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Importance of E-Learning (Informative Speech)

“Our together will be extremely enjoyable for both of us. I’m going to talk about important of e learning in our advancement of technology and in education field.” In today’s society, E-Learning and current electronic educational technologies are essential components of education. There have been a number of significant developments in e-Learning over the past ten years, particularly in terms of technology and how it has impacted our daily lives through the use of mobile technology, which has flooded the market and thus created new opportunities for how we learn while on the go. Online education is growing in popularity because it is both inexpensive and convenient. Reduce the duration of training and costs associated with infrastructure, stationery, and transportation, among others. It has been demonstrated that the imparted or taught knowledge and skills are highly effective and potent. It improves comprehension and retention of new information.

E-Learning has significantly altered the educational experiences of students. eLearning simplifies, simplifies, and increases the efficiency of learning in comparison to the traditional chalk-and-board method. Here are nine aspects of eLearning that students find beneficial: Modern students desire an education that is relevant, mobile, self-paced, and individualized to their needs. Online education satisfies this demand by allowing students to learn at their own pace and according to their specific requirements(Babu & Sridevi 2018). Let’s examine the benefits of online education in greater detail. Online education is advantageous to students of all ages. Due to the digital revolution, content access, consumption, discussion, and dissemination have all been significantly altered. In addition to office professionals and housewives, housewives can also participate at their own pace and convenience in online programs. Many individuals choose to study on the weekends or in the evenings to accommodate their schedules and personal preferences.

If new and innovative online training methods that are vastly superior to the time- and space-restricted classroom education that e-learning has already surpassed are developed, e-learning will eventually result in a significant reduction in the overall cost of education for students. Due to the lower cost of eLearning compared to traditional modes of education, students will continue to study individually or in groups, depending on which environment best supports their educational goals and objectives. This price reduction is attributable to the brevity and ease of this type of education. Reduced costs for instructors, travel, course materials, and lodging result in significant time savings during training(Babu & Sridevi 2018). This cost-effectiveness also contributes to a company’s profit growth. If you study at home rather than at a training facility, you are exempt from paying for travel expenses and/or external learning materials when training occurs in another city or state.

Though electronic learning is becoming increasingly popular in many schools and universities, educators and students should be aware that specific technology are required to facilitate electronic learning. These technologies include the communication technologies and course management systems that are required to support this form of learning and are listed below. University administrators must continue to make greater efforts to provide the essential communication and course management technology, while lecturers and students must be encouraged to make use of sophisticated technologies to improve the quality of teaching and learning(Bringman‐Rodenbarger & Hortsch, 2020). A way of swiftly providing courses is defined by Rosenthal as electronic learning (eLearning). When compared to traditional classroom training, this method’s delivery cycles are relatively short and frequent.

Usually, Lessons begin right away and are completed in a single learning session or session. This allows for the implementation of training programs to be completed in a matter of weeks, if not days. Individuals, as opposed to the group as a whole, have the ability to determine their own learning speed. Because the learner does not have to travel to the training place, he or she saves time. You can complete your studies in the privacy of your own home. There are a variety of tools and methods available to facilitate the implementation of new teaching practices, including easily accessible methods and a variety of instructional and learning formats. The Internet allows teachers and students to stay current on what is being taught or learned and to test their theories(Alshehri et al., 2019). The online virtual class is accessible from any Internet-connected location in the world. No travel or presence at a specific location is required, nor is there a time limit for participation.

The student can study at a time that is convenient for him or her when studying online. Future online education will continue to be asynchronous, unrestricted by the time and space limitations of traditional classroom learning, and significantly more effective, especially at the university and postgraduate levels. Some businesses have been sluggish to implement e-learning due to a perceived lack of need for such training programs. Despite this, e-learning provides significant advantages for small firms, including time savings, expertise capture, improved workflow, and greater staff development(Alshehri et al., 2019). Small businesses, on the other hand, frequently lack the essential components and working environment to successfully integrate e-learning. Businesses of all sizes must maintain a learning culture, a web-savvy workforce, and at least one positive attribute in order to succeed.

In 2014, approximately 6 million students were enrolled in online e-Learning courses, representing a nearly 4% increase over the previous year. Friedman believes that 2016 will be a good year(Bringman‐Rodenbarger & Hortsch, 2020). Because of severe economic situations, the vast majority of these diligent Americans and Canadians are unable to continue their education in a traditional setting. In addition, the digital media era that the modern world is experiencing has had a significant positive impact on scientific study and discovery. Scientists can take a wonderful high quality footage of the surrounding environment even in the most inaccessible places on the planet. The ability to conduct tests that were previously only possible in a laboratory with heavy, expensive equipment will also be available, resulting in less delays in the processing of data and the delivery of results to the researcher.

Through online learning, students can acquire the flexibility to manage their time without compromising their progress in their studies.

Due to employment obligations or geographic limitations, students who are unable to attend summer school can now enroll in online courses and transfer the credits earned to their home institution. This substantially simplifies the lives of students who are required to work throughout the summer months in order to meet tuition costs(Bringman‐Rodenbarger & Hortsch, 2020). Additionally, online education may be beneficial during times of extreme weather. Colleges may suspend classes in these situations in order to safeguard commuter students from potentially hazardous travel conditions. Through the use of online lectures and reading materials, participation in discussion boards and chats, and timely submission of homework, online students are able to “attend” class at any time.

Because of the use of technology in the classroom, instructors have been able to create lessons that are more participatory and student-centered. Teaching and learning are made more engaging and pleasurable by utilizing technology to deliver academic material to students. In the same way that students do, teachers have access to an enormous number of online resources that can give them with ideas and suggestions on how to approach their respective courses. Teaching professionals are not only capable of recommending relevant materials to their pupils, but they are also able to do so in order to further motivate and stimulate their learning. Internet Use and Scientific Research While digital media has transformed e-Learning and scientific research in an endeavor to enhance humanity. When it comes to academic developments and learning, e-Learning has played a critical role in giving working folks with the education they need to progress their careers. Learning may take place anywhere there is an Internet connection thanks to the use of graphics, text, and video technology.


Alshehri, A., Rutter, M., & Smith, S. (2019). Assessing the Relative Importance of an E-Learning System’s Usability Design Characteristics Based on Students’ Preferences. European Journal of Educational Research8(3), 839-855.

Babu, G. S., & Sridevi, K. (2018). Importance of E-learning in Higher Education: A study. International Journal of Research Culture Society2(5), 84-88.

Bringman‐Rodenbarger, L., & Hortsch, M. (2020). How students choose E‐learning resources: the importance of ease, familiarity, and convenience. Faseb Bioadvances2(5), 286-295.


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