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Improving Drive-Thru Ordering Process at Fast Food Chain

Define Phase

In the Define Phase of this project, the primary objective is to pinpoint specific improvement goals within the drive-thru ordering process, focusing on enhancing operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. As a discerning consumer, the aspiration is to streamline and expedite the entire drive-thru experience. Thereby it ensures swift order processing and food delivery without compromising on the exceptional quality of the menu items or the overall satisfaction of the patrons.

The ambitious target set for this endeavor is to curtail the average waiting time endured by customers in the drive-thru line by a notable margin of 20%. Besides, all of this should be achieved within a tight timeframe of three months. This strategic improvement goal not only underscores the commitment to providing optimal and seamless service to valued customers but also aligns perfectly with the broader objective of optimizing the operational efficiency of the fast-food supply chain (Torres & Zhang, 2022). By establishing this tangible benchmark, the project endeavors to create a more streamlined, time-efficient, and customer-centric drive-thru process that resonates with the preferences and expectations of today’s discerning consumers.

Measure Phase

During the Measure Phase, an in-depth and comprehensive approach to data collection and analysis is adopted to gain a profound understanding of the existing drive-thru ordering process. A twofold data collection strategy is implemented in the quest for holistic improvements, . First, thorough records of key performance indicators are diligently gathered, including the average waiting times, the degree of order accuracy, and instances of customer complaints, thereby forming a robust baseline for future comparisons. Second, a hands-on observational approach is undertaken, where the drive-thru process is carefully observed on multiple occasions. This method helps to identify pivotal activities and potential bottlenecks that can significantly impact the overall efficiency and customer experience (Sy et al., 2021).

In particular, specific process activities are singled out for measurement, each bearing crucial importance in the overall drive-thru journey. The time taken for order placement and confirmation is meticulously tracked, shedding light on the initial interaction between customers and the ordering system. Similarly, careful attention is dedicated to quantifying the time required for food preparation and assembly, a pivotal stage that directly influences the promptness and quality of orders (Dwijayanti & Fani, 2022). Additionally, the time taken for the final steps, encompassing payment processing and the actual delivery of orders, is accurately recorded to provide a comprehensive overview of the entire process duration.

Analyze Phase

In the Analyze Phase of this project, a rigorous examination of the collected data and process intricacies is undertaken, aimed at unearthing the underlying factors contributing to inefficiencies and areas of waste within the drive-thru ordering process. Leveraging a comprehensive array of process improvement tools, a multidimensional approach is applied to pinpoint root causes and mitigate various forms of waste.

The Cause and Effect Diagram, often referred to as the Fishbone Diagram, serves as a powerful tool to dissect and visualize potential sources of delays and inefficiencies (Adhvaryu et al., 2022). Through this tool, a systematic exploration is conducted, encompassing diverse factors such as staffing levels, kitchen layout, technological bottlenecks, and communication breakdowns. By attributing each potential cause to the relevant process element, a holistic understanding of the complexities at play is achieved, paving the way for informed decision-making.

Complementing the Cause and Effect Diagram, the Pareto Analysis is strategically employed to prioritize and tackle the identified potential causes. This tool quantifies and ranks these causes based on their respective impact on drive-thru efficiency (Sy et al., 2021). By focusing resources on the most influential factors, this approach ensures that interventions are precisely directed for maximum effect, thereby optimizing the allocation of efforts and resources.

The 5 Whys methodology is also harnessed in the Analyze Phase to delve deeper into the heart of each identified issue. By repeatedly asking “why” in response to a problem, the underlying root causes are systematically revealed, enabling a more profound comprehension of the factors contributing to inefficiencies or waste within the process (Dwijayanti & Fani, 2022). This iterative approach unravels the layers of complexity, allowing for targeted solutions to be devised.

Moreover, in an endeavor to address areas of waste, three prominent forms of Muda are illuminated. Overproduction, stemming from preparing excess food items not immediately ordered, is identified as a potential source of waste. Waiting, encompassing delays in various stages such as order taking, food preparation, and delivery, stands as a significant area warranting mitigation. Furthermore, the challenge of motion waste, brought about by employees moving inefficiently between different stations due to inadequate layout or organizational practices, emerges as a noteworthy concern. Identifying and rectifying these forms of waste is paramount to the overarching goal of enhancing drive-thru efficiency, customer satisfaction, and resource utilization (Adhvaryu et al., 2022).

