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Indigenous Canadians Essays

Colonialism Experienced by Indigenous Communities in Canada

Introduction By focusing on the continued colonialism of Indigenous people in Canada’s face, Darin Flynn’s “The S-Word: Just Stop Using It,” sends a powerful message. The epithet “savage,” used to describe Indigenous peoples, is at the heart of the story since it lends credence to the stereotype that they are less civilized than those of ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1326

Postcolonial City and Northwest Territories Housing Crisis

Introduction The lack of affordable and adequate housing in the Northwest Territories, particularly for Indigenous women and girls, has led two national housing groups to call for a state of emergency. These groups demand that Indigenous voices be heard in decision-making to ensure their housing needs are met (Blake 23). Additionally, they are calling for ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2603
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Missing And Murdered Indigenous People in Canada

Canada is a country that prides itself on its multicultural population. However, it is often forgotten that European settlers founded Canada as a colony. The indigenous people who lived there before their arrival were forced off their lands and into reserves, where they still live today (Atleo, 2022). The Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women (MMIW) ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 654

Conflicts That Saul Indian Horse Faces in Richard Wagamese Indian Horse

The novel Indian Horse by Richard Wagamese explores the life experiences of the Indigenous Canadian, Saul Indian Horse, in Canada in the 1960s (Wagamese, 2018). Saul Indian Horse is the story’s protagonist and endures a lot of pain and suffering, mainly due to his race and cultural heritage highly disliked during this era. In the ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2108
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