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Human Rights Essays

Re-Framing Gender: The Role of Public Relations in Contradicting Stereotypes of Saudi Women in U.S. Media and Saudi Society

Introduction Non-Islamic and Western nations have historically portrayed Saudi Arabian women as oppressed, inferior, and without freedom. The fundamental source of these stereotypes is the stark cultural contrast between the West and the Middle East. However, according to Alsultany (2021), over the past 50 years, women’s status in Saudi culture has changed significantly. Their activities ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3745

DNP-Prepared Nurse Leader, How Can You Guide, Mentor, and Support Other Nurses at Different Levels Within an Organization

As a DNP-prepared nurse leader, my role encompasses a multifaceted approach to guiding, mentoring, and supporting nurses across various organizational levels. This involves tailored strategies to address distinct unit, department, and system needs. Unit Level Individualized Support and Professional Development I prioritize individualized support at the unit level by actively engaging with nurses, understanding their ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 757
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Fighting Forced Labor Recruitment Online Through Cyber Trafficking

Cyber trading, as one aspect of contemporary exploitation, has its modern dark side emanating from technological advancement. This topic mainly revolves around forced labor at its core in today’s age of communications. Increased digitization will result in increased cases of internet fraud, which is how criminals can trick individuals with poverty problems into believing they ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3082

Catherine Beecher, “Duty of American Females,” and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, “Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions

Catherine Beecher and Elizabeth Cady Stanton became influential activists for women’s affairs in the 19th century. Beecher, who was a conservative person, believed in the fact that the gender roles were god-ordained and therefore gave men superior positions compared to women, who were said to take charge of the domestic and moral duties. However, Stanton ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 897

Support for the Victims’ Rights Amendment

Introduction The Victims’ Rights Amendment is a clause that has been incorporated into the constitutions of certain states in the US. It has also been suggested for adoption in other states and for inclusion in the nation’s Constitution (, 2023). The provisions of the law differ from state to state, but they generally exhibit some ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2063

How the Government and Non-Governmental Organizations Collaborate To Offer Services

There are many ways through which the government and non-governmental organizations collaborate to serve people. Addressing community needs in Sydney involves a collaborative effort between governmental bodies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), especially concerning people experiencing homelessness and individuals facing physical challenges. The City of Sydney focuses on shelter needs, partnering with NGOs for immediate support ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1886

African Americans’ Voting Rights in Texas

An essential and lasting story from Texas’s past is the hard-fought African American fight to get a chance to cast their votes. Difficulties and achievements define the experience of progressing towards equal and non-discriminatory political representation since the end of the American Civil War. This has been happening, even before the Civil War, right up ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1241

A Journey of Hope: Finding My Home in the USA

I had an unexpected experience in my life. It was in March 2022 when I turned 22 years old and went to America as a Cuban immigrant. The first few months were full of new adventures – learning to negotiate busy city streets, overcome the language barrier, and much more. Learning English almost seemed like ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 651

MGM Resorts International

In the modern business environment, there is a developing emphasis on corporate social obligation (CSR), with organizations progressively focusing on the combination of moral qualities in their tasks. MGM Resorts International, a globally perceived cordiality and diversion element, is striking for its commitment to social obligation. This investigation dives into MGM Resorts Global’s debt to ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2276

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Controversy

Electronic communication has become the fundamental system that links people’s lives and thoughts worldwide in today’s dynamic environment. It has revolutionized our interaction, rising above physical boundaries and making an intricately associated advanced society. This tremendous organization, however, raises significant concerns, particularly around privacy. With its boundless reach, the digital age has too become a ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3046

The Civil Rights Movement Era

The United States, in the mid-twentieth century, was marked by social unrest, particularly for civil rights and racial equality. Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, the country actively addressed and resisted racial segregation and prejudice, changing its conscience. In this era of stark contrasts and emerging ideals, the civil rights movement rose as a pivotal force. ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1760

How Do Housing Polices Contribute to the Black and White Wealth Gap?

The wealth gap between blacks and whites in the US is more than the traditional economic inequality involving income disparities. The opening is determined by historical, social, and economic factors and is reflected by a vast difference in resources and financial assets between black and white populations. The literature review addresses the study question, “How ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2111

Critical Analysis of ‘The Undocumented Americans’ in the Context of Latinx Politics

Introduction Author’s Background and Policies Impacting Latinx and Immigrant Populations Author’s Background The author of “The Undocumented Americans,” Karla Cornejo Villavicencio, presents a distinct viewpoint influenced by her encounters as an illegal immigrant. As a young child, Villavicencio immigrated to the United States from Ecuador. Her experience navigating the American educational system and eventually enrolling ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2561

Sage of South Florida

Social work has the primary goals of causing social change and empowering groups in societies. The field seeks to improve equality among the members of society and push for minority groups to access their rights. Usually, even though states and the federal government have laws that protect the different groups, systematic issues cause some groups ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1372
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