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Identifying Unstated Premises and Standardizing Arguments


For the critical evaluation of an argument, it is necessary to identify the unstated premises and put the argument in standard form. Unstated premises are premises that are not explicitly stated but need to be assumed for the validity of the argument. Through uncovering these implicit assumptions, we get to grips with the author’s line of thought and judge the quality of their argument. After all the premises are made clear, the argument can be transferred to a standard form that entails the use of logical and concise language. This procedure of identifying unstated premises and putting the argument in the traditional form is vital to employ critical thinking and analysis.

Argument 1: Abuse and Neglect will Continue until Society Values Parenthood

One of the reasons child abuse and neglect continue in our society is that parenting is regarded as a menial job with no value attached to it. When society does not put emphasis and give priority to positive parenting, the chances of incidences of child abuse and neglect are higher. It has been proved that those parents who feel satisfied with the role they play in their children’s lives will tend to create a caring and supporting environment for their offspring. Parents who do not feel valued and respected correspondently have challenges with inadequacy or frustration, which are the main factors causing maladaptive parenting. Hence, the issue of abuse and neglect should be tackled with parenthood recognized as a priority (Chandran, 2020).

Argument 2: Measuring Standard of Living Based on Annual Consumption

The in-depth approach to the living standard is consensual on the basis of the annual usage. This method concentrates on the goods and services that people are able to purchase within a specific period. It allows for the satisfaction of urgent needs and wishes, which provide a more tangible measure of well-being. By using what individuals can afford to consume, such an approach admits the role of income and capital. It acknowledges that people with higher incomes enjoy strong purchasing power and can afford more goods and services, thus making life more comfortable. This method, at the same time, stresses the role of economic development since it is through development that individuals’ current purchasing power can rise gradually over time. Nevertheless, this parameter does not include other components of the quality of life except for consumption, like health, education, and ecological sustainability. Hence, though measuring the standard of living using annual consumption per capita allows for a unique understanding, such an indicator beyond the standalone use is important in calculating comprehensive views (Mankiw, 2011).

Argument 3: Raising Wages will Lead to going out of Business

Thus, this argument states that if the wages are increased, the businesses will not be able to bear the additional costs and will eventually be forced to close down. Nevertheless, this point excludes a few important points. Moreover, studies have demonstrated that high wages also boost productivity and decrease turnovers; as a result, companies reach cost savings over the long term (Armelagos, 2014). Also, increasing paychecks can encourage consumption, thus leading to an increase in demand for products and services, which will be a win-win situation for businesses. To add to that, companies can reduce the extra cost of labor by adjusting other areas of their operations, for instance, cutting unnecessary expenses or raising prices. Thus, the assertion that increasing wages will automatically result in bankruptcy does not take into account the possible benefits as well as the adjustment methods a business can adopt to the higher salaries.

Argument 4: Prohibiting Drugs will increase Crime

Advocates of drug prohibition claim that if drugs were legalized, the crime rate would also rise. They argue that the illegal drug trade is considered to be a major source of income for criminal groups, and illegalizing this Business will eliminate the main revenue source for them. This income is instrumental for these organizations; they will have to engage in other forms of Crime, such as robberies, extortion, or human trafficking, to maintain their existence. Furthermore, they state that the drug trade causes a violent market where everything is based on violent settlements, resulting in higher crime rates in the communities. Nevertheless, we must mention that the relation between drug prohibition and crime rates might not lead to causation. Besides, social and economic conditions are among other causes affecting high crimes in drug-related regions. Instead of concentrating on conventional ways like incarceration and harsh sentences assigned to drug possession, law enforcement agencies can turn to alternatives such as harm reduction and treatment to tackle underlying factors that drive drug-related Crime effectively (Lachelle, 2023).

Argument 5: Maintaining Client Confidentiality in the Legal Profession

Ensuring the pillars of trust and privacy is paramount. The confidence lies in the fact that information confidentiality of the conversations leading up to legal cases will always be strictly observed. Client confidentiality is stressed in legal ethics rules and regulations, which usually require attorneys to maintain the secrecy of information received from clients except when the information must be divulged by law. Maintaining this duty of confidentiality is essential in developing trust between lawyers and clients, as well as allowing people to consult freely with attorneys. Additionally, client confidentiality is also upheld so as to preserve their reputations and privileges, for disclosing sensitive material unmasked may have huge repercussions. Hence, the legal practice ought to protect attorney-client confidentiality to uphold the purity of attorney-client relationships and ensure that the client’s interests are guarded (American Bar Association., 2007)

Argument 6: Responsibility to Parents’ Long-Term Care

The other premise – which is taken for granted but not stated explicitly – is that children have to look after their parents in their old age. This assumption is built on cultural and social norms that emphasize respecting the ancient and filial piety. It is believed that when children grow up, their main function will be to offer care, be financially dependent, and provide emotional help to their aging parents. This expectation is a deeply-held value passed down through the generations and often encouraged through social and familial expectations. However, we should also understand that some people are unable to pay for meals for their cats because of their financial situation, distance, or personal reasons. Hence, a sophisticated correlation of the various aspects of the problem of parents’ long-term care has to be taken into account rather than making this problem an inevitable duty of everyone (David et al., 2020).