Improve Phase

In the Improve Phase of this transformative project, a series of strategic solutions are meticulously devised and subsequently implemented to address the identified issues and inefficiencies within the drive-thru ordering process. Drawing from the insights garnered in previous phases, these solutions are engineered to holistically enhance operational efficiency, minimize waste, and elevate the overall customer experience.

Among the proposed solutions, a paradigm-shifting innovation takes the form of a Pre-Order App. By empowering customers to seamlessly place their orders via a mobile application before they arrived at the drive-thru, this technological advancement is poised to revolutionize the ordering experience. The Pre-Order App not only drastically reduces wait times by expediting the order submission process but also augments order accuracy by allowing patrons to specify their preferences carefully (Castillo et al., 2020). This visionary solution directly mitigates overproduction, a prevalent form of waste, as the accuracy of customer orders significantly curtails the need for surplus food preparation, aligning seamlessly with the overarching mission of optimal resource utilization.

Additionally, the strategic optimization of the kitchen layout emerges as a pivotal solution aimed at minimizing wasteful movement and inefficiencies. By thoughtfully reconfiguring the arrangement of kitchen stations, the workflow is fine-tuned to ensure a seamless progression of tasks, thereby reducing employee movement between different workstations. This thorough streamlining of the kitchen layout not only curbs wasted motion but also catalyzes a harmonious synchronization of activities, resulting in swifter food preparation and assembly (Sy et al., 2021).

A fundamental cornerstone in the pursuit of process refinement lies in staff training, an initiative that plays a crucial role in enhancing operational efficiency and reducing waiting times. Through comprehensive training, employees are equipped with the skills and strategies necessary to proficiently manage peak hours, accurately prioritize tasks, and foster seamless communication between team members (Adhvaryu et al., 2022). This empowerment not only amplifies process efficiency but also contributes to a substantial reduction in waiting times, aligning seamlessly with the overarching goal of elevating customer satisfaction.

Control Phase

The Control Phase marks the culmination of this comprehensive drive-thru process improvement initiative, ensuring the sustained effectiveness of the implemented solutions. Central to this phase is the establishment of a robust system for continual measurement and monitoring, aimed at upholding the enhanced drive-thru experience achieved through previous efforts.

A fundamental aspect of this control strategy involves the vigilant monitoring of key performance metrics, most notably the average waiting times and order accuracy. This entails a systematic and regular assessment of the time customers spend in the drive-thru line, ensuring that the reduction in waiting times achieved during the Improve Phase remains consistent and enduring. By maintaining a careful record of these metrics, any deviations or regressions can be promptly identified and remedied, safeguarding against the re-emergence of inefficiencies (Castillo et al., 2020).

Moreover, in recognition of the pivotal role that customer feedback plays in shaping and refining the drive-thru experience, a proactive approach to feedback collection is implemented. By soliciting and attentively listening to customer insights, concerns, and suggestions, the fast-food supply chain demonstrates its unwavering commitment to delivering an exceptional dining experience. Timely response and resolution of emerging issues further solidify customer trust and satisfaction, contributing to the overall success of the drive-thru improvement initiative (Torres & Zhang, 2022).

Final Process Flow Diagram (Before and After Improvements)

Final Process Flow Diagram

Final Process Flow Diagram


Adhvaryu, A., Nyshadham, A., & Tamayo, J. (2022). An anatomy of performance monitoring.

Castillo, A. M. M., Salonga, L. J. L., Sia, J. A. L., & Young, M. N., (2020). Improving Fast-Food Restaurants’ Method of Operation: Automated Drive-Through Ordering System.

Dwijayanti, K., & Fani, R. J., (2022). Customer Satisfaction Analysis Based on Service Quality Method and Six Sigma-DMAIC.

Sy, M. A. P. C., Irenea, M. G., Malabuyoc, F. L. S., Sobrevilla, M. D. M., & Borres, R. D., (2021). Determining the Optimal Mode of Ordering in McDonald’s Between Kiosk Machines and Traditional Cashiers Using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP).

Torres, E. N., & Zhang, T. (2022). Customer Service Marketing: Managing the Customer Experience. Taylor & Francis.


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