including hazard description, creating short to long-term financial targets, including updating company goals over time are all part of the financial preparation approach. This also includes techniques for retiring with no worrying regarding economics and protecting companies future (Hammerschmidt et al., 2022). A sound financial strategy maintains the company engaged and on target while the firm expands, new difficulties emerge, and unanticipated catastrophes occur. This enables businesses to interact easily with staff and shareholders while building a contemporary, accessible corporation. Individuals benefit from financial preparation in various ways, including the enhanced capacity to establish objectives, and budgetary constraints, preserve, loan sensibly, make investments, handle risk and taxes, manage succession, etc.

Project Feasibility: The analysis of a project’s numerous parts to determine whether it possesses an opportunity towards accomplishment is known as project feasibility. Before starting an initiative, a corporation might assess the project’s viability to identify problems, develop ways to get around them, and eventually draw in financiers (Mwatsika., 2022). While establishing the feasibility of an endeavour, executives think about the available resources and their financial needs. The project’s viability becomes obvious whenever a firm prepares to introduce an innovative product, extend its physical presence, or engage in operations that affect the organization and the various divisions.

Whenever a company decides to embark on an entirely novel endeavour, it initially assesses its viability. The feasibility of a project relates to the probability that it will ultimately be effective and how it will conquer any project hurdles. Economic feasibility relates to the expense of an initiative which includes specific information on estimated income and earnings, including the company’s return on investments (Roemintoyo et al., 2022). This explains the initiative’s financial advantages in estimating its value. The operating expenditures and investments required by the company for starting or finishing the undertaking. Attempt to address and outline every project expense, including projected income. Companies can also highlight the financial backing required to attract shareholders, for instance, laying out a strategy for approaching financial institutions, investors from the public sector, or venture capitalists for financing. To estimate the financial expenses and how those expenditures might generate profits, including the undertaking’s earnings from the investment.

Context Methods Of Financing: Entrepreneurs spend most of their precious time collecting funds to make their ideas a reality while beginning a business. This entails addressing investors and requesting funding to establish activities and acquire resources. Friends, relatives, entrepreneurs, investors in angels, financial institutions, as well as additional sources of financing can contribute (Dimov et al., 2022). Entrepreneurs must be adaptable, clever, and able to quickly get the funding required to devote themselves to increasing activities, employing staff, and driving their organization ahead. Finding funds in unexpected places must become automatic to create and sustain a profitable company. As a result, businesses ought to be willing to investigate possibilities for financing such as angel investments, venture capitalists, financing from banks, acquisitions, including economic bootstrapping.

Angel investors put a portion of their capital into creative firms in their early phases to aid companies in developing quickly. Angel contributions may be extremely beneficial to a young company, having angels often giving three times the amount of venture funding. Venture capital has become a method of funding a rapidly developing firm to transfer its ownership in the middle phase (Doan., 2022). While investing in emerging businesses, venture capitalists utilize considerable hazards and anticipate high returns. Banks loans represent money a financial institution grants against corporate or consumer credit. Financial bootstrap takes place whenever an entrepreneur spends their capital and leverages money to move the firm ahead, using strategies that include joint utilization, personal investment, proprietor funding, payment delaying, and decreased inventory, among other techniques, to maintain the organization’s lean. Lastly, buyouts transfer a firm’s control to different parties to increase its market value. Buyouts can only be possible if a business has achieved private ownership.

Potential Contribution: In enterprise, the notion of contribution seems critical. This emphasizes the contribution a company generates from every piece of goods produced and whether the reward meets the requirements to enable the company to make revenue despite deducting its recurring expenditures. Contribution is the portion of profits left over following the deduction of every direct expenditure of revenues (Mi’rajiatinnor et al., 2022). This amount of money can be utilized to pay any fixed expenditures incurred by a firm within its reporting period. Any contribution to the surplus above fixed expenditures corresponds to revenue. Entrepreneurs form the company organization to capitalize on their assets, including acquiring funds through lenders, shareholders, including customers in general. This mobilizes communal money and enables citizens to gain advantages through entrepreneurs’ and the growth of enterprises’ achievement.


Businesses may prosper because innovation gives new answers to challenges and helps entrepreneurs use their creative skills to establish their existence as desirable in the competitive marketplace. Innovation enables businesses to implement ongoing enhancements and contributes to increased company inventiveness. For many years, company practices have remained mostly unchanged. Nevertheless, alongside the emergence of innovation in company operations, there currently has been an ongoing disturbance that has been speculated to have occurred due to creativity, originality, and distinctive qualities. This also helps distinguish the company from the competition, resulting in higher revenue and market share.

As previously said, among the most significant benefits of innovation is that it helps improve earnings and market share. As a result, there will be a cost savings. Additionally, whereas innovation provides numerous benefits in business, the elements provided should assist entrepreneurs and management, along with management, in comprehending the significance of proactively executing innovative ideas. Executives and leaders may design distinctive promotional strategies by considering them innovatively or artistic. Develop promotion and advertisement strategies to increase the market share and income, providing the organization a competitive advantage. Innovation can also be utilized to enhance a company’s operating procedures or to incorporate cutting-edge automation technology. The combination of innovation may help organizations develop exponentially.

Entrepreneurs have to possess a strong feeling of command. This provides a springboard to self-assurance. Whenever entrepreneurs believe they have gained control over their path of action, they are said to have an internal locus of control. Individuals with an external locus of control are frequently affected by destiny and feel that other forces, such as financial conditions, politics, technology breakthroughs, and social problems, govern their lives. Individuals with an internal locus of control believe that their actions may influence outcomes via their abilities, effort, and capabilities rather than through external sources.


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