Argument 7: Cultural Taboo of Requesting DNA Tests for Paternity

A major cultural taboo that keeps most people from getting DNA tests for paternity is the fear of destroying the family integrity. It is considered in many societies that the institution of a family is an indissoluble and sacred matter, and any ambiguity or disagreement over paternity can be viewed as real blasphemy against family ties and trust. Within this culture, people normally expect that an individual has to accept and adopt children as their own, ignoring parenthood ties. There is a feeling that a DNA test can be perceived as an ill-mannered or rude thing because such a step indicates some deficiency of trust or distrust towards a partner or child. The fear of disturbances within the family has an additional repository in the minds of the people, and that further adds not to indulge in the DNA tests. As a result, this uncertainty persists (Ulrich, 2003).

Argument 8: Refusing Blood Transfusions as Protection Against AIDS

The refusal to perform blood transfusion as an anti-AIDS method is a questionable argument that involves moral and medical questions. Supporters of this point of view maintain that keeping away from blood transfusions will reduce the risk of becoming infected with AIDS. Nonetheless, this argument is invalid in many aspects. Aids is a disease which is caused by the virus HIV. This virus can be spread in many other ways than just by transfusion of blood, including sex and sharing needles. So, refusing to transfuse blood is not enough to prevent him from AIDS. In addition, blood transfusions are an essential part of nearly any medical procedure, including cancer treatment and surgery that makes do without blood, resulting in an immense risk of complications and even death. In addition, modern medical screening innovations greatly lowered the risk of HIV spreading through blood transfusions. Consequently, treating blood transfusions as a way of avoiding AIDS is untenable since this disregards the complexity of the disease and the significance of blood transfusions in medical care (Farah et al., 2017)

Argument 9: Factors Affecting the Success of a Marriage

A married life can be affected by several factors. Communication is one significant element. Effective communication between partners eases conflict settlement, and the partners understand each other’s needs and expectations (Moran, 2016). There is no communication, or poor communication that can lead to confusion and ill feelings, which can eventually cripple the relationship. Another factor is compatibility. Shared values, interests, and goals increase the probability of success in marriage as both will strive to understand and support each other.

Moreover, individual characteristics, such as emotional intelligence and commitment, are very important. Emotional intelligence allows for the understanding of and empathy towards one’s partner, while commitment sees to the long-lasting investment into the relationship. In general, a marriage’s success is determined by many aspects, including but not limited to communication, compatibility, emotional intelligence, and commitment.

Argument 10: Ignorance of the U.S. Government’s Role in the Middle East

Most Americans need to be made aware of the extent to which the United States government has intervened in the political affairs of the Middle East region. The U.S. government’s connection to the area goes back to the early 20th century and is evident in a mix of military interventions, covert operations, and diplomatic manipulation. To put it simply, the U.S. has backed up authoritarian governments in countries like Saudi Arabia and Egypt with a view to securing its strategic interests, for instance, the routes to oil reserves and the maintaining situation in the region. Moreover, the U.S. is linked to the overthrow of democratically elected politicians, including Mohammad Mossadegh in Iran in 1953 and Salvador Allende in Chile in 1973. This U.S. government’s activity in the Middle East needs to be better communicated and, therefore, hinders Americans’ ability to comprehend and analyze the regional situation. This refugee crisis, thus, reinforces myths and prejudices not only about the region itself but its people too, weakening the foundation and capabilities of enlightened and well-focused foreign policy (Valerie, 2013)


In a nutshell, recognizing the unstated premises and arranging the argument into a standard form are key skills while analyzing and evaluating an argument. The analysis involves a complete look into the assumptions and logical structure, hence a fairer appraisal of the strengths and weaknesses of the argument. Spelling out premises that are usually implicit makes it easier for the reader to see the reasoning and, therefore, enhances the logical coherence and persuasiveness of your argument. In addition, structuring the argument improves presentations and communication of ideas, which makes the exchanges viable. In academia, the skill is especially valuable since it endows a student with the competence to engage in rigorous intellectual discourse and contribute to the progress of knowledge. Hence, the talent for making out the premises that are left unsaid and converting arguments into standard patterns becomes a priceless gift in the drive for academic perfection.


American Bar Association (2007). House of Delegates, Center for Professional Responsibility Model Rules of Professional Conduct. American Bar Association.

Armelagos. J. (2014). Michigan and the nation need a raise: the case for a higher minimum wage. 87 2, p. 4–19.

Chandran. S. (2020). Why Do Young People Participate In Conflict – A Theoretical Analysis.

David Y. Ming, Mary L. Ehlenbach, Carla N Falco, Ryan J Coller. (2020). The Intersection of Complex Care and Hospital Medicine: Opportunities to Advance Health for Chronically Ill Populations.

Farah Diaz-Tello J.D., Mph Wendy Chavkin. (2017). When Courts Fail: Physicians’ Legal and Ethical Duty to Uphold Informed Consent. 1, p. 6–9.

Lachelle Dufresne. (2023). Pregnant Prisoners in Shackles.

Mankiw, N. Gregory. (2011). Principles of Economics. Cengage Learning.

Moran. N. E. (2016). Teaching an Old Field New Tricks: Chinese Eugenics. 2, p. 27–32.

Ulrich H. Reichard, Christophe Boesch. (2003). Monogamy. Cambridge University Press.

Valerie Kennedy. (2013). Edward Said. John Wiley & Sons.


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