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How Leadership Approaches Can Be Used To Respond to Factors That Influence Organizations Strategically


Organizational settings undergo continuous changes and necessitate careful thought while strategizing and executing operations. It is necessary for business to diligently analyze and monitor elements that influence the operational dynamics of the company. Leaders become responsible for formulating strategies to conquer these obstacles effectively. Various approaches to Leadership provide unique tactics for coordinating an organization’s objectives with the dynamic external environment. Therefore, leadership approaches must be effectively analyzed. The paper will evaluate leadership theories and factors affecting organizations and explain how Leadership approaches can be strategically deployed to address specific factors influencing organizations.

Literature review

Several fundamental theories and concepts provide an understanding of the dynamics and impact of Leadership, which plays a vital role in organizational management. Some ideas and concepts in corporate governance are included here, all about Leadership.

Trait theory

According to trait theory, influential leaders are characterized by shared characteristics. Confidence, charm, and emotional intelligence are examples of such features (Cherry, 2022). Within an organization, trait theory can be utilized to identify potential leaders. Organizations can make better decisions about who to develop for leadership roles by evaluating the attributes of their personnel. Also, organizations can use trait theory as the foundation for their leadership development programs. These programs can concentrate on fostering and strengthening these attributes in aspiring and seasoned leaders.

Behavioral Theory

Behavioral theories emphasize the actions of leaders over their characteristics. Decuypere and Schaufeli (2019) believe that a person’s environment shapes their capacity for Leadership. Various learning styles support efficient management. Behavioral theory maintains that leaders are created and educated, and leadership attributes are determined by conduct. The Ohio State Studies and the University of Michigan Studies are essential ideas in this philosophy. Ohio State Studies recognized two crucial actions:task-oriented and relationship-oriented. (Rudolph and Zacher, 2019). Organizations may realize several leadership philosophies using behavioral theory, thus identifying which technique is most suited for particular tasks or situations by recognizing these styles.

Factors Influencing Organizations.

The business environment that organizations operate in today is dynamic and complicated, driven by various factors. For example, supply chains and marketplaces have grown dramatically due to globalization, requiring businesses to adjust to possibilities and competition worldwide. Technology is essential because it spurs quick innovation, automation, and digital transformation, which need constant adjustment to be competitive(Hannah et al., 2020). Talent management and customer bases are affected by changing demographics, such as an aging workforce and greater diversity. Companies must adapt to these changing demographics to provide inclusive work environments and satisfy consumer needs. According to Berkovich and Eyal (2019), international activities can be disrupted by trade policies and geopolitical events. One example of how unanticipated occurrences can interfere with business continuity is the COVID-19 pandemic. To succeed in the current business environment, businesses must constantly assess and adjust to these complex effects, exhibiting flexibility, resilience, and forward-thinking tactics.

Leadership approaches

Different leadership philosophies and styles are appropriate for tackling other organizational influencing variables. These are the guiding concepts and traits of four important leadership philosophies: Transformational LeadershipThrough common goals, transformational leaders enthuse and encourage their followers. According to Shields and Hesbol (2019), leaders foster creativity and individual development, which advances organizational change characteristics and thoughtful attention to detail (Uslu, 2019). For instance, by promoting an innovative and collaborative culture and encouraging staff members to welcome change, transformational Leadership can assist companies in adapting to global marketplaces in an increasingly interconnected world.

In Transactional Leadership: Transactional leaders strongly emphasize organized procedures and incentives for completing tasks. They employ a system of incentives and penalties and make clear what is expected of you(Changar and Atan, 2021). Essential traits include explicit expectations, exception management, and contingent reward. According to Abdelwahed and Shah (2022), transactional Leadership guarantees accountability and efficiency in a tech-driven setting. It can help oversee daily operations and ensure that new technology is applied as best.

In servant leadersthe growth and well-being of their team members come first. According to Gomez (2022), servant leaders promote a sense of empathy by helping and empowering others. Crucial attributes include listening, stewardship, and dedication to the development of others(Abbas et al., 2020). In light of shifting demographics, servant Leadership encourages inclusivity and diversity. It creates a peaceful and encouraging work environment by attending to the particular demands of a varied workforceIn adaptive Leadership, leaders tackle complex problems to bring about change(Iqbal et al., 2019). They promote education, experimentation, and the capacity to adjust to unpredictable circumstances. Crucial attributes include handling disagreement, encouraging change, and establishing a secure atmosphere for trial and error. According to Corriveau (2020), adaptive Leadership enables firms to traverse unforeseen disruptions during volatile political and economic flux efficiently. It encourages adaptability and resilience, making reacting quickly to outside forces possible.

Strategic Response to Globalization

Globalization presents numerous possibilities and challenges that different leadership philosophies can solve. In transformational Leadership, Motivating employees fosters innovation and adaptability(Yavuz, 2020). Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella transformed the company’s culture by emphasizing cloud services and artificial intelligence, which helped it prosper in the global I.T. market. Transactional Leadership strategy boosts efficiency throughout repetitious tasks (Cuervo‐Cazurra and Gaur, 2020). International companies need it for smooth operations. Walmart prioritizes supply chain management and logistics. In servant Leadership, leaders who prioritize their teams build strong, dedicated, and effective teams. Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard exemplifies this method with his committed and eco-conscious crew. Influential leaders may quickly adapt to changing global conditions. Albert Bourla led Pfizer in generating and distributing vaccinations fast during the COVID-19 pandemic (Noor, 2021). Effective Leadership in a worldwide society requires a fluid mix of techniques tailored to specific situations, challenges, and opportunities.

Strategic Response to Technological Change

Leading organizations via technical breakthroughs require Leadership. According to Wenzel, Stanske, and Lieberman (2020), successful leaders create a company vision, align it with technology’s prospects, and provide the direction needed to realize it. They foster creativity, flexibility, and learning. Under Steve Jobs, Apple’s iPhone and iPad revolutionized technology. Jobs’ innovation and vision guided Apple’s success and impacted the smartphone and tablet market. Elon Musk’s Tesla leadership shows how a visionary leader can promote innovation. Musk’s commitment to renewable energy and electric cars has propelled Tesla to the top of the automotive industry and sparked global interest in electric transportation (Thomas and Maine, 2019). Satya Nadella’s management style at Microsoft is flexible (Pal and Vanijja, 2020). His shift to cloud services and AI helped the company flourish in the tech market. These real-world leaders and their revolutionary effects on their firms and industries show that Leadership is vital for innovation and technological adaption.

Strategic Response to Demographic Shifts

To meet the shifting demographics of the workforce, which include a greater diversity of age, gender, ethnicity, and cultural background, leadership techniques are essential. According to Waldvogel et al. (2020), leaders may embrace inclusive leadership approaches and encourage diversity within their organizations to handle these changes effectively. Salesforce, led by CEO Marc Benioff, has undertaken several diversity and inclusion programs, including equal pay evaluations and raising the proportion of underrepresented groups in the organization. These initiatives enhanced the company’s reputation, fostering innovation and boosting employee satisfaction. Furthermore, under CEO Alan Jope’s direction, Unilever committed to increasing women’s participation in senior roles and promoting gender parity in management positions (Fithry and Utami, 2021). Organizations can gain from a fantastic range of perspectives, better decision-making, and enhanced innovation when leaders adopt inclusive leadership techniques, nurture diverse talent, and build an inclusive workplace.

Case Studies

Case Study 1: Google Servant Leadership: Sundar Pichai leads Google with servant Leadership. Pichai leads with humility and empathy, focusing on employee well-being. According to Eva et al. (2019), google’s inclusive and collaborative culture encourages innovation and employee pleasure, supporting this goal. Google’s ability to attract great talent and maintain a creative, inclusive culture is a testament to servant Leadership’s impact on corporate culture.

Case Study 2: Amazon Adaptive Leadership: Amazon’s Jeff Bezos leads adaptively. Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is known for taking calculated risks and changing course. Amazon has expanded from a small online bookstore to a global powerhouse in digital content streaming, cloud computing, and e-commerce under his Leadership (Kovalenko and Kovalenko, 2020). Amazon’s growth and transformation are due to Bezos’s flexibility, focus on long-term expansion, and willingness to invest in innovation (Fisher et al., 2019). These cases show how leadership concepts are used in practical ways. These firms have used transformational, servant, or adaptable Leadership to address influencing factors and achieve great results in the dynamic corporate environment.

Challenges and Limitations

External disruptions, leadership styles incompatible with the company culture, and reluctance to change can all hinder leadership approaches to influencing factors. Resistance is decreased by staff participation and effective communication (Soelton, 2023). To prevent isolation, leaders need to adapt their personality to the values and culture of their companies. Training and development for leaders can be beneficial. For exogenous shocks, adaptability and risk assessment are essential. According to Wu et al. (2021), we can determine that agile leadership and strategy revision are necessary to balance long-term objectives and immediate roadblocks. Understanding the organization, its members, and the dynamic external environment are all essential for effective Leadership.

Recommendations and Conclusion.

The report’s key conclusions emphasize how leadership methods have a transformative effect on businesses. While servant Leadership promotes inclusivity and well-being, transformational Leadership encourages creativity and change, and adaptive Leadership allows for flexibility in the face of outside challenges. Recommendations include encouraging servant Leadership to ensure each worker feels empowered and worthy. To promote creativity: Adopt transformational Leadership and boost adaptability by creating an adaptable leadership strategy that encourages a proactive, flexible mindset, enabling leaders to handle unforeseen obstacles. Organizations may adapt to influencing forces and foster resilience, innovation, and long-term success by strategically incorporating these leadership methods.


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