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Impacts of Alfarabi’s Philosophy on the Education System Today


Al-Farabi was a well-known philosopher, scientist, and polymath who lived during the Islamic Golden Age and is estimated to have lived between 872-950 CE. It is generally agreed upon that he was one of the most important figures in developing educational philosophy and pedagogy. His contributions to logic, mathematics, metaphysics, and music theory have left an indelible mark on many educational systems in the modern world. In this essay, we will discuss five impacts that Al-Farabi had on educational philosophy and provide examples for each of those impacts as we go along. The great intellectual, widely recognized as the “Second Teacher” to Aristotle, holds a firm place in the annals of history due to his highly influential ideas. His philosophical treatises, logical inquiries, complex mathematical theories, and other interdisciplinary endeavors have been instrumental in shaping contemporary education paradigms across varied geographical locales. Moreover, his unwavering focus on epistemology–the study of knowledge– dovetails with his emphasis on cognitive faculties such as critical thinking, ethics or morality, originality in creative output, and practical, experiential learning has helped him emerge as a much-revered luminary for modern-day schooling practices around the globe; not least within the Islamic world.

The first impact of Al-Farabi on educational philosophy is his emphasis on the importance of knowledge and learning. Al-Farabi, a sage of olden times, subscribed to the notion that knowledge was imperative for humankind’s forward movement and evolution. He argued that attaining knowledge should not be accomplished through pedantic memorization or uncritical faith but rather via perceptive study and thoughtful consideration of one’s experiences. Furthermore, he posited that true education aligned with research and inquiry as opposed to mere memorization (Терджан, & Нурышева, 2022). Al-Farabi also accentuated the value of assimilating apprehension into practical life situations, which would influence a person’s sense of uprightness and character while allowing for a fuller appreciation of the world and inhabitants therein. Additionally, his foresightful eyes dawned glimmers of sociocultural cohesiveness: his belief in beneficently spreading wisdom unto others to activate mutual welfare upon society at large. The modern American public school system is emblematic indicative of this philosophy through its emphasis on learning excellence, which has been adopted by various other contemporary educational systems globally.

The second impact of Al-Farabi on educational philosophy is his emphasis on critical thinking skills. Al-Farabi thought critical thinking was necessary for comprehending complex ideas and making choices based on accurate information. He argued that for students to acquire a more in-depth comprehension of the topics they are learning about, teachers should encourage students to engage in critical thinking about those topics. Many contemporary educational systems, including the education system in Singapore, which encourages students to think critically about their studies to gain a deeper understanding of them, have adopted this emphasis on critical thinking as a central tenet of their curricula and require students to demonstrate it.

The third impact of Al-Farabi on educational philosophy is his emphasis on the importance of morality in education. Al-Farabi posited a compelling argument that humanity’s evolutionary ascension and maturation are inextricably tethered to the precepts of morality (Allah, 2020). He advocated with aplomb that pedagogues ought to integrate teachings on ethical standards during their instruction processes to awaken within learners a sense of responsibility, which would serve them well throughout their lives and contribute significantly towards enriching society as a whole. This call for emphasis on morality has been echoed by many contemporary education systems globally: take, for instance, the United Kingdom’s intriguing move to prioritize teaching moral values in its schools as an active measure targeted at nurturing stellar citizenship values among students. Other progressive education systems have similarly embraced this avocation for prioritizing ethics in modern-day learning institutions.

The fourth impact of Al-Farabi on educational philosophy is his emphasis on the importance of creativity in learning. The insightful Al-Farabi opined that the ability to engender novel concepts was a prerequisite for assimilating intricate ideologies and stipulating actions predicated on pertinent data. He postulated that to empower students with a more profound grasp of their curriculum; educators should impel pupils into unconventional musing about educational material. This accentuation of originality has been espoused by various contemporary educational schemas, including Finland’s extraordinarily progressive education system, which encourages students to invigorate their studies through imaginative ruminations to enhance intellectual profundity. Likewise, Singapore’s cutting-edge pedagogical framework similarly champions this paragon of creativity.

The fifth impact of Al-Farabi on educational philosophy is his emphasis on the importance of practical experience in learning (Abdul-Jabbar, 2019). By the beliefs of revered scholar Al-Farabi, practical experience has been deemed a sine qua non for comprehending complex concepts and making sensible decisions based on accurate information (Nurfer & Gulzhikhan, 2021). Concomitantly, students are urged to partake in internships or similar programs to obtain hands-on experience and foster an acute understanding of their subject matter. This emphasis on practical expertise has been duly incorporated by several contemporary instructional frameworks including the esteemed German apprenticeship system, which mandates that pupils engage in experiential learning opportunities to augment their academic acumen. Similarly, Singapore’s education paradigm also underscores the indispensability of experiential know-how by embracing this methodology.


In conclusion, Al-Farabi’s works have had a lasting impact on many modern education systems today. His emphasis on the importance of knowledge, critical thinking skills, morality, creativity, and practical experience has been adopted by many modern education systems around the world to promote human progress and development through knowledge acquisition. This is done through learning. The individual at the center of scrutiny is a luminary whose reputation hinges on his resolute insistence on the indispensability of sagacity, metacognition, ethics, ingenuity, and experiential elixir in the pedagogical pursuit. His magnum opus and philosophies have indubitably impacted modern educational systems across various Islamic nations. It is no clandestine fact that numerous academic institutions are unhesitant about assimilating these precepts in their curricula, for they are deemed essential for rendering meaningful and efficacious education to pupils. The forceful exhortation towards integrating knowledge acquisition with the refinement of analytical faculties and fortification of moral principles coupled with stimulation of creative inclinations bespeaks his distinction as an influential figure who has played an instrumental role in shaping current educational paradigms.


Nurfer, T., & Gulzhikhan, N. (2021). Al-Farabi’s creative heritage and his scientific-pedagogical ideas. Перспективы науки и образования, (6 (54)), 434-442.

Abdul-Jabbar, W. K. (2019). Toward a Bountiful Curriculum: An Intercultural Encounter With Al-Farabi’s Pedagogy of Proximity (Ittisal). In Provoking Curriculum Encounters Across Educational Experience (pp. 116–129). Routledge.

Терджан, Н., & Нурышева, Г. (2022). MIND AS A CAUSAL SYSTEM IN AL FARABI’S PHILOSOPHY OF MUSIC. Адам әлемі91(1), 14-26.

Allah, M. A. H. K. (2020). A new reading of the educational dimensions in al-Farabi’s philosophy. Вестник КазНУ. Серия Востоковедения94(3), 43-48.


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