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Importance of Sports

Participation in sports has been related to a reduced risk of heart attack and hypertension, among many other health advantages. The article “The Importance of Sport in Students’ Lives and the Frequency of Sports Participation Among Students -Gender Differences” by Matej Majerič, published in 2013, talks about the importance of sports for both genders and analyzes their differences. The article is written from research previously done in the University of Ljubljana which entitled 3% of the total scholars in the university where they used questionnaires to collect data about students’ lifestyles. The research involved two areas: students` frequency in sport participation and its importance in their lives, where the variables were calculated. Matej Majerič’s article is effective because of the precise statistical data calculation, manageable sample size, and clear standpoint.

The author begins the essay by presenting statistics gathered by the World Health Organization on how human health is affected by various environmental factors. According to the findings, the health care system has an 8 per cent impact on human health. Furthermore, according to WHO statistics, ecological status, genetics, and lifestyle influences all have 21 %, 21 %, and 50 % effects, respectively, on mortality (Majerič, 2016). Based on the findings of the WHO investigation, it can be concluded that one’s way of life is the most important factor influencing health. The author makes excellent use of this information as a starting point for his discussion on the value of sports for youngsters. He explains himself as follows: “To achieve this, young people must understand the significance of leading a healthy lifestyle, of which physical exercise is a fundamental element. Young people should be able to engage in physical exercise in safe environments.” He also emphasizes the value of athletics to youngsters, as suggested by the World Health Organization.

The research done by Majestic at the University of Ljublijana revealed that sports are essential in maintaining a healthy lifestyle among students. The sample data used in the study, which involved 1614 students from the university, showed that 54.2% of the female and 62.4% of the male students who were interviewed believe that sport is an essential factor in their lives (Majerič, 2016). The author’s data are evident since they can give each gender who participated in percentage. The article also gives a history of additional research done in the past, giving their history and outcome of the data, year conducted, and stating those who believe sports are essential to a healthy lifestyle and expressing their gender. He provides an example of research done in 2010 which involved 1116 students, which showed that 63.5% of interviewed students who participated believed that sports are essential.

The article clearly states the methods used in the collection of data. Furthermore, It gives the date, year, and area in which the data was conducted, which helps understand the data and the group population engaged. The research in the article was conducted in the 2013 academic year between April and May, which involved 3% of the total students in the university, representing 1390 students. The sample is small and straightforward, making it easier to analyze data from each participant hence accurate results (Majerič, 2016). The research was done by answering a questionnaire about students’ lifestyles. The survey considered ethical aspects of human studies research. The researcher will have the required result when the questionnaire is well detailed and specific. The article also highlights that those who participated in the research first had to sign to accept their participation in the survey, helping them understand that it was voluntary.

The article also explains the factors examined in the survey, including the significance of sports in students’ lives and the frequency they participated in sports. It is easy to grasp the kind of data gathered and which question they are addressing when since are just two variables to consider. Additionally, since they feature straightforward and direct questions for the participants, the variables successfully provide precise and explicit information. While taking part in the survey, the participants were given a series of questions, from which they were expected to choose just one. The author states that “…engagement in a sporting activity. In the first variable, respondents were required to select one answer from a six-item Likert scale” (Majerič, 2016). Participants were instructed to choose responses from a list of options based on how often they participated in the study.

The method of data calculation used in the research was simple since they used SPSS for Windows, and also simple parameters in statistics were evaluated. The technique was very effective since it was easy to do the independent t-test for samples ‘importance of game’. A Mann-Whitney U test was done to calculate gender difference for ‘frequency of participation.’ The method used to tabulate the results collected was simple to understand. Since the tables are well explained with each initial given its meaning, he used N to represent the number of respondents, M for mean, Standard Error Mean SEM, and Standard deviation SD (Majerič, 2016). In addition, the results show that 61.95% and 53.20% of the importance of sports for males and females respectively believe that sports are important in students` lives. By giving the history of research, the author helps us understand what to expect from his study.

The discussion section shows that the research done was accurate since they were not significantly different from the previous research done in the same university, making it easy to conclude that sports are essential in students’ lives. The study also helped to show that male students were very active in sports than their female counterparts. The paper is straightforward and does not involve a large area of research, such as what drives male students to be more active in sport. Although it might seem relevant, it becomes complicated and hard to interpolate data when research covers large areas. However, from previous surveys, it is easy to deduce that sports participation is directly proportional to the physical activities done where male students have high activities. The research concludes gender is one of the causes of differences in the number of participants.

The research also gives why female and male students participate in sports where male students stated that they do it for health, competition, and socializing. Additionally, the research does not only compare to previous surveys in the same country. It also corresponds with others done in different nations. The author gives an example of research done in Bologna where the education system changed the sports program from compulsory to non-compulsory. However, the rate of a student participating in games remained as the author states e found “…that 79.61% of male and 77.10% of female respondents reported that they were sport active every day, 4 to 6 times a week, or 2 to 3 times a week.” (Majerič, 2016) The survey also found that male scholars were more active in sports than females. The data also coincides with research done by the American College Health Association.

Even in areas where the number of participants in sports is low, such as in Slovenia, the number of male students still dominates the females, as the author records from research done by Lee and Loke. The study also showed that the low number of students who participated in sports activities in Slovenia resulted from the culture and curriculum used. However, the ratio of male to female students participating in sports activity did not change much compared to the data collected in the university. The author states, “we hope that we will never report such a small proportion of active sports students as reported by Lee and Loke (2005), with only 9% of female and 26% of male university students exercising vigorously for 20 min or more, at least three times a week.” Even though the research in the article never included the amount of time the students participated in the sports activities, the high number of participants means more students participated.

The assumptions made in the research are not complicated and are easy to understand. For instance, the survey did not look at the frequency of sports activity which would have helped them come up with data and relate them with WHO (Majerič, 2016). However, the assumption is that the University of Ljubljana has suitable sports activities to keep students healthy. The effectiveness of the research is very evident through the positive data they acquired from their participating students. The positive results registered in the research result from a suitable data collection method, direct questions in the questionnaire, and covers a specific research area. Through interpretation and analysis of data collected helps to show how the research was effective and well prepared. Additionally, the study found that culture and curriculum are vital to whether a person will engage in sports activities by examining the data.

Teens’ health, energy, emotional stability, and living years improve due to their sports activity. Exercise has been found to cause the production of cortisol, which helps relieve stress, and endorphins, which are our systems’ natural stimulating compounds. The article talks about research to survey what students think about the importance of sports in their lives. The research data collection method was direct; a questionnaire made it easy for participants. Additionally, the research took two months; hence, the sample data collected were not excess, making it easier to analyze and examine. The statistical data collected were well tabulated, and initials used in tabulating were well explained. Furthermore, the research results do not vary mainly from the data contained in previous surveys done. The research also includes research from other countries and institutions such as the American College Health Association, making the article efficient and straightforward to understand.


Majerič, M. (2016). The Importance of Sport in Students’ Lives and the Frequency of Sport Participation Among Students -Gender Differences. ResearchGate. Retrieved 2 December 2021, from






